I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 121 "As a conductor, don't you even have the authority to open the trunk?"

Chapter 121 "As a conductor, don't you even have the authority to open the trunk?"

“It’s so fucked up”

Dr. Gou breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't dare to waste any more time and hurriedly jumped on the stone pillar in front of him and ran towards the cliff on the opposite side. To be honest, he never thought that he would be so unlucky as to be invited to the Hell Bus event twice in a row. .

With this probability, winning the federal jackpot is easy.

What's even more unfortunate is that this time, everyone who was invited to the Hell Bus chose to agree. They were all awesome and big-hearted!

Each stone pillar is one meter apart. After some false stone pillars were destroyed, the distance between some stone pillars reached two meters or even three meters. But even so, for some senior extraordinary people, it is still possible to cross, which is the worst. It is also easy to get through with the help of skills or props.

At their level, their physical fitness is already very high, and their control over their bodies is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Chen Miao, who was sitting alone in the bus, looked at Doctor Gou and others who were jumping on the stone pillars not far away. He remained silent and did not speak. Extraordinaries with the gunman profession would have better eyesight than ordinary extraordinary persons with other professions.

The Gunner profession has an F-level basic skill "Eagle Eye" that can be learned.

It's a passive skill that can increase sight range and vision. It's a pretty good skill.

This is a passive skill, and its proficiency will continue to increase.

Logically speaking, the level of skill proficiency is level 3. It will take about a day or two for the skill proficiency to reach level 3. After each level, the effect of this skill will become stronger.

Active skills need to be used continuously to increase their proficiency, while passive skills only need to wait for the passage of time to increase their proficiency, and they will level up on their own.

It is worth mentioning that.

Not long ago, his faction "Gravekeepers" gained a faction effect.

"Acquire power effect: absolute concentration (S level)."

"All members of your force will organically enter a state of extreme concentration when doing one thing continuously for more than 30 minutes. In this state, the members of your force will enter a state similar to enlightenment. If you are using skills, the skill proficiency will be greatly increased, and the skill proficiency of all members of your force will have no upper limit."

The effect of this force is very buggy. The first one is mainly for the use of active skills and other situations. The important thing is the last point. The skill proficiency of all members of the force will have no upper limit.

This is equivalent to opening a group cheat.

Under the effect of this force, his passive skill "Eagle Eye" has reached level 7.

His eyesight is much better than that of most players. At the first stop, "Mi Paradise", everyone's visibility was very low due to the fog, but he saw a lot of things.

He saw the wolf dog, rushed into the deepest part of the fog, and got a colorful treasure box.

And he met the hungry monkey who also rushed there. After using his speed to get rid of the hungry monkey, he opened a large number of red treasure chests in the depths again and then returned to the bus. It can be said that if who gained the most in the first level, it must be This dog is gone.

No one else.

Others couldn't see this scene, but he could. He was really curious about what was in the colorful treasure box. The colorful treasure box was a level 6 treasure box, the highest level, and there was only one of them.

Because he didn't understand the surroundings, he didn't go too deep and only opened some low-level treasure chests. The highest level was level 4, and he opened one.

A "Tower Defense Building Drawing" exclusive to the hidden profession "Tower Defense Master" was released——

D-class blueprint "Self-Defense Sentinel".

It is very suitable for Yuan Buping. Although Yuan Buping did not come, I did not expect to be able to drive something exclusive for Yuan Buping. This is also Yuan Buping's fate.

You can see the D-level blueprints in a level 4 treasure chest. It’s not too much to open a B-level item in a level 6 treasure chest, right?

Chen Miao narrowed his eyes and did not speak. He suddenly thought of something and got up and walked towards the bus. He walked straight to the trunk. Didn't everyone's harvest be temporarily stored in the trunk of the bus? As the conductor of the bus, he It should be a right to open a trunk, right?


"Alas."    Chen Miao sighed helplessly, looking at the back compartment in front of him that couldn't be opened no matter how hard it was, he felt helpless for a moment: "I don't know how to steal, I'm just curious to see. What's there to be afraid of?"

"As a conductor, don't you even have the authority to open the trunk?"

"This conductor has no power at all."

at this time--

He suddenly felt a chill coming down his back. He turned around and saw a beautiful woman appearing behind him, holding a fat man in her arms. She was staring at him with a calm tone. It's light and airy.

"Excuse me, is this bus No. 119?"

Chen Miao looked at the somewhat intrusive group in front of him, and instantly realized that these were probably the uninvited guests. It was also one of his main responsibilities as a conductor, to collect fares from these people.


Chen Miao shook his head firmly: "This is Route 118. Route 119 is at the back. It will arrive in 10 minutes. I'll wait here for a while."

It's too troublesome to ask for fares, so the truth is to simply prevent these guests from getting on the bus.

And this pair seems to be quite easy to talk to.

"No, isn't it?"

The body of this beautiful woman suddenly began to rot, and the brain of the big fat boy in her arms also began to corrode. She approached Chen Miao with an increasingly shrill voice, and said with a ferocious look: "But it clearly says... Bus No. 119!”

"You lied to me!!!"

The next second—

"Thumbs up!!!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Miao immediately took out a Thompson submachine gun, put the muzzle of the gun into the mouth of the beautiful woman who was already walking in front of him, and pulled the trigger. At the same time, 2 bullets were inserted into the head of this beautiful woman. , the world became purified.

There was no more shrill sound.

There was just a puddle of minced meat on the ground.

"Really are"

Chen Miao looked down at the blood splattered on her body, and said with some dissatisfaction: "I already said it was not the case, but I still insist on getting in the car. I'm so annoyed. Can't I wait a little longer? Are you in a hurry to reincarnate? "


A piercing scream echoed through a pile of blood on the ground.

I saw a big fat boy covered in rot crawling out of the flesh and blood.

"I almost forgot about you."

The gunfire rang out again, and after the shuttle went down again, the world was completely clean, and the pool of flesh and blood on the ground became even richer.

He simply didn't return to the bus, but stood outside the bus, lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth and started puffing away. Suddenly something occurred to him and he turned his head and looked at the pool of flesh and blood beside him. The mother and son might really be in a hurry. Reincarnation.

After all, isn’t the destination of this bus the destination of hell?

(End of this chapter)

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