I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 122 The first collective action of the tombkeeper forces!

Chapter 122 The first collective action of the "Gravekeepers" force!


Chen Miao's expression suddenly became strange. The number of this fixed event is 128, and the event name is Hell Bus. This bus can't really exist, can it? The mission is to drag people who died tragically on earth to reincarnate?

So far, these uninvited guests have not made him feel any offensive.

Basically everyone will die as soon as the shuttle goes down.

In my wild thoughts, almost 7 minutes have passed, but the situation seems to be going a bit unfavorably. Doctor Gou and the others have just arrived at the finish line and are preparing to return.

Although it is definitely easier when you come here than when you go, after all, you have experienced it again, and some mechanisms have been eliminated.

But returning within 3 minutes is still quite stressful.

It is estimated that some people will not be able to get on the bus.

And at this moment——

A voice came to my ears again.

"Hello, is this the 119 bus?"

This time, the voice sounded much calmer.

He was leaning on the bus and smoking a cigarette, looking at Doctor Gou and others running desperately in the distance. Hearing a voice next to his ear, he subconsciously looked back and saw a man wearing a tattered suit and carrying a briefcase. Shi Zheng stared at him with bloody eyes.


After Chen Miao hesitated for a moment, he finally said, "Yes, but you have to pay the fare first before you can get on the bus."

In fact, he had no idea how much the fare was, nor how to collect it, nor the payment code given to him. It was just that the conductor's panel said that fares would be charged to these people on a per-person basis. If these people did not Pay the fare, and when the train reaches the terminal, he will die.

But since the panel said so, he asked the question to see how the other party responded. At the same time, he had already held the Thompson submachine gun in his hand, ready to fire at any time.

Ever since he got out of the car, he had always carried his Thompson in his hand, never stuffed it back into his backpack, and could fire at any moment.


A trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of this middle-aged man with bloody eyes, and then he suddenly looked ferocious and growled: "That damn woman, she betrayed me. I have been married to her for eleven years, and she has given birth to four children. A child!"

"Three of them are not mine!!"

"This bitch!"

The middle-aged man roared so hard that Chen Miao was startled. He almost lost his body and trembled before pulling the trigger. After all, he was in a state of high tension. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with slight palpitations, and then spoke to comfort him out of habit. .

"Be more open-minded. At least there is one more person who is you."

"The remaining one belongs to my dad!"


Chen Miao fell into silence with an expressionless face. After a long time, he spoke again: "Be more open-minded. Your father's is your father's. At least you are dead now, and your family still has an heir."

"That's my stepdad!"


He sighed softly and rubbed his temples with a slight headache: "So do you have fare?"


"As long as you help me kill that bitch man and that bitch, I will give you the fare!"

The moment the words fell!

A panel popped up in front of Chen Miao. "Ding, congratulations on triggering the hidden mission and killing the heartless person who ignores secular ethics."

"Mission content: Kill the bitch and the dog man in reality before the vehicle reaches the terminal."

"Mission reward: Obtain the fare from the man, the D-class taboo 'Sweetheart's Madness', the fare belongs to the player."

"And you will gain permission to communicate with the outside world."

Looking at the pop-up panel in front of him, Chen Miao was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that this was the fare. The fare was not cheap. The D-class taboo 'Sweetheart's Madness', although I didn't know the effect, it was still very good. It's heartwarming.

But this mission is obviously a trap.

Chen Miao, who quickly reacted, looked a little ugly. This bus had only made 11 stops in total before reaching the terminal. It was now at its second stop. Each stop was for 10 minutes, and the time between each stop was The journey takes about half an hour.

It only takes a few hours in total.

In the past few hours, it has been difficult to find this couple in reality, let alone kill them. What's more, he is still in the incident and has not gone out at all. He only has permission to communicate with the outside world, which is this mission. It can only be entrusted to outsiders.

The Federation is too big.

If the distance is too far, this task will definitely not be completed!

Almost certain death!

It’s just that he has no chance to regret it now. He automatically accepted this hidden mission the moment it was triggered. Now it’s too late for him to kill this man and ruin the mission. This man’s body has already glowed with a golden light, and his whole body is full of hostility. It also seems to have dissipated a lot.

The statement in the panel is that the man is in an invulnerable state until the mission is completed.

While he was thinking that being invulnerable didn't mean that he couldn't throw this man off the bus, he tentatively asked, "Do you have the detailed information and specific location of that couple?"

After all, he was still very excited about the mission reward.

If the distance is not far, he can still entrust someone to do it.

Although this middle-aged man carrying a business bag has lost a lot of his aggressiveness, his bloody appearance still looks extremely permeable, and his voice carries the ultimate resentment every word.

"In Fengtian City, Huacheng Road, Beicheng District, Fengtian City, Unit 2, Building 1804, Tianmei Community, Room ."

"That's my house. That couple of bitches should have moved into my house after killing me."

"The man's name is Zhang Tianlin, and that bitch's name is Liu Meijia."

"They buried my body in Sankui Wasteland! I won't die in peace!"

"Fengtian City?"

Chen Miao was stunned for a moment and then couldn't help but grin. He might not be able to do it in other places, but in Fengtian City, his words are definitely very effective. Isn't it easy to kill a dog and a man?

After obtaining communication permission with the outside world.

He received a lot of messages at once, many of them from Yuan Buping and Zhou Shen. Obviously his sudden disappearance caused a lot of worry to these people, but he had no time to reply to this at this time.

Immediately, all the information about this couple was sent to the "Gravekeeper" power chat channel.

Then he spoke in a hurried voice.

"I was involved in the fixed incident numbered 128 called the Hell Bus. I was lucky enough to gain permission to communicate with the outside world. Please collect as much information about this fixed incident as possible and give it to me!"

"And announce the first collective action of the "Gravekeeper" force! "

"Everyone, no matter what means they use, must find this couple of bitches within an hour and kill them!"

"No mistakes!"

"The sooner the better!!"

(End of this chapter)

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