I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 123 "This is called Yan Guo Wuhen, killing people and leaving a name."

Chapter 123 "This is called Yan Guo Wuhen, killing people and leaving a name."

After doing all this, Chen Miao breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said with a smile, "Get in the car first. I have arranged for someone to do it. There should be good news soon."

With Zhou Shen and Yuan unequaled strength, it was easy to kill two people in Fengtian City.

There is no difficulty.

What's more, he doesn't sound like an extraordinary person, just an ordinary person who has lost his ethics and morals.

"Fortunately, you are from Fengtian City. It would be difficult to change the city."

"I must be from Fengtian City."

The middle-aged man in front of him had obviously lost a lot of memory and was not very rational, but the remaining memory still made him say: "Isn't this bus leaving from Fengtian City? I want to take this bus to go to hell and be reincarnated. I'm not from Fengtian, how could I wait for this bus?"


Chen Miao was suddenly stunned for a moment. She subconsciously felt as if she had captured some key information. She walked around the back of the bus and looked at the license plate number of the bus.


I didn't pay much attention at first, but after what this middle-aged man said, it meant that the main mission of this bus was to pick up the souls of the dead who had died unjustly in Fengtian City in recent days to be reincarnated in hell?

Depart from Fengtian City.

Then the guests on the road must be the souls of those who died unjustly near Fengtian City?

The initial station picks up the dead souls, and the following cities like Broken Jar City, Jingjiu City, and other cities pick up extraordinary players like them? In other words, as long as there are uninvited guests, they must be the dead souls of Fengtian City?

if it is like this.

A fanatical thought flashed through Chen Miao's mind. As long as Yuan Buhe did his job well and he picked up every guest, wouldn't he be able to get a large number of ticket rewards?

After all, no matter what grievances were committed, how could he resolve the injustice in Fengtian?

His throat rolled slightly, he glanced at the emotional replies from Zhou Shen and others on the power channel, and sent another one.

"Focus on investigating the relevant information about the Hell Bus conductor, find out what the surviving conductors did in the incident, and kill the couple as soon as possible, the sooner the better!"

At this time, in Fengtian City, Zhou Shen and his group gathered at the Eternal Cemetery were pumping their fists in high spirits, but there was deep worry in everyone's eyes.

Good news, Brother Miao is not dead.

Bad news, Brother Miao is in fixed event No. 128.


After Zhou Shen took a deep breath, he spoke very quickly: "Don't worry too much, everyone. Although the number is relatively high, I checked and found that this fixed event increases with the number of people, with a maximum of 18 people. .”

"As long as the bus is not full, there is a chance of survival. There is no certain death situation. Brother Miao will definitely survive with his strength."

"The most important thing for us now is to find the couple as soon as possible. According to Brother Miao's urgency, he should have received a certain task during a fixed event. This task requires killing people from the outside world and cannot be completed within a certain time. Something may happen to Brother Miao."

"I have entrusted my former subordinates to investigate, and I will get specific information soon."

He is the only one among this group of people who has experienced fixed events. He understands the horror and powerlessness of fixed events better than anyone here.

How do you describe that feeling of powerlessness?

There will be a feeling that you will die like this if you don't resist. Although you can live for a while longer if you resist, the psychological pressure it brings makes you easily unable to think about it. If you think about just dying like this, you will feel uncomfortable for a while anyway. When you die, it's all over.

He also gave up on himself in this way. At the last moment of his life, he thought of his wife, and suddenly his eyes became clear and he got up again. Although he survived in the end, he was still left with injuries that could not be healed for a lifetime, and he was haunted all the time. It's torturing him.

The number of that incident was only Wilderness Train 389.

The smaller the number, the higher the difficulty.

Hell Bus No. 128 is estimated to be many times more difficult than him!

It has to be said that Hungry Monkey and others are very efficient.

Under the leadership of Hungry Monkey, everyone in the "Tomb Keeper" force stormed into Unit 2, Unit 1804, Building , Tianmei Community located on Huacheng Road, Fengtian City, in broad daylight.

While prying open the security door!

I saw an old man holding a kitchen knife and a young woman wearing sexy pajamas.

After confirming that the identities of these two people were who Brother Miao said.

Without the slightest hesitation.

In order to avoid suspicion, Zhou Shen did not follow him upstairs. The hungry monkey raised the knife and dropped one in each hand. At Yuan Buping's suggestion, he also took a video of the killing of the two people and the scene of the two people kneeling to beg for mercy. Posted in the power chat channel.

"You have to be a professional."

The hungry monkey looked at Yuan Buping with emotion: "I never thought of this."

Yuan Buping scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled: "I used to watch killer movies. After the killer killed someone, he had to take away the head or take a video. Otherwise, how would the employer know that he had killed someone?"

"This is called Yan Guo Wuhen, killing people and leaving a name."


The whole process takes less than 20 minutes. 18 minutes of it were delayed on the road. It originally took nearly an hour to get from Eternal Cemetery to Fengtian City, and then it took another 20 minutes to drive to the destination. The whole process took at least an hour and a half.

But it only took them 20 minutes.

The reason is crazy.

Zhou Shen directly dispatched a bunch of police cars to block the road ahead with sirens blaring. They stepped on the accelerator to the limit without any obstruction. While the police cars were driving the road, they were constantly dispatching to block the road in front of the road, prohibiting everyone from passing!

Ignore any traffic lights.

Even the toll booths that blocked the road and delayed time were violently demolished!

The level of craziness made Hungry Monkey feel that Zhou Shen was not going to do it tomorrow. It could be said that he watched helplessly how arrogant Zhou Shen was today. He kept making phone calls and mobilized almost all his connections and strength in order to arrive as quickly as possible. Taitianmei Community!

Including the demolition of the toll station, there was no warrant, and he directly asked his cronies to violently demolish it and left his business card.

The incident bureau handles matters. If you have any questions, ask your leader to come to me.


Hungry Monkey, who finally completed his goal with super efficiency within 20 minutes, breathed a sigh of relief, lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth. He walked to the balcony of the living room and looked at Zhou Shen who was still on the phone downstairs. He couldn't help but feel a little slightly. He clicked his tongue in admiration and said, "Damn it, did Brother Miao fill this guy with some kind of ecstasy?"

"Can this guy still be the deputy director tomorrow? Let alone the deputy director, I'm afraid he will have to stay there for a few years."

Fengtian City has its own rules.

Even if you play a little arrogantly, it's normal, but at least you have to abide by the rules on the surface and not be so unscrupulous. No matter how awesome you are, there will always be someone above you who can suppress you.

Zhou Shen, who was pacing downstairs, had the madness of a gambler flashing in his eyes.

Only he knew why he was so arrogant today.

He doesn't need to think about the consequences of what happened today, nor does he need to worry about what the future will bring. In everyone's eyes, he is crazy, but only he knows that he has no choice.

The entire Fengtian Municipal Government team knew that he and Chen Miao were very close, and had even joined Chen Miao's group as a tombkeeper.

What Brother Miao entered was a fixed event numbered 128.

He knew how low the survival rate was for an incident with number 128 so high. What's more, before they set off, Brother Miao told them that it was a hell bus full of 18 people. There had never been a survival record before!

If Brother Miao dies, he will definitely not be able to sit in this position and will be squeezed out the next day. He relied on Brother Miao to get to the position, and his future status is tied to Brother Miao!

Brother Miao is dead. Even if he keeps a low profile today, he will have to step down tomorrow.

If Brother Miao hadn’t died!

A level 14 gunman managed to come back alive from a hell bus full of people that was % certain to die. What does this mean? Does it need to be said? Does the Fengtian Municipal Government team not know what this means?

This means that no matter how arrogant he is today, there will be a lot of people coming to wipe his ass!

As long as Brother Miao doesn't fall, he won't fall!

If you want to understand this, you will know why he is so arrogant today. None of this is important. He has already told the Fengtian Municipal Government team that Brother Miao is now in a hell bus full of 18 people. Everything he has done is Serve Brother Miao.

No one will stop him today.

But this does not mean that he is allowed to do so by default.

If Brother Miao comes out alive, everything will be fine. If Brother Miao dies inside, he will have to stay there for more than ten years because of what happened today.

At this time, in the 128 fixed event.

Before the end of 10 minutes, everyone returned safely, no one was left behind, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Until now, they have only lost one person.

If they can keep this up, maybe they can really pass the level.

And when they got on the bus, they saw a man carrying a briefcase with bloody eyes sitting in the back seat. They were stunned for a moment, then quickly looked away, and subconsciously looked at Chen Miao.

After all, Chen Miao was the conductor, so Chen Miao must have given permission for this guest to get on the bus.

But seeing that Chen Miao had no intention of explaining, they didn't ask any more questions.

About seventeen or eight minutes later, the bus was still running and still hadn't arrived at the third stop. Chen Miao suddenly opened his eyes and laughed, with a trace of surprise flashing in his eyes.

He didn't expect Hungry Monkey and others to work so efficiently. Only 20 minutes had passed.

The task has been successfully completed.

And it was done so beautifully. He was just about to show the video to the middle-aged man in the back seat, when he saw the middle-aged man seemed to already know about it, smiled and nodded to him, and all the anger in his body instantly disappeared. Dissipated, and then sat quietly in his seat, with a smile on his lips that looked very satisfied.

At the same time, a panel popped up in front of him.

"Ding, congratulations on getting a fare from a man, the D-class taboo 'Sweetheart's Madness'."


Seeing the panel in front of him, Chen Miao suddenly grinned. Then, with everyone watching in confusion, he walked to the door at the waist of the bus, opened the door manually, and hung half of his body outside the bus.

He spoke in a high-spirited voice.

"Is there anyone left on the 119 bus from Fengtian City to Hell? Hurry up!"

"Stop with a wave of your hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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