I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 124 Don’t go into that dark night gently.

Chapter 124 Don’t go into that dark night gently.

Chen Miao's sudden voice caused all the other players in the bus to freeze in place with confused faces. Everyone looked at the open bus door in horror.

Along with driving at high speed, a large amount of cold wind blew in.

On everyone's mind.

In this weird place, only sitting in the bus can give them a sense of security. At this time, the door is wide open, and who knows what they will encounter in the next second.

Only Chen Miao continued to look at the empty road with interest and roared loudly.

"The 119 bus from Fengtian City to Hell is the last one, and there are no cars behind it!"

"There's still room in the car!"

"Some are getting on the bus soon!"

Then he licked the corner of his mouth with unfulfilled interest. At this time, he slightly regretted sending the mother and son ghosts away in the first place. If he had known better, he would have taken action later. The main reason was that the mother and son ghosts were too excited, and he accidentally pulled the trigger. Then he sent them away.

This shuttle sent away something he hated!

Although he didn't know what the effect of this D-level taboo "Sweetheart's Madness" was, since it was a D-level item, it must be a good thing. He had been thinking about Sangbiao's D-level taboo.

"Little brother"

Under the eyes of everyone, the man wearing a raincoat in Lambei City said with a numb scalp: "Why don't we close the door first? This is an 18-person hell bus with a % mortality rate, so it's better to be cautious. "

"We are absolutely safe in the bus, but no one knows what we will encounter along the way. If something gets in, it will be a disaster."


The man thought about his words and then continued: "The conductor is just an identity. Don't take it too seriously. It's not a good thing to have too many of these cute and random things in the car."

He originally wanted to talk about these messy things, but there is such a messy thing sitting in the back of the car. If there is something wrong with him, and he offends the person behind him, and makes the person behind him suddenly go crazy, then they will be able to stop him. I can bear it.

Who asked him to communicate with Chen Miao the most? He was the only one who could speak this way at this time. If he had never spoken so gently before, he couldn't stand it when he saw Chen Miao coming in the first level of Mi Paradise. Shuttle, he wouldn't dare to talk to Chen Miao so unscrupulously.


Chen Miao looked back at the man and said with a smile: "The panel just told me that the more uninvited guests in the car, the less danger we will encounter in the future."

The corner of the man's mouth twitched slightly and he didn't speak. He was 80% sure that what Chen Miao said was nonsense, but he didn't dare to question it. He now began to suspect that what Chen Miao said about his last panel was also nonsense.

And just now——

At some point at the end of the road, a woman standing there without a head and waving her hands suddenly appeared.

"Here it is, here it is!"

"Driver stop!"

Chen Miao, who stuck his head out of the car door, his eyes lit up when he saw this, and immediately signaled the driver to stop. Then he stood at the car door and looked at the headless woman in front of the bus: "Fengtian City is going to hell, right?"

"This is the last trip. If you don't sit in the back, there will be no train."

"Is there any fare?"

The woman had no head, and a wound as big as a bowl on her neck. The blood inside had turned into paste and looked extremely disgusting. Naturally, she couldn't speak. She just waved her hands in the air for a long time, as if she was talking in sign language, but It was obvious that Chen Miao could not understand what the woman wanted to express at all.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand.

The panel will tell her.

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the hidden mission and killing the murderer." "Task content: Kill the murderer in reality before the vehicle reaches the terminal."

"Task reward: Get fare from a woman, E-level random item treasure chest."

It's only E-level

Chen Miao muttered slightly and looked at the headless woman in front of him with some dissatisfaction. She was so poor and wanted to take a bus to reincarnate. He didn't want to accept this order. Now he had a big appetite.

The E-level random item treasure chest has become a bit too much for him.

But mosquito legs are also meat, so he still accepted the order. This was just his psychological activity. After all, hidden tasks were popping up, so there was no chance of rejection.

At this time, the woman took out a piece of brown paper from her arms and handed it to him.

It records the woman's cause of death and wrongdoing, as well as the specific address of the murderer.

She was a young girl who came home early in the morning after dance practice at night. When passing by a dark alley, she gave some food to a homeless man who was still working hard in the middle of the night. However, perhaps when she squatted down and bent over, she suddenly had a romantic moment because the neckline was too low. vent.

Make the homeless man suddenly hungry.

The tramp, who had not eaten women for several years, impulsively threw the young girl to the ground and ruined her. Then he cut off the woman's head and threw it into the sewer, and then ran away.

The home address is the area where the homeless man often moves, as well as his general appearance and body shape.


After reading the kraft paper, Chen Miao looked at the slender but brainless woman in front of him with a complex expression and sighed: "What did you say? Don't walk into that dark night gently."

"As a girl, you should stay away from dark alleys in the early morning. The other side of human nature will be infinitely magnified in the darkness without people, let alone such a desperate person."

He never gives alms to homeless people.

Because he firmly believes that a homeless man cannot become rich with more money than he has.

But if I take two less coins, I may have to reduce my next meal.

This world is too chaotic, take care of yourself first.


Chen Miao waved his hand, indicating that the woman could get on the bus: "Find a seat and sit down. Be careful when you are reincarnated in the next life. See if I can take a back door for you to be reincarnated as a tramp. You can also ruin others. This is also considered cause and effect. It’s a cycle of retribution.”

The door closed slowly.

The bus is moving again.

We haven't reached the third stop yet, but the bus still stopped midway. As he guessed, the main mission of this bus is to pick up the souls who died unjustly in the world and have yet to go to hell. They are just incidental.

That's why the bus stopped.

Without delay, he immediately posted the murderer's information on the power channel. This trip was also a test of the power of the "Tomb Keeper" and a consideration for everyone in the Hungry Monkey Yuan Buyi.

If everything goes well this time, their tacit understanding will reach a new level.

This force can be regarded as a truly capable existence.

Sometimes, it doesn't really matter whether you are strong or not. Being able to do things is really useful.

(End of this chapter)

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