I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 125 In ancient times, you are definitely the hero!

Chapter 125 In ancient times, you are definitely the hero!

The headless woman took a look around after getting on the bus. She didn't know how the woman could get sight without her head, but it was obvious that the woman standing there found that all the seats in the bus were full.

No seats at all.

Originally there were only 18 seats, but there was one less hungry monkey and one player, but there were more guests like Chen Miao and the poor green turtle, so all 18 seats in the car were occupied, and there were no extra seats at all.

Finally, the headless woman walked slowly to Lao Lao's side and reached out to grab the back of his chair. It seemed that she was ready to stand all the way to her destination.


The stiff old lamb stayed there for a long time with a slightly pale face. After all, he still couldn't control it. He glanced at the headless woman standing next to him from the corner of his eye. His tense nerves were released in an instant. He stood up and said hoarsely with an ugly face. : "Sister, it's still a long way to go, you sit down first, I'll just stand."

The headless woman kept shaking her hands in the air, as if to say there was no need to give up her seat.

However, Lao Lao didn't dare to stay. He just stood up and said with a trembling cry in his voice: "It's okay, sister, you can sit down. There are still several stations to hell from here. I don't have to sit. I won't survive for more than a few stations. Let's keep going like this." .”

"Maybe Gaiming will have to reincarnate."


The headless woman didn't give in anymore, she just sat down and made a heart gesture with her hands in the air, as if to say thank you.

"Work, work!!"

After seeing the news from the group, the hungry monkey who was disposing of the corpses in Tianmei Community immediately put down the corpse in his hands, picked up the attack and rushed downstairs to the unit. He looked at Zhou Shen who was still pacing there: "Let's go, stay stunned. What are you doing!"

"The car is ready."

Zhou Shen walked forward in a hurried tone: "The road to the destination has been completely sealed. That is the boundary of the Xisan Law Enforcement Bureau. I have asked the brothers to find all the homeless people in that area. My suggestion is Kill them all.”

“This saves the most time!”

"Anyway, a group of homeless people, no one cares about them at all, their death is in vain."


When Hungry Monkey, who was striding behind him, heard these words, his mouth widened slightly, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. Looking at Zhou Shen's back, he felt as if he had truly known Zhou Shen for the first time.

Brother, are you so cruel?

If this were the case in ancient times, Old Man Yi would definitely be that hero!

It's an honor for Brother Miao to have people like you doing things for him. Who can do things as efficiently as you? Just do it and see who can do it better than you!

But before he could express any opinions, Zhou Shen glanced at his watch and said urgently again: "The person has been found. He is a man who is almost sixty years old. It completely matches the information given by Brother Miao, and this case is in case."

"On record? Hasn't it been solved for so long?"


Zhou Shen shook his head: "The crime was in the notebooks of some people below. The victim was an orphan and had no relatives. No one reported the crime at all. When the people below discovered that the murder case included the suspect and the body, no one was seen. Once the case is filed, I don’t care about it, I just write it down in a small book.”

"Just ignore it if no one files a case? Isn't it possible to prosecute?"

"The Xisan Law Enforcement Bureau has a rigid standard for solving cases every year. The solving rate for this kind of homicide must be as high as 80%. However, many cases cannot be solved due to various reasons. At this time, these cases that no one reports will be overturned. Come out, open a case and solve it in one day and then prosecute, which can effectively increase the detection rate."    "But if it is above 80%, there is no additional reward, so people below generally will get stuck and save some murder cases that have not been filed but have solid evidence until next year. , leaving an insurance policy for next year.”


Hungry Monkey paused expressionlessly for a moment before saying quietly: "Thankfully, I used to think your law enforcement bureau was really just, but now I feel like they are all a bunch of beasts. How can you suppress such a thing and pretend you don't know about it? As a person, What about justice for law enforcement officers?”

"Everyone has to eat, and the crime detection rate is related to the bonuses of the people below. I couldn't understand this before, and I never got used to these people's tricks. Then I was tripped up by people everywhere. Until these few years, I I started pretending not to see it, and then I started to get better."

"Given a choice, everyone hopes to be righteous."

"But life never gives you a multiple-choice question."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Zhou Shen stopped and posted a video sent by his old subordinate to the "Gravekeeper" chat channel.

"Brother Miao, he has been successfully killed. I also told you to tell him immediately that we will do it as soon as possible. Please pay more attention to your safety inside."

"Is it so efficient?"

Chen Miao had just closed the car door and received a notification that the hidden task had been completed within a few minutes. A flash of surprise flashed in Chen Miao's eyes, and he scratched the back of his head and began to reflect on whether his usual methods of solving problems were too rough and did not give the hungry monkey a clue. Waiting for others to have room to play.

The efficiency of these people was much higher than he imagined.

Even if he was outside now, there was absolutely no way he could get this done within five minutes, let alone within five minutes. He wouldn't even be able to find the homeless man there within five minutes.

He didn't think about it anymore, but continued to lie at the door of the bus, looking at the empty road and shouting hard.

At this time, Chen Miao seemed to have completely transformed into a qualified conductor, shouting harder and harder. Facts have proved that doing business is really simple. Basically, you only need to follow one rule. Whoever shouts louder can have more. client.

On the way from the first stop to the second stop, not a single customer got on the bus.

But on the way from the second stop to the third stop, under his unremitting insistence and hard work, when the bus stopped at the third stop, four guests, including the headless woman, had already boarded the bus.

The bus stopped at the third stop. All the other players got off. Chen Miao was the only one sitting on the bus. She looked at the remaining three new guests with an uncontrollable smile on her face, nodding and smiling. Signal.

This scene does look a bit creepy.

The fare for these three people is quite a lot.

One of the people's fare is a D-level firearm skin. He can't use it, but he can reward it to the person who works the hardest among the tombkeepers after he goes back. For the following people, this is a rare thing. Good baby.

There are also strengthening stones*100. This fare is also very powerful. The cause of this person's death is worth mentioning. He was angry to death.

Roughly speaking, this person is strengthening his professional weapons from +8 to +9. Strengthening at this stage requires many strengthening stones and a lot of resources, but the success rate is only a pitiful 5%.

(End of this chapter)

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