I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 128 "The fragments of the Nightmare King! The command to liberate the world!"

Chapter 128 "The fragments of the Nightmare King! The command to liberate the world!"

As for the Thompson submachine gun, an E-class weapon specially designed for gunners, it is not worth much.

Chen Miao not only invited him to join the "Grave Keeper" force some time ago to enjoy the S-level influence of the Grave Keeper, but also gave him 50 credit points. Now he is giving him this taboo that perfectly suits him.

He didn't know how to repay such a great favor.

Originally, he could still befriend Chen Miao as an elder, but now he can't call Chen Miao out no matter what. There are just too many people to pick on Chen Miao.

"Now, start imagining the most uncomfortable moment of your life."

From Chen Miao's perspective, Dr. Gou's eyes were tightly closed at this time, with veins popping out on his forehead. His face was slightly ferocious, but his eyes were closed from beginning to end. He was sitting beside him like a curious baby. While observing.

On the phone, Zhang Liu lowered his voice and said slightly hastily: "Quick, Brother Miao, think of a keyword for him. This keyword is used to make him feel this kind of emotion quickly."

"Me? Don't you let him think for himself?"

"His brain has now entered a deep sleep mode, and he does not respond to normal conversations. The keywords should be as complex as possible to avoid accidentally triggering this keyword when talking."

"Wait a minute, let me think about it."

Chen Miao hesitated for a moment, and then said seriously: "The keyword is set to -"

"Fragments of the Nightmare King! The command to liberate the world!"

"The frozen black blade of nothingness, combine with my power and my body!"

"Let's march towards destruction together and destroy the souls of the gods together!"

"How about this? A total of fifty or sixty words should be able to avoid accidentally triggering it when talking, right?"


In the picture, Zhang Liu was expressionless and silent, as if he wanted to express some opinion but couldn't say it directly due to Chen Miao's power. After a while, he still followed the process, and his voice was magnetic and slow.

"Doctor Gou."

"Remember your current emotions. When you say "King of Nightmares.", you will instantly enter your current emotional state. "

that's it.

Zhang Liu said this sentence several times, and it still didn't end until his player came down from the ring.

Upon seeing this, Chen Miao glanced at her watch, frowned slightly and stepped off the bus. She put her fingers between her mouth and made a silent gesture, indicating that she should wait at the door of the bus for a while and not be anxious.

I glanced at this group of people.

Two men died in the ring and did not come down.

There were originally 18 players, one died in the front, and now two more died, leaving only 15 players.

Perhaps it was Chen Miao's firepower that made these people aware of Chen Miao's strength. After looking at their watches, they were not in a hurry, but waited patiently in front of the bus without saying a word.

There is still more than a minute before the bus leaves.

They were not in a hurry, there was nothing wrong with trying to save Chen Miao's face, but if there were still five seconds before the start of the train, no one would pay attention to Chen Miao, and they would rush to the car no matter what.


Chen Miao was not kept waiting for too long.

Zhang Liu on the phone breathed a sigh of relief and wiped away the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead: "The first valve has been set up, now we need to set up the second valve. The second valve can instantly calm him down, and it's up to you. Think of a keyword for him.”

"Same as before, make it as complicated as possible."

Chen Miao thought for a moment and quickly gave an answer. "As long as I can have the power of God, I won't hesitate to become a real monster."

"Only the real devil looks at the funny light in the darkness, smiling without saying a word!"

"Please forgive me for acting chivalrously in this way, my princess."


Zhang Liu nodded expressionlessly during the video call: "It will be over in half a minute. Some information needs to be remembered. These two valves cannot be used alone. You must use the first one and then the second one."

"This means that you cannot directly use the second valve to calm yourself down quickly when you are emotionally confused or irritable. This will confuse your brain and memory, and if you use it a few more times, you will become a vegetative state."

"And the order of use cannot be reversed. The first valve must be used first, and then the second valve. This is a complete use process."

"The first valve cannot be used twice in a row. After the first valve is used, the patient will enter a state of severe emotional distress, but this state will gradually calm down as time goes by. The body has the ability to process emotions and cannot be absolutely When your mood seems to be about to calm down, use the first valve again."

"Anyway, just one sentence——"

“The two valves must be used in combination, and the order cannot be reversed, nor can the same valve be used multiple times.”

"Otherwise the consequences could be dangerous."

"And this valve is a one-time use and must be seen permanently. However, because the human brain is fragile, even if the valve is set next time, the key can only be this one and cannot be replaced or modified again."


Chen Miao nodded. Zhang Liu didn't see the taboo panel just now. In fact, as long as the first valve was used, it was impossible for Dr. Gou's emotions to calm down. Under the influence of the taboo, he was dying. Thoughts will be infinitely magnified.

It’s true that the body has the ability to process emotions.

But... I can't stand the taboo and force you to die.

This taboo should not be called "until death do us part". I think it is called "forced EMO in the early morning and late at night", which is more appropriate.


When the bus was about ten seconds away from departure, all the passengers got on the bus. Doctor Gou, as if he had just woken up, put his head next to Chen Miao's ear and whispered: "Are you ready?"

"All right."

Chen Miao nodded, and after saying the two paragraphs just now, he said: "These two paragraphs are the keys to the two valves in your mind. You must memorize them by heart. The first paragraph is open, and the second paragraph is open." Section 2 is closed.”

"If you can't remember, write a small note and keep it in your pocket."

"You must stay rational and remember to close the door. Don't really commit suicide."

"Don't look at me like that."

Chen Miao pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "This is an E-level taboo. I need to tell you the value of the taboo. It is completely suitable for you. I give you such a precious thing. Why do you care so much about something that is insignificant?"

"Isn't it just that the key is a little more embarrassing than the second one?"

"There is no way to prevent you from coming into contact with it in your daily life."

"By the way, this is a one-time use. You must see me face to face for hypnosis permanently. And even if it is permanent, this key cannot be changed, it can only be this."

Chen Miao suddenly thought of something and patted his head.

"There's something else I forgot to say."

(End of this chapter)

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