I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 129 It feels like there is a huge bug stuck.

Chapter 129 It feels like there is a huge bug stuck.

"When using the key, you must shout it loudly. If the sound is low, the valve will not open."



Doctor Gou lowered his head and was silent for a long time, then looked at Chen Miao and said resentfully: "Remember."

Please forgive me for acting chivalrously in this way, my princess.

This was his final key to closing the valve.

He swore that he would never be a hero to save a beautiful girl in his life!

If he saw a woman who was about to be killed by the siege boss, and after opening the valve to save the woman, he yelled this line when closing the valve, he could already imagine the way the woman looked at him at that time, and how ashamed he was. .

Let all women die!

He will never save any woman in this life!

He will not activate his second form in front of anyone!


He had already silently given his state a name in his mind, let's call it the second form. Even though he seemed a little disgusted on the surface, he was still very grateful in his heart.

This is a taboo thing!

And it has no side effects and can make him stronger!

He has never owned a taboo object. If you want to own such a thing, you need more than just strength. If you don't look at anything else, just look at one and see if you have a background.

Taboos are special props that cannot be produced in secret realms and major events. Only in some special circumstances, key ordinary life items will undergo transformation, with some magical effects, most of which are negative. The effect is of no professional help to combat effectiveness.

Only a few taboos have powerful effects.

Such things will be sealed by the Incident Bureau, and ordinary people have no way to obtain them. Only those with red backgrounds can temporarily use taboo objects, and they only have the right to use them, not full ownership.

It can be said that there are very few taboos like this that can be controlled by individuals.

These days, nothing has a price, especially things that can increase strength, which are far away. Just like the dog on the bus, in order to make himself stronger, he doesn't even mind turning into a dog.

There is also the one who sacrifices his lifespan and sacrifices himself to become an old man.

He only has a few more lines in the second grade, and in exchange for a super strong version of himself, is there any deal more cost-effective than this?


Doctor Gou took a deep breath, looked at Chen Miao and said seriously: "It's a pity that I am currently wanted by the federal government and cannot leave Broken Jar City for the time being. But don't worry, if I am useful in the future, I will definitely go through fire and water."


Chen Miao smiled and said: "It must be useful. Besides, you helped me a lot in the past. If it weren't for your help, I might still be praising materials in a secret realm now."

"But yes, there is something I need to remind you."

"What level of proficiency does that skill of yours have now? It's the matter of life and death."

"Level 1."

Doctor Gou was a little confused. He didn't know why Chen Miao suddenly asked this. The skill proficiency of active skills will increase a little after using the skill once. Who dares to use this skill that has 10% death after one use? Who dares to brush up on skill proficiency?

But soon——

As if he thought of something, he suddenly turned on the power effect of the "Gravekeeper" force. There was no upper limit on the skill levels of all members. The light bursting out of his eyes was so hot that it could almost see through people's hearts.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing Doctor Gou reacting, Chen Miao also smiled with satisfaction: "How about it? The effect of this power is not bad. After this time is over, I will ask Zhang Liu to give you permanent hypnosis just like he went to the Broken Jar Market. one time."

"Then when you have nothing to do, you can brush up on your skill proficiency."

"Get it to a few hundred levels."

"Then the combat power hasn't been greatly improved? By then we will also be known as the "Gravekeepers" in the Broken Jar City. You can also be considered as the Tombkeeper's Broken Jar City. Isn't there a new member of the Gravekeeper? , is that the black doctor who you said has good medical skills? You guys work hard together. "

Doctor Gou didn't reply, but froze on the spot with shock in his eyes, feeling as if he was stuck in a huge bug.

What Chen Miao doesn't understand is that in the extraordinary system, the more difficult it is to upgrade a skill, the greater the strength increase after upgrading will be.

The best skills to improve proficiency are naturally passive skills, without doing anything. As time goes by, skill proficiency will increase on its own. The disadvantage is that the upper limit of the level is often very low, and it will not rise to a too high level.

And the inability to speed up the upgrade independently.

For some high-level passive skills, it takes a year to upgrade to the next level. During this period, there is almost no way to speed up the improvement, unlike active skills, which can speed up the improvement of proficiency through continuous activation and practice.

And skills like his "life and death" or some special skills that require krypton gold are almost impossible or very difficult to upgrade. The intensity will be greatly increased after each upgrade.

Level 1 "Life and Death" made him fight one against thirty in Fengtian City.


If it was a level 999 "life and death situation", he didn't dare to think about it. At least one could fight three hundred, right?

Doesn’t this series add up to a shocking bug?

"Life and Death" requires the user to use it with the thought of death to ensure that the first effect is 100% triggered. There is no prompt on this information panel, and it is not an exclusive skill for the swordsman profession. There is no relevant information online. .

It was because he really didn't want to live anymore, so he used it more than thirty times before he discovered the effect.

Normal people probably rarely use this skill, and even if they do, it is probably when they are desperate. But since they are desperate, they don't want to die and want to live, but as long as they want to live, they can't use this skill.

Even if I used it once, I probably thought I was lucky and wouldn't have thought of this.

This alone makes it difficult to be discovered. After he happened to find out, Chen Miao happened to give him the forbidden object "until death do us part", so that he could control his emotional state and be 100% sure to enter this state at any time.

This is already outrageous.

But even more outrageous, Chen Miao created the force "Gravekeeper" and invited him to join. The effect of the "Gravekeeper" force is that there is no upper limit on the skill level of all members, which means that he can make this bt The skills become more bt.

This series of coincidences add up to create a monster that can transform at any time and will become stronger and stronger.


Doctor Gou, who was sitting in his seat, looked down at the bloody dagger in his hand and remained silent for a long time. A tear suddenly fell on the dagger.

He missed his parents.

A long time ago, he was extremely persistent in improving his own strength. He wanted to give his family a better life. He didn't want his family to stay in that half-dead clinic all day. He wanted his family to enjoy the world.

He became quite famous and many people knew him.

At that time, he was even more persistent than Chen Miao is now, and he also offended many people.

Every time he went to the secret realm, his parents would always pray uneasily at home, praying that he could come back safely, but he never cared. Perhaps because he was very confident in his own strength, he never felt that he could die in the secret realm, and he never I thought about my parents’ anxiety and uneasiness.

Many times his parents told him that they did not want the family to be rich, but only wanted the family to be safe, but he never listened.

He had seen how embarrassed his parents were because of poverty, and he didn't want to see his parents in embarrassment.

It wasn't until his parents were tricked by a villain into looking for him in the secret realm and died tragically in the secret realm that he realized what it meant for his parents to travel not far away. Later...

Later, he chose to live in that small clinic.

Cutting off everything from the past, completely forgetting his identity as a senior transcendent, he put on his father's white coat, read the medical books his father left for him, and began to run the clinic step by step.

Every time he received a customer, he seemed to see the boss sitting in the rocking chair of the clinic smoking a cigarette every time he returned home. He remembered that he complained more than once that the clinic smoked, no wonder the business was not good.

Later, he often wore his father's white coat and sat in the rocking chair where his father often sat, rocking and smoking.

He allowed his father's life to continue in him.

He can become a very powerful being.

But he wanted to become an unknown clinic doctor. He was unwilling to give up this clinic, which meant that he rejected his father's lifelong efforts. But it was his father's small clinic that allowed him to become a transcendent.


If he could have this dagger at that time, he would probably have a stronger ability to protect his parents.

After an unknown period of time, Dr. Gou, who had adjusted his condition, turned to look at Chen Miao, who was lying at the door of the car behind him and kept shouting. He said hoarsely with red eyes: "I am old, but I believe you will definitely become a strong person in the future. Extraordinary."

"The last bus from Fengtian City to Hell is here!"

"Don't wait, get in the car and speed up!"

"The air conditioner is on in the car to keep it warm, and there are still seats!"

When he heard Dr. Gou's words, Chen Miao, who was shouting, turned to look at Dr. Gou and said casually: "What should I say?"

"Because you are an orphan and have no parents."


Chen Miao said expressionlessly: "Swearing, right?"

"I'm serious, people without worries can go further."

"But I have friends."

"It's different. You can accept your friends dying in front of you, but you can't accept your family dying in front of you."

"Do not."

Chen Miao shook her head seriously and said: "I will not accept any friend dying in front of me. If I have the ability, I will protect every friend."

"Friends are not meant to be protected."

"But it's not meant to be a hypothetical death. If it doesn't work out, I will choose to close my eyes or turn around."

He rolled his eyes at Doctor Gou: "Didn't this contraindication just come into your hands? Has it taken effect so quickly? This is in the hell of a bus. Are you still in the mood for emo? Hurry up and adjust your condition and try to survive."

Then he continued shouting, which was his main job.

His goal on this trip was to pack as many passengers into the bus as possible.

Just make it out alive this time.

No one can call him Xiao Chen anymore.

You have to call him Brother Miao.

ps: The first update in 2024. I wish everyone a happy new year and hope that this year will be better for everyone.

We work hard together.

Come on.

(End of this chapter)

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