Chapter 130 Event Hunter.

The next time seemed to be pressed on the accelerator button.

Chen Miao transformed into a conductor who was very passionate about his work. He stood at the door of the train looking at the empty road and shouting. This was the first time that he was passionate about his work.

In his previous life, his boss often said that he had no passion for work, and he always thought that he was the kind of person who had no passion for work. Now it seems that he just didn't get enough money. If he got enough money, he could even transform into a Wall Street person. Wolf, give it a try before working.


We are almost at the ninth stop.

At this time, only 5 players are alive, and everyone else is dead.

These five players are Doctor Gou, the dog, the old man who sacrifices his lifespan, the man in the raincoat from Lambei City, and the Zerg priest from Jingjiu City.

Not counting Chen Miao.

He is a conductor, not a player.

Those who survived were all people with some special means of their own. Everyone was a senior transcendent, but there was also a gap between senior transcendents. Those without special means died in the first few stops.

The battle with the most deaths was a boss level.

That is a very scary boss. The boss is a female ghost in red. She is immune to most physical damage, such as damage caused by weapons such as guns, fists, and swords. Only special skills targeting spiritual bodies can deal with this boss. The boss causes damage.

9 people died in this level.

The female ghost in red will first attack the person she fears the most, and only then attack the next person after that person dies.

If it weren't for the man in the raincoat in Lambei City who happened to have the skill to attack the spirit body, they would have been wiped out in this level. This level was completely a luck level.

Skills that can cause damage to spiritual bodies can be said to be extremely rare, and they are basically universal skills. Universal skills are already rare, and with such a buff, they become even rarer.

More importantly, this skill is not used in most cases. There are very few secret realms with spiritual monsters. What's more, extraordinary people can freely choose which secret realm to enter, knowing that there are spiritual monsters in that secret realm. , it would be better if we didn’t go in.


In the hell bus incident numbered 128, there happened to be a scene where it was necessary to have this skill. If it weren't for this man from Lambei City, or if this man died a few stops ago, then all 18 people in this group would have lost it. The group is destroyed here.

Chen Miao didn't have to get out of the car, but he could also choose to get out of the car. When he saw Dr. Gou dying, he came to help.

Unfortunately it was of no use.

His unmatched bullet storm had no effect on this female ghost who was immune to physical damage.

After passing that level, the difficulty of the subsequent platforms suddenly dropped a lot. Basically no one died, and there are still 5 people alive.

We are almost at the 9th station, and it’s not long before we pass the level.


Chen Miao sat silently in his seat and did not speak. If he had no general direction for improving his strength before, after this time, he already had some idea.

Through communication with Lao Lamb, he learned about Lao Lao's mental journey when he learned this skill.

Lao Lamb is an event hunter.

That is to say, a kind of extraordinary person who basically does not enter the secret realm and specializes in fixing events. This kind of extraordinary person often has extremely strong strength and combat experience, including mental quality. The difficulty of any fixed event is several times that of a secret realm of the same level. more than.

Of course, the gains are also many times greater.

Lao Lamb has already cleared 7 fixed events, and his skills are unlimited. Theoretically, you can even learn 100 skills if you want, but in reality it will be useless no matter how much you learn. On the one hand, there are not so many skills for you to learn.

In addition to professional-specific skills, other sources of acquiring skills are basically general skills, and the number of general skills is very rare.

Secondly, first-level skills often cannot exert their own power. You have to spend time to improve skill proficiency. And improving skill proficiency is a waste of time. There is no energy to improve the proficiency of so many skills. Go up.

In a life and death battle, the opponent will not wait for you to hit them with dozens of skills.

So generally speaking——

There can be an unlimited number of passive skills, the more the better.

For active skills, try to have your own skill set and maximize all skill proficiencies.

This is the correct path for a senior transcendent to improve his strength.

There are many special scenes in the fixed events.

For example, the female ghost in red is immune to physical damage. At this time, if the extraordinary person does not have the skills to cause damage to the spirit body, he can only wait for death. Even if you are a level 60 extraordinary person, standing at the top of the federation, As long as you don't have this skill, you can only wait for death.

This is a rule kill.

Unreasonable crisis.

Another example is a boss that Lao Lamb encountered in a big event. That boss was immune to all damage, and only sustainable damage could harm it, which was the so-called bleeding skill.

The best skill of the hidden profession "Wizard" is sustainable damage. They can impose a curse on the enemy, causing the enemy to continuously suffer a certain amount of damage every second. Only this damage can cause damage to the boss.

There was no wizard in the team that time, but he happened to have the skill of sustainable damage and survived again.

This kind of skill is only useful in extreme situations. In most cases, it is useless and worthless. But once you encounter such an extreme situation, it is worth a thousand dollars.

After he goes out, he will also find some skills for himself that can be used in extreme situations.


If he wasn't a conductor, he was one of these transcendent beings.

If there is no Lao Lamb.

He might really die in this fixed incident.

Originally, this fixed event with 100% mortality did not make him feel much of a crisis, but when he witnessed the female ghost in red massacring the crowd as if she had entered an uninhabited land, he understood for the first time the power of senior supernatural beings. The concept of the word "person".

Being a senior transcendent does not mean how strong they are.

For example, let Lao Lamb compete with him in a 1v1 life-and-death match, and he would most likely win Lao Lao.

But if he and Lao Lamb are allowed to enter 10 fixed events at the same time, Lao Lao will most likely have a much higher survival rate than him.

Lao Lao has too much background. Because he has seen too many crises, he naturally has a lot of things prepared to deal with these crises.

Only by surviving can one become a senior transcendent.


Soon, Chen Miao, who was sitting in his seat, grinned again and looked at the mission panel in front of him. After going out this time, he would be able to transform into a barely qualified senior transcendent, right?

(End of this chapter)

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