I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 131 Not leaving any room for error is too risky.

Chapter 131: It’s too risky to leave no room for error.

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the hidden mission and killing the perverted murderer hidden in the crowd."

"Mission content: Kill the perverted murderer in reality before the vehicle reaches the terminal."

"Mission reward: Get the fare from the woman, the E-level universal passive skill 'Spirit Buster', the fare belongs to the player."

This is his latest passenger-activated hidden mission.

E-level universal passive skills, although I don’t know what the specific skill information is, it sounds like a skill that can cause damage to spiritual bodies. If he had not realized how precious this skill was before, then after such a Now, he has completely understood the preciousness of this skill.

Passive skills are the real king!

For all extraordinary beings, this is a skill that does not need to be actively activated, which means that it does not matter how many there are, and there is no need to gain experience points, as the experience points of passive skills will increase on their own.

Especially this kind of passive special skill, although it is E-level, its value is several times higher.

At this time, the car was full of passengers, and there were people on every seat. The car was also full of guests. Some guests were holding on to the handles on the roof, and some were holding on to the seats. It looked so crowded.

Give it a cursory glance.

There must be at least forty people.

It was completely overloaded, but this did not affect the speed of the bus.

At this time, Chen Miao also received information from the investigation he asked Hungry Monkey and others. In the Hell Bus incident, the position of conductor rarely appeared, but few conductors survived.

It is said that many died at the hands of guests.

When a guest blocked the bus, the conductor refused to allow the guest to get on the bus. In the end, he fought with the guest and died in the hands of the guest.

There were also passengers who were allowed to get on the bus, but in the end it was said that the passengers died at the terminal because they did not pay the fare.

When he saw this news, Chen Miao probably knew that the one who died at the terminal was probably because there was no one in the outside world to help him complete the task. This is the advantage of having a power. If you don't have your own power, when you encounter someone who needs someone to help you in the outside world, When it comes to work tasks, you really can only stare at them.

By this time most of his passengers' missions had been completed.

The mission with only 13 passengers was still in progress, but he was not going to solicit any more passengers. Firstly, the bus could not hold any more passengers. Secondly, the bus was about to reach the terminal in a few stops, so he had to leave some space for the hungry monkeys and others to complete the mission. time.

If the time is too tight and the task is not completed when you arrive at the station, and the ticket is not returned, then it is really sent.

Give yourself some room for error.

There's no room for error at all, it's too risky.

"Brother Miao, I feel that your strength should be stronger than that Sang Biao, your representative from Fengtian City, who is also a gunman. I have dealt with him before, and I think he is not as strong as you."

Lao Lamb, who was standing next to Chen Miao, looked at Chen Miao who was sitting in his seat and said.

After going through so many stations, especially the station with the female ghost in red, the relationship between the few of them has improved a lot. They have entrusted their backs to each other at critical moments through life and death crises, and they have trust in each other. The degree is also much higher.

Especially Chen Miao helped them at several stations. Chen Miao didn't need to take action at first, and the conductor didn't need to get out of the car, but Chen Miao still took action, which made them feel very grateful. Chen Miao, who was full of firepower, It also shocked Lao Lamb and others.


Chen Miao raised his head and glanced at Lao Lao, who was in the crowd, and said with a smile, "Are you an event hunter paying attention to this too?"

"Pay attention."

Lao Lao nodded solemnly: "After all, city representatives can participate in the federal city-state competition. This federal competition is about to start. This is an all-federal competition. Who can not pay attention?" I think if you were the representative of Fengtian City this year, you would definitely achieve better results than that Sangbiao."


Chen Miao is not very interested in this. He just wants to leave this fixed event alive and then sort out his harvest. At this time, he has stored a large number of rewards in the trunk of the bus, more than he can count.

As long as he can get out alive.

This background came up immediately, and it was not just him, but the entire "Gravekeeper"'s background. There were many things that perfectly fit the hungry monkey Yuan Buping and the others.

And this fixed incident also made him suddenly realize that he should give the people around him better room to perform.

I never noticed that these people are so reliable in their work.

He was a little worried at first, but when he actually handed over the matter to these people, he found that not only were these people extremely efficient, but they also made no mistakes at all, let alone any complaints.


Lao Lao suddenly thought of something and turned his head to look at the Zerg priest who was also crowded in the crowd in Jingjiu City and said with a smile: "Thank you. The people in Jingjiu City I have been in contact with before are quite arrogant. You are different from them. You He's a very nice person, so I thanked him a few times."

During these stops, the Zerg priest played a vital role, relying on the sea of ​​​​worms to help them tide over difficulties many times.


This young man from Jingjiu City calmly shook his head: "Not every rich person is arrogant. My father used to be arrogant too, but since he became a billionaire, he told me that I must keep a low profile when going out. .”

"Don't offend anyone easily, and don't think you are awesome."

"Always remember that you are trash."


Lao Lamb was stunned for a moment, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Your father's education style is somewhat unique. He was very arrogant before he started his career, but he has become low-key after becoming a billionaire?"

"No, before he became a billionaire, my father had a fortune of tens of billions. Later, because of his arrogant personality, he offended others, many people in the family died, and the family was almost wiped out. After that, he also plummeted and was reduced to only a few hundred million in assets. I’m so embarrassed that I can’t even buy an upgraded package for my newborn.”

"I didn't buy my level. I raised it all by myself step by step."

"It has gradually gotten better over the years. Since then, my father has always told me to keep a low profile when I go out."

"Yeah, that's good."

Lao Lamb nodded and remained silent. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't buy an upgraded package for his newborn. Is this what a person can say?

This is an old tradition in Jingjiu City.

he knows.

Spending tens of millions to buy a newborn a dozen levels directly, and he will be superior to others when he is born. What do you think is the use of making a newborn a transcendent of more than ten levels?

In fact, it is of no use.

The most important thing is to make the newborn's physical condition better and less likely to get sick.

The most remaining effect is face, which represents the heritage and financial resources of your family.

(End of this chapter)

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