I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 132 "Who am I? Who are you?"

Chapter 132 "Who am I? Who are you?"

There is no other use. After all, you can't expect a newborn of ten levels to enter the secret realm and kill everyone.

That's not realistic either.

Fengtian City.

It was already four o'clock in the morning and dawn was about to begin.

Zhou Shen, Yuan Bu, and others, who had not fallen asleep for a long time, were running around Fengtian City with dark circles under their eyes. They were pouring Red Bull coffee into their stomachs.

With the help of the Law Enforcement Bureau's intelligence network.

Yuan Buping and his team quickly picked out the people on the task list given to them by Miao one by one and executed them. They have become more and more proficient in the whole process, and they have even become proficient in it to the point where everyone has a clear division of labor.

But the most troublesome thing is meeting people who don't have relevant information in the Law Enforcement Bureau's intelligence network.

That is the so-called black household.

Moreover, it is a gangster who has left no traces. In a city with a population of tens of millions, it is understandably difficult to find a gangster without any specific information.

"Mission target: A perverted murderer hiding in Chengbei District, Fengtian City. Characteristics - six fingers, long hair, habit of pinching off sponges to smoke, and a fierce face."

The hungry monkey looked at the printed mission target in his hand with a slightly gloomy expression.

The other tasks were completed quickly, but they had already passed half an hour for this task, but they still had no clue. Apart from this information, there was no other information, and no one from the Law Enforcement Bureau had any information.

There is simply no way to find this person.

Zhou Shen, who was standing next to him, had his eyes closed tightly, his body was shaking slightly, and his legs were even a little weak. He had no way out at this time, and he was already forced to the edge of the cliff.

The message given by Brother Miao was very clear.

This person must be found within 2 hours at the latest. The result of mission failure is that he will die in a fixed event.

Brother Miao's tone was very relaxed, as if he took his own death very lightly.

But he couldn't relax. As long as Brother Miao died, he would be the first to be buried with him because of all the ridiculous things he did.

"Damn, damn, damn!!!"

Zhou Shen, who finally couldn't control his emotions, crumpled the A4 paper in his hand into a ball with a ferocious face and threw it to the ground, shouting: "Are those losers from the Law Enforcement Bureau in Chengbei District all just for a living?"

"A perverted murderer who killed so many people has no information at all?"

"Not even a single record?"


He had never found it so difficult to kill a person, especially when that person's life and fortune were linked to his.


At this moment, a timid voice sounded in his ears, and a girl holding a doll was standing not far away looking timidly at him, as if she was frightened by his current mood.

It was his daughter.

"it's okay no problem."

Zhou took a deep breath and waved to his daughter to come over. After suppressing his emotions, he smiled and said: "I encountered some small things at work. I am dealing with them. They will be dealt with soon."

"Don't worry, dad is very powerful, it's not a big deal."

"You sit aside for a while. Dad has asked for leave for you. You don't have to go to school tomorrow."

"it is good"

The little girl in a princess dress lowered her head timidly, raised her head and glanced at the hungry monkey Yuan Bingren, who had a strong murderous aura in everyone around her, and quickly lowered her head.

"No need to get so angry."

The hungry monkey glanced at Zhou Shen and was silent for a while. He calmed down as much as possible. He kept thinking about what Brother Miao had taught him in the past. After a moment of pause, he said, "I used to be one of the lower classes. Although Kuroto is this One of the lowest levels of society, but the black households also have their own circles, and those are the only places they can live.”

"Abandoned construction sites, under overpasses, unused tunnels in subway stations, idle city sewers, etc."

"Heroes are also human beings. They cannot live in a place without people or any modern facilities."

"I know quite a few of these people, and I'll let them find them."


Zhou Shen gradually calmed down at this time. He gritted his teeth and thought for a moment, then turned his head to look at the old subordinates beside him: "Arrest all the gangsters in the northern district of Chengbei and torture them one by one. I have to do it within 2 hours." Know the location of this perverted murderer."


This confidant who had been following Zhou Shen since the Xisan Law Enforcement Bureau was stunned in disbelief. He thought for a moment that the old director was crazy, not to mention whether he could accomplish such a thing within 2 hours.

These gangsters are those involved in crime, who have been caught and released before, or who turned a blind eye for various reasons. Most of the gangsters have their own backers.

After this incident continues, tens of thousands of people will be offended.

Let’s not talk about whether these gangsters will come to take revenge in the future. Just talking about the people behind these gangsters is enough for Zhou Shen to eat a pot.

Even they don't have enough manpower.

at this time--

"Is there anyone missing?"

A loud roar sounded from the end of the street, and a dozen vans with flashing lights stopped in front of them. Chiqiu, dressed in black, jumped out of the car and trotted all the way to Hungry Monkey. In front of him, he glanced left and right but didn't see Brother Miao's figure before he said in a sullen voice.

"Well, we met last time. You made a lot of noise tonight, even bigger than the last time you cracked down on gangsters."

"I thought you might not have enough manpower, so I brought some people over and I can use them at will. Did he read the apology letter I gave to Brother Miao? The last conflict was an accident. I have been trying to find a chance to resolve it. "

"The plagiarism check rate of that apology letter is absolutely extremely high. I wrote it word by word with my true feelings. None of it was copied from the Internet."

"I saw it."Hungry monkey looked at the man in front of him with a strange expression. Brother Miao didn't look at it. He read it. He had never seen such a stupid apology letter, but he had no time to care about it at this time: "It's really necessary. Man, thanks, let these people behind you come over."

Chiqiu brought a total of more than forty people, all of whom were extraordinary, and their levels were all around level 15, which was not low.

He also belongs to the kind of top thug in Fengtian City.

Dealing with some gangsters is like beating a child.

that's it--

At four o'clock in the morning, in the Chengbei District of Fengtian City, the doors of countless people's houses were forcibly broken open, and they were forcibly woken up. When they met, they poured a basin of cold water on them, and then began to pull out their nails with vise and forced interrogation.

Countless crimes such as breaking into houses, forcibly injuring, breaking the law in the service of an official, intentional homicide, etc.

Good news, Zhou Shen no longer has to think about how many years he will be squatting.

Bad news, you can shoot him.

A reward was also spread among the Xiajiuliu circle in Chengbei District, Fengtian City.

"Whoever can find a long-haired man with six fingers who likes to pinch off sponges and smoke will be awarded 500 million credits."

"Those with relevant information will be awarded 100 million credits."

"Anyone who knows the situation and fails to report it will be executed immediately if found out later."

This extremely arrogant reward is almost an open declaration of war with the underground in the entire Chengbei District of Fengtian City. The force that issued this reward is called the "Gravekeepers", and its leader is Chen Miao, who has been in the limelight recently.

Countless people carried out various violent and bloody actions tonight in Chengbei District, Fengtian City.

There are people from the "Grave Keepers", people from the "Children", and even a large number of people from the "Law Enforcement Bureau".

For a moment——

At a time when most normal people are sleeping peacefully, countless vehicles continue to speed past on the streets of Chengbei District of Fengtian City, and screams from time to time resound through the night. Such a big movement has always caused Fengtian City to crack down on crime. None of them have this attitude.

Completely unafraid of the background behind anyone.

Completely unafraid of severe punishment by the law.

There is no fear of revenge from the underground forces in Fengtian City.

This attitude of almost risking one's life in attacking scared many people. This was obviously not a normal way of playing, as one was running with all his strength.

For this kind of underground force, everyone has sensitivity. Without this sensitivity, they would not know where they died. In less than half an hour, everyone clearly understood one thing. .

That is the new force "Gravekeepers", who are looking for a six-fingered man at all costs.

This caused the "Tomb Keeper"'s power value to rise rapidly, and its popularity did not increase. Perhaps Chen Miao did not expect that the "Tomb Keeper"'s power value would increase in this way.

"Don't call you Deputy Director from now on. Call you Master Zhou. I think Fengtian City will soon take your surname."

Zhou Shen glanced at the countless messages on his watch with an expressionless expression. These were the big shots behind some gangsters who told him that they were dissatisfied after being woken up late at night. If it were before, he might Panic.

but now.

For a desperado, Fengtian City has to trust him tonight.

Tonight, he is still Mr. Zhou.

It's useless for anyone to come, unless you, the old man, come out in person with a steel knife. There are rules tonight, and the higher ups have acquiesced. Whoever has the bigger fist will speak tonight.


After about an hour.

They learned a key piece of information from a person who was tortured, "I once saw a six-fingered man with long hair in a casino who liked to pinch sponges and smoke. He seemed to be very familiar with the casino owner. Every time he went there, he was in a private room. .”

Features match perfectly.

"Find someone!"

When Zhou Shen received the news, he took a deep breath, couldn't suppress his emotions and shouted loudly: "I'll arrest all the people involved in this casino!"

"Please, stop catching me, there's not enough time!"

"Go directly to your home for execution!"

Relevant information continued to come in one after another at this time, and they also roughly got the six-fingered man's daily routine and whereabouts. Finally, with the identification of the casino owner, they successfully found the six-fingered man in a dog hole in a subway station. man.

"What a bastard!"

When Zhou Shen led a large group of people to pry open the locked door of the subway station, and found the six-fingered man in a dog hole inside the subway track who was full of fear and had been subdued by some gangsters waiting for him. .

He looked at the information in the power chat channel again.

After determining that this is the last mission objective and there is no timeout.

A grown man couldn't help but burst into tears: "Damn it, do you know how hard it is for me to find you? I didn't even have to work so hard to chase my wife?"

"Who is I?"

"Who are you?"

"How can a person like you be bound to my life? Are you worthy?"

"Brother Miao!"

"Xiao Zhou lived up to expectations and successfully completed the mission."

Zhou Shen was wailing and at the same time, with everyone's confused eyes, he punched the controlled six-fingered man to death: "It's just that there may be a lot more mess when you come out tomorrow."

"You must cover me. It was your old man who said to complete the mission at all costs."

(End of this chapter)

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