I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 137 "How about you try your luck?"

Chapter 137 "How about you try your luck?"

"What if we lose the bet?"

The old man couldn't help but cursed angrily: "You are a conductor, even if the mission fails, it will be fine. You just pat your butt and walk on the bus to pass the customs, but we will all die here."

"You said it's easy, take a gamble, put our lives on the line, right?"


Chen Miao remained silent and did not speak. After a moment, he suddenly took out the "Python R6 Revolver" from his arms, stuffed a bullet into it in front of everyone, then turned the magazine and raised the revolver to his forehead. .

He pulled the trigger with a calm expression.


The crisp sound of the trigger emptying sounded.

The old man looked at this scene and didn't know what it meant for a moment, but his momentum gradually weakened, but he still said unconvinced: "What do you want to explain? Does it mean you are brave?"

Chen Miao did not speak, but continued to stuff another bullet into the magazine, raised the revolver again and put it against his forehead to pull the trigger.


The sound of the trigger emptying sounded again.

The movements in Chen Miao's hands did not stop, three rounds, four rounds.

The trigger missed every time.

Until Chen Miao stuffed the fifth bullet into the magazine, Dr. Gou finally couldn't sit still and stood up and pressed Chen Miao's revolver. He said with an ugly face: "Chen Miao, forget it, there's no need, don't make a big fuss." , I don’t want to send you away early.”

The revolver magazine can hold a total of six rounds.

With these five bullets inserted, the mortality rate is as high as five-sixths, almost certain death.

Chen Miao didn't turn on his protective clothing. A bullet hit his temple at such a close range. Even if the extraordinary person's physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, it is almost a fatal shot. Once hit, it is difficult for gods to save him.


Chen Miao shook his head, looked at the old man and chuckled, put the muzzle of the gun against his forehead, and gently pulled the trigger again.


Hit the air again.

The expressions of other people present changed slightly, especially the eyes of the dog and the old lamb looking at Chen Miao with some fear. Are they still human? You're not so willing to risk your life, are you?

"Do you understand? I've never lost a bet in my life."

"How about you try your luck?"

Chen Miao moved the magazine and handed the revolver to the old man in reverse, indicating that he would take the gun. However, after the old man's expression changed several times, he slowly lowered his head.

What a joke, he didn't dare to bet on the odds.

Mortality rate of five out of six.


A trace of contempt flashed in Chen Miao's eyes: "Don't you dare to bet on a one-sixth survival rate? Every time before I enter the secret realm, I will put a bullet in the revolver and give myself a shot, telling myself that if I have six consecutive If there is a 5/5 survival rate, then there is no need to enter the secret realm and die outside." "What great things can be accomplished by being timid all your life?"

"If you don't dare, don't put forward other opinions. It annoys me."

In fact, he didn't need to talk to this old man at all, but he had always wanted to show people his Russian Roulette, but he never had the opportunity to perform. Under the exclusive effect of the hidden professional "Gun Demon", no bullet could hit him. he.

Let alone five bullets, even if he loaded six bullets, he would still bet on jamming.

It's so unscrupulous.

He had thought about this scene many times in his mind since the moment he discovered it, but no one without a good eye came up to give him a chance to perform. Finally, he caught someone who talked back. Looking at the other person's reaction, he knew that the scene just now was still the same. It left this old man quite shocked.

Chen Miao looked calm and did not speak, but he couldn't help grinning in his heart, and began to think about where he would perform this Russian turntable next time.

But what he didn't pay attention to was.

Lao Lao, who was standing aside, fell into silence with a complex expression. It turns out that he has not made a breakthrough for so long because he is too afraid of death. What if. He could be like Chen Miao, who always gave a warning before entering a secret realm or event. Put a bullet in the revolver and give yourself a shot.

Will it also allow your state of mind to break through to the next level?

Even the Zerg priest in Jingjiu City secretly wrote down this scene and planned to discuss it with his father after returning. This seems to be a powerful way to cultivate a state of mind. After returning, he may be able to use it to train guards in his family. On the body.

"All right."

After confirming that he was going to start killing everyone, Chen Miao stopped hiding and strode out of the darkness, carrying his Thompson submachine gun and walking towards the door: "Stop talking nonsense and end this quickly. "

The moment Chen Miao and others walked out of the house, the monsters patrolling the village quickly heard the sound and launched a fierce attack on Chen Miao and others who had climbed to the rooftop of the second floor.

Only this time, they didn't hide.

I saw Chen Miao aim the muzzle of the Thompson submachine gun at a group of monsters below, and slowly pull the trigger with a calm expression. The next second——

Countless bullets almost jammed the world. Bullets poured out of the gun's muzzle, with a rate of fire of 20,000 bullets per second. With full firepower, everything seen with the naked eye was almost instantly turned into ashes.

Monsters, houses, streets, telephone poles.

This was the first time that Chen Miao used all his firepower in this fixed event. Countless bullets were like a plague from hell, crazily baptizing everything he saw. The sound of bullets mixed with the sound of dense explosions was like the most beautiful sound. The symphony was playing unscrupulously.

Thick smoke soon enveloped the entire village.

Those dead monsters instantly split into more monsters, but before any further action could be taken, these monsters died again and split into more monsters. For a time, the number of these monsters increased exponentially.

But he still couldn't get out of Chen Miao's firepower alive.

Chen Miao also aimed his gun at the largest house in the village in his memory, the house where the villagers were imprisoned. Countless bullets mixed with exploding cages were fired into the sky above the entire village.

The large amount of gunpowder smoke almost completely blocked the sight of Chen Miao and others.

Only Chen Miao, who had the "Eagle Eye" skill, could vaguely see that in the smoke, the monsters were rushing towards the largest house in the village, using their bodies to block bullets in an attempt to protect the lives of the villagers.

Countless monsters broke out at unprecedented speeds in their lives, protecting the villagers with their own lives.

After seeing this, Chen Miao smiled slightly with his lips raised. It turned out that he was right in his bet. The actual task should be to kill these villagers who were not dead, and the task of these monsters should be to protect these villagers.

At first, these monsters put the villagers in front of them, making them timid. It should also be a kind of temptation to send them the wrong message.

(End of this chapter)

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