Chapter 138 Terminal.

In fact, these monsters care more about the lives of these villagers than them.


He believed that if he could really save all the villagers who were not yet dead in the hands of these monsters, he would definitely pass the level successfully, but the difficulty of the task would be much higher.

But if you choose to kill the villagers.

The task difficulty seems to be getting higher.

After all, these monsters are using their bodies to protect the safety of the villagers without fear of death, and when one monster dies, dozens of monsters will instantly split into pieces.

It only takes ten seconds.

The number of monsters has already overflowed from the village, and even the edge can't be seen at a glance. They seem to be trapped in a sea of ​​monsters. At a glance, you can see countless tentacles waving wildly.

Without him, if a normal transcendent did not kill the villagers immediately in this situation, the consequences would be almost certain death. No one can compete with the sea of ​​monsters in front of them.

That is, no matter which option you choose, save the villagers or kill the villagers.

It's almost a certain death situation.

Unless you have extremely high sneaking ability and stun the villagers immediately, or have exaggerated fire coverage ability, you can suppress the impact of millions of monsters by one person, and kill those villagers under the protection of countless monsters. .

These monsters also have a natural hegemony effect and cannot be controlled in any way. Even strong group restraint skills are of no use.

Except for these two cases, everyone else must die.

And he, Chen Miao, happens to have the second type.

At this time, the "Zerg Priest" from Jingjiu City looked at the millions of monsters around him, their pale-faced bodies froze in place. The Zerg Priest's specialty was bullying the few with their numbers.

But millions of monsters still scared him. If the Zerg priest played like this, he would be bankrupt. After a fight, he would basically be declared bankrupt. Even if he survived, his life would be extremely miserable for the rest of his life.

If those villagers are not dead yet, they will definitely not be able to survive in the future.

These monsters had no desire to attack them at all, and they all surged towards the largest house in the village. Almost in the blink of an eye, a huge meat ball composed of monsters surrounded the largest house in the village. .

Obviously these monsters are also very smart. They don't have to rush to kill Chen Miao and his group. They just need to protect the villagers from death and let Chen Miao shoot at will. The number of monsters will only get bigger and bigger. Chen Miao will be the one who is anxious then. .

From the moment Chen Miao chose to shoot, things were no longer exaggerated. Originally, there were only a few hundred monsters in the village, but now they have exploded to millions, and the number is still increasing at an extremely exaggerated rate. increase.

One becomes two, and two becomes four, which is already a very exaggerated geometry.

not to mention.

One becomes thirty, thirty becomes nine hundred, nine hundred becomes.

In a few seconds, an army of one million people can be drawn out.


Doctor Gou took a deep breath, clasped his hands with a pious face and murmured: "My dear Lord Buddha, although it is a bit presumptuous, I just want to ask, if I choose to believe in you now, can you still protect me?"

"At least open a back door so that I can stay with my parents after I go to Xitian."

at this time--

He shrugged his nose and noticed a strange smell, a bit like gun smoke, but not quite like it.

Turning around, I saw Lao Lao sitting cross-legged on the ground at some point, his eyes closed tightly and mumbling as he burned paper money. There were even paper houses, paper cars, paper TVs and paper women?

Paper Woman burned ten more?

"Can you fit so much in your backpack?"

Dr. Gou was shocked by this and opened his mouth: "Even if it can be packed, why do you want to pack so many things in your backpack? Even so, isn't ten women a bit too much?"

"I forgot to bring it with me when I went out. Can you share it with me when I get down?"

"You can't use ten of them."


Lao Lamb glanced at Doctor Gou with a slightly speechless expression, but did not reply. He just waved his hand gently, and saw the ashes of the paper money in front of him suddenly exploded, and he saw eight little ghosts carrying a red sedan out of the smoke.

You can vaguely see a beautiful woman sitting in the sedan.

There is also a kid at the front who closes his eyes and keeps waving a bell.

This group of imps jumped directly from the roof and landed directly among the monsters. The strange thing is that when the monsters encountered these imps, they fled to both sides, just like Moses opening the sea, leaving a passage.

Seeing this, Dr. Gou realized what kind of prop this thing was, and Lao Lao's action just now should be the activation condition of this prop, and he couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"You're an interesting fighter."

So far, he has never seen Lao Lamb swing a fist. As a fighter, he doesn't use fists, but he always uses some messy methods. What kind of fighter can he be? He just changes his profession and becomes a Taoist priest.

Lao Lao's purpose was also very simple, to open up a path among the monsters so that Chen Miao's bullet could pass through the meat ball and shoot into the house.

"No need."

Chen Miao shook his head. Although he understood what Lao Lao meant, it would probably be dark when the group of brats walked to Meatball, so the speed was too slow.

He didn't shoot at the meat ball again.

Instead, he aimed his gun at the sky, and countless bullets shot into the sky, forming a tornado. He did not stop and fired for a full minute, 2 bullets per second, a full 120 million bullets per minute. At this time, these 120 million bullets formed an extremely sharp and compact tornado.

Then it fell to the ground like a meteorite.

I saw the sharp point of the tornado suddenly aiming at the meat ball protecting the house, and pierced straight through with lightning speed.


The tornado was mixed with countless explosive bullets, which exploded at the same time. The violent impact of the explosion rushed countless monsters into the sky. The strong shock wave destroyed the ground like an earthquake, and even the house under them began to shatter.

"Boom boom!!!"

The huge explosion made Chen Miao and others almost tinnitus.

I do not know how long it has been.

Lao Lao and the others, who gradually woke up, climbed up from the ruins and glanced around with gray-headed faces. At this time, there was no monster in sight, and all the monsters had disappeared at some point.

The original village has been completely reduced to ruins.

Only a large amount of bloodstains bear witness to a tragic war that took place here.

Looking up, all he could see was Chen Miao, leaning on a cane and wearing a windbreaker, standing on the ruins and smoking.

"woke up."

Chen Miao turned back to look at Lao Lamb and the others, threw the unburned cigarette butts in his hand on the ruins, and walked towards the bus on the street in the distance: "Now that you are awake, let's go. We will see you again in the future."

At this time, the station task panel shows that the task has been completed.

Can return smoothly.


Doctor Gou looked at Chen Miao's leaving figure and the surrounding area that had been reduced to ruins. He only felt that the words "smooth return" on the platform task panel were extremely glaring. He never thought that he could escape from the hell bus alive.

This is an event with a 100% mortality rate.

It's just that from today on, the fully loaded Hell Bus no longer has a 100% mortality rate. They have set a precedent.

He never thought he could survive.

Suddenly he felt that this life was really fucked up. If Chen Miao hadn't happened to rent his clinic for a day, he might not have known Chen Miao and wouldn't have survived this incident.

The bus is still running.

All 11 stations have been successfully cleared and they are heading towards the terminal. When they reach the terminal, they can return smoothly and the various props obtained along the way will be distributed smoothly.

When the bus stopped again, this hell bus incident was completely over.

At this time, the bus was full of guests and was driving slowly on the deserted country road. Although it was no different from the beginning, even the scenery outside the window was the same, but maybe the mood was different.

Lao Lao was in a mood to look at the guests around him and said with a smile: "We are all destined to be together. When I go out, I will burn some paper for you all so that you can have more hands down there."

"Really, it's a pity to die so young."

Not long after--

The bus slowed down and was about to arrive at the stop, and it was time for everyone to part ways.


Doctor Gou looked at Chen Miao with a complex expression: "I don't know when we will see you next time. Please pay more attention to your safety. I always feel that I will never have a chance to see you in the Broken Jar. If you have such firepower, there is no way to escape if you commit a crime. Opportunity.”

The Zerg priests, Lao Lao and others from Jingjiu City also came to say goodbye to Chen Miao one by one. Chen Miao did help them a lot along the way. They added each other as friends and were considered acquaintances. When they met again in the future, they were considered friends.


On the bus, the dog handed a prop with colorful lights to Chen Miao's hand and said with a smile: "It's a good thing. The best thing at the first stop. Unfortunately, it's from the Gunner series. I won't use it. I'll give it to you." ”

"We will meet again soon. I hope you can protect me more when we meet next time. You are very strong."


Chen Miao looked at the shiny prop in his hand, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Then he lowered his head and looked at the little wolfdog in front of him who stood upright but had not yet reached his crotch. He smiled and said, "Okay, I'll remember it. If you have anything to say to me while you are away, please tell me."

The bus quickly stopped steadily. When the bus stopped, all the players on the bus instantly turned into white light and disappeared, while the passengers walked out one by one along the door.

This will be their final stop.

Regardless of their previous lives, this is their last stop in life.

Chen Miao, on the other hand, suddenly appeared on the streets of Fengtian City at dawn in the early morning. At this time, he had no time to carefully check his clearance reward panel. Instead, he carried the "Python R6 Revolver" and ran non-stop towards the Sankui Wasteland. .

There is still a lot of mess waiting for him to deal with. Judging from the news about Hungry Monkey, the situation seems to be getting out of control soon.

(End of this chapter)

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