I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 139 This is the confidence that comes from strength.

Chapter 139 This is the confidence that comes from strength.

At this time, the Sankui Wasteland was in chaos. Countless people from all walks of life gathered here and talked loudly. These people were not good kids in the school. Not to mention that everyone had a human life on their hands.

But no one is good.

One of them counts as one, even if they are all shot, the sentence may be harsh, but it will definitely not be wrong.

Chen Miao, who was sitting in a taxi, read all the messages sent to him by Hungry Monkey one by one. He nodded thoughtfully and turned his head to look at the darkness outside the window.

Maybe I need to buy my own car.

Otherwise, it would be too inconvenient to take a taxi every time.

If he had a car of his own, he might not have been involved in this hellish bus.

Not long after--

The taxi slowly stopped in the Sankui Wasteland. The driver was unwilling to drive a few steps further. Normal people would not be willing to step forward if they saw a lot of gangsters gathering in the suburbs.

Chen Miao had no choice but to get out of the taxi.

After sorting out his clothes, he walked toward the crowd step by step with his cane and a calm expression.

Soon someone discovered Chen Miao, and the noise in the crowd quickly subsided until there was silence. Everyone turned to look at this young man with a kind face. They actually wanted to find a hint of desperation in Chen Miao. A disciple or a crazy temperament.

Unfortunately not.

The impression Chen Miao left on them was that of an extremely kind-hearted man. Even though he planned tonight's crazy action, he didn't look crazy at all. Instead, he was extremely calm, as if tonight's action was just an inconspicuous wave. generally.

When everyone's eyes were focused on him, Chen Miao thought he would feel nervous inside, but surprisingly found that although it was the first time for him to be watched by so many people on such an occasion, he didn't feel nervous at all.

This strong confidence comes from his strength.

It's like a 1.9 meter man, standing among a group of 1.7 meter men, will feel a strong sense of self-confidence in his heart.

This is the confidence that comes from strength.

Chen Miao chuckled lightly and walked slowly on a hillside in the center of the crowd. He put his hands on his hands and looked around at the crowd. Tens of thousands of people crowded into the entire Sankui Wasteland. There were almost three religions and nine streams in the entire Chengbei District of Fengtian City. Concentrated here.

If this group of people were arrested tonight, the Chengbei District of Fengtian City would be able to calm down for several days.

At this time, Hungry Monkey and the others also walked silently behind Chen Miao without speaking. They also looked around at the others and breathed a sigh of relief without speaking. Since Brother Miao is back, he has a backbone.


The originally noisy scene became extremely quiet. Everyone stood quietly and looked up at the man who turned the entire Fengtian City upside down tonight. Chen Miao also stood there and looked at the crowd quietly.

No one spoke.

The atmosphere became a little anxious for a while.

Chen Miao was also thinking in his mind at this time. Since Hungry Monkey and others had issued a reward, the reward must be cashed out, but more than 1000 million yuan had to be cashed out.

To be honest, even if he wanted to give it, he couldn't afford it. He only has more than 600 million credits in his account now.

After a long time.

King Chen Miao looked at the group and suddenly laughed: "Thank you for your hard work tonight, let me introduce myself, "Gravekeeper" Chen Miao. "

"The person who has completed the "Gravekeeper" reward tonight stepped forward and stood up. "

"Since I have promised everyone, I will definitely not break my promise."

The words fell.

Many people in the crowd looked at each other, and after hesitating for a while, a few people stepped out. These people either directly caught the six-fingered man or provided specific information.

The total reward required is 1100 million.


Chen Miao waved his hand crisply, signaling Hungry Monkey to pay these people, and spent more than 1000 million in front of everyone, as if he spent only 1100 million instead of 100 million. He didn't have enough money, so he asked Zhou Shen for a temporary loan of 500 million.

Then Chen Miao continued calmly: "There is another reward among the rewards. Anyone who knows but fails to report will be shot without mercy."

"Did you kill the hungry monkey?"

"Really killing it?"

Hungry Monkey was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while. They did find a few more people who knew the information but refused to report it, but at that time the six-fingered man had been beaten to death, so they didn't care about it. The matter had been solved anyway.

After all, I added this sentence at the time just to put some pressure on him.

This will help them find people faster.

"of course."

Chen Miao nodded and said softly: "Whatever you say must be fulfilled. Whether it is what you say or what I say, as long as it is issued in the name of "Gravekeeper", it must be fulfilled. "

The words fell——

The expressions of more than a dozen people in the crowd suddenly changed, and then without any hesitation, they turned around and fled quickly outside Sankui Wasteland. They were originally here to watch a show, but they didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, they were the actors in the show.

If you don’t run now, wait until later.

However, within seven steps, Cao Zhi was the fastest.

Seven steps away, Chen Miao was faster.

"Thumbs up!!!"

Accompanied by the harsh sound of gunfire, the gangsters in the Sankui Wasteland saw countless bullets flying over their heads like locusts, covering all the dozen or so people who were escaping.

The gunfire soon stopped.

And the fate of those dozen people naturally didn't need to be much.

Everyone's expressions were changing with uncertainty, and the shock in their eyes was hard to conceal. Even if they had seen this scene during a live broadcast of a major event, only when they saw it with their own eyes and experienced it, could they feel the helpless feeling.

This is a force that is simply irresistible.

How could such power exist in a gunner? Chen Miao completely subverted their definition of the gunner profession.

After the bounty matter was quickly dealt with.

Chen Miao then started to deal with the next matter.

Tonight, due to time constraints, many people were forcibly interrogated, probably hundreds of them. If these people are not dealt with properly, they will all be enemies in the future.

He doesn't like enemies.

This means that there will be all kinds of unexpected conflicts in the future, so one of Chen Miao's main tasks tonight is to make peace with these enemies.

"Take the people who have been interrogated tonight to an open area far away, and I will talk to them personally."

Chen Miao turned around and looked at the hungry monkey and gave instructions, then walked alone to an open area in the distance and waited.


Fifteen minutes later, hundreds of people followed Hungry Monkey to this open area with complicated expressions. They looked at the man with his back to them. They were really screwed tonight.

I was sleeping peacefully at home when my nails were suddenly pulled out.

The problem is that it has nothing to do with them yet.

This kind of unreasonable physical pain is one aspect. The most important thing is that it makes people very angry. Are you acting too domineering?

(End of this chapter)

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