I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 140 "You'd better kill me with one shot today."

Chapter 140 "You'd better kill me with one shot today."

"Is everyone here?"

Chen Miao turned around and looked at the hundreds of people behind him. Most of them were men, with only a dozen women. The same thing was that most of them had bandages wrapped around their hands, and there was still blood outside the bandages.

He was obviously seriously injured.

He glanced at the hundreds of people in front of him, and after being silent for a long time, he slowly bent down, made a straight ninety-degree bow, and said softly with a serious face: "Tonight, due to some unexpected circumstances, I have disturbed everyone. I’m sorry.”

"I hope I can gain your forgiveness."

"If you have anything you want to say, feel free to say it. If there are no problems, I hope you can sign this letter of understanding. This means that both of us will have no problems and can still live in peace in the future."

The words fell.

These hundreds of people looked at each other without saying a word. It was obvious that Chen Miao's attitude made them confused. One of the middle-aged men stood up first and said with a gloomy expression.

"Chen Miao, you are indeed strong, but you are too domineering tonight. You are making an enemy of the entire Fengtian City. Do you think you can stop the entire Fengtian City?"

"Or do you really think you are invincible?"


After Chen Miao sighed softly, he rubbed his temples and said tiredly: "I don't think I am invincible, and I don't want to be an enemy of the entire Fengtian City, so don't I come here to apologize to you?"

He was strong enough to kill them all, but he couldn't kill them all.

There are too many things involved behind these people. It can only be said that the "gravekeeper" made a lot of noise tonight in order to quickly find the six-fingered man.

"In this way, those who are willing to reconcile will stand on the left, and those who are not willing to reconcile just like this and want an explanation will remain where they are."

The crowd soon became noisy.

After a while, most people stood on the left. In fact, most people were not that angry. If the "gravekeeper" broke into his house tonight and only pulled out his nails, then this hatred would definitely be Engraved in my bones.

You must take revenge no matter what, otherwise you will no longer be able to survive, and will you have any face?

But. Tonight, so many people had their nails pulled out. Suddenly many people were not so angry. Everyone was like this. What was he so angry about? Instead, he saw that people who usually scolded him in front of him also had their nails pulled out. There is also a sense of schadenfreude.

It's even a little bit cool.

Only a few dozen people stayed where they were, ready to demand an explanation.

"Well, let me give you an explanation."

Chen Miao took out his revolver from his arms, emptied the magazine in front of everyone, took out a bullet from his arms and stuffed it into the magazine, and moved the magazine at will before walking in the first place. In front of a man asking for an explanation.

He held the revolver with a calm expression and pointed the muzzle into the sky.

"Is this enough?"

"There is a bullet in the revolver, one shot for each person. Whoever dies accepts his fate and the grudges are wiped out. No one can blame him."

"Do you dare to play?"

The words fell.

The middle-aged man standing in front of Chen Miao looked gloomy and silent. He glanced at the people around him. Many people were looking at him. Even the group of people eating melons in the distance stood on tiptoe. Look at the situation here with your toes.

The important thing for people who come out to hang out is that they cannot give in.

If he gets cold feet at this time, he will definitely lose face in the future.

But if you don't get scared.

He looked at the revolver in Chen Miao's hand, and his eyelids couldn't help but beat wildly. After a long time, he bit the bullet and said hoarsely: "Brother Miao is so brave, but I didn't grow up on a vegetarian diet."

"Just play."

"I'll go first."

"it is good."

Chen Miao nodded calmly and put the muzzle of the gun on the man's forehead: "You are not a shooter and cannot use a firearm, so I will shoot for you."

The man's breathing gradually became faster.

"Qiang!" As Chen Miao pulled the trigger with his finger, the crisp sound of the trigger emptying suddenly sounded.


The man took a deep breath, his face was full of the aftermath of the disaster, and his face became flushed with excitement. Everyone around him also screamed with excitement. Obviously, this kind of life-betting scene made these people lick blood on the tip of the knife. People are extremely superior.

"It's your turn, Brother Miao."

What's interesting is that these people had their nails pulled out by Chen Miao, but they still called them brother Miao in front of Chen Miao, which seemed quite strange.

"it is good."

Chen Miao calmly put the muzzle of the gun on his forehead, and under everyone's gaze, he pulled the trigger twice in succession, both of which were short shots.

"It's your turn."

Chen Miao put the muzzle of the gun on the man's forehead again. Just when he was about to pull the trigger, the man suddenly turned his head away from the muzzle and said with a complex expression: "I'm convinced, no need to shoot. Brother Miao, don't worry." , our grudges have been wiped out, I won’t keep such a small thing in mind.”

"that is."

"Can you give me a friend seat?"

"of course can."

Chen Miao grinned. It was easy to say that it could be written off in one go. In fact, it didn't matter whether it was actually purchased and sold in one go. What was important was that it was said in front of so many people that it was a sale in one go and witnessed by so many people.

If this man wants to take revenge on him again in the future, this would be an unethical act in the world of justice, that is, it would be unreasonable.

Reason is on his side.

At that time, he took action and killed this man and his men, leaving no one to blame.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said so much tonight.


Chen Miao looked in a good mood at the next man who was about to speak.

"Five shots."

This was a long-haired man, his eyes were full of resentment and he stared at Chen Yi with a fierce expression. A hint of a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said in a ferocious voice: "Let me guess, a big shot like you must have some confidence to gamble with people like us." Bar?"

"If I guess correctly, the revolver in your hand can't fire bullets at all, right?"

"You'd better shoot me today."

"Otherwise I will let you see what kind of revenge you have."


Chen Miao looked at the long-haired man in front of her in silence, then looked down at the revolver in his hand. Without saying much, he just put the muzzle of the gun on the man's forehead and pulled the trigger with a calm expression.


It rang the first time.

The bullet penetrated the man's forehead. The consciousness in the man's eyes gradually faded, and his whole body fell to the ground helplessly, lying in a pool of blood.

"Really are"

Chen Miao muttered in confusion. She didn't understand what this man was thinking. Even if he wanted to take revenge, couldn't he take revenge secretly? Why did he have to tell it, and his guess was also very strange.

Why do you think his revolver can't fire bullets at all?

Baseless speculation.

He shook his head and didn't think much. He just turned around and looked at Hungry Monkey and the others behind him: "This man's subordinates have also been dealt with. If there are any, make them clean."


(End of this chapter)

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