Chapter 142 'Rule Hit'.

"Weapon Name": Queen Bee Sniper Rifle

"Weapon level": D level.

"Weapon Restriction": Only available to "Gunner" and Extraordinary players on the promotion route series.

"Weapon Details": The damage energy coefficient is 80-100, depending on the hit location, the maximum magazine capacity is 30 rounds, and the effective range is 1500m.

"Exclusive effect": There is no upper limit for enhancement.

"Special Effect": Comes with the skill 'Queen Bee Strike', which will cause fatal damage, causing 10 times the damage, at the cost of not being able to use this weapon for 6 hours.

"Weapon Introduction": "An excellent sniper only fires one shot."

This is the ticket one of the passengers gave him.

Having taken on so many passengers, he has probably figured out that whether the ticket is generous depends on whether the passengers' resentment is strong enough. D-class weapons are already the best reward among all his passengers, not a taboo.

Don't measure the value of that thing.

For example, although the forbidden object in Doctor Gou's hand is only E-level, when placed in Doctor Gou's hand, it can be regarded as a D-level prop.

There are no unjust people who have died in Fengtian City in recent days. If it happens to be snowing in July in front of the Hell Bus, then he will probably meet a customer who can make him gain a lot of money.

The initial damage value of this weapon is very high. The Thompson submachine gun's is 3-10, which is much higher than the Thompson submachine gun. Of course, the overall damage caused cannot be compared with the Thompson. After all, although the Thompson can scratch it, it can't hold it. 2w hair per second, shaving really fast.

Without the slightest hesitation.

The top-of-the-line D-level accessory silencer that I just received was mounted on it. This sniper rifle that looked like a queen bee element instantly had a black barrel. Then I activated the "Taotie" skin that I had been collecting in my backpack. .

This is the reward after his Peaceful Space reaches level 3. The conditions for upgrading to level 4 are a bit harsh.

He's not satisfied yet.

"Consume 10 star coins, perfectly clear two E-level secret realms, and successfully survive a major event."

The conditions for upgrading to Level 3 in the Peaceful Space were to consume 5000 star coins and pass through an F-level secret realm perfectly. The conditions for upgrading to Level 4 were suddenly much higher.

He had the Star Coins, and he had survived the "Cowards Special" event. He was just short of clearing two E-level secret realms perfectly.

After the "Taotie" skin was activated, the panel of the Queen Bee Sniper Rifle also underwent new changes.

"Weapon name": Taotie·Bee Queen sniper rifle.

"Weapon Details": The damage energy coefficient is 4000-5000, and the rate of fire is reduced to one shot per minute.

"Skin Exclusive Effect": Each bullet has a stiffening effect, which lasts for one minute.


Chen Miao looked at the panel of the sniper rifle in confusion, feeling that everything was so strange.

The original damage energy coefficient of this weapon was 80-100. After the five times of the silencer's blessing, it came to 400-500. The "Taotie" skin will greatly increase the power of a single bullet of the weapon, directly increasing this damage coefficient. 10 times.

Came to an exaggerated 4000-5000.

Although the rate of fire is indeed greatly reduced, is the power of this single bullet too high to withstand it?

Coupled with the inherent effects of the weapon itself, which can cause 10 times the fatal damage, the maximum damage energy coefficient of the Queen Bee Sniper Rifle has reached 40000-50000.

He really wants to know if he can kill the gravedigger boss with one shot?

"So outrageous." Chen Miao's throat rolled slightly as he looked at the panel of the sniper rifle in front of him. The damage coefficient doubled from 80-100 to 4w-5w?

Just a skin and a D-level accessory?

Just give him the original sniper rifle and turn it into a rail gun?

He finally understood why a D-level accessory could emit colorful light, and he also finally understood why the "Taotie" gun skin was the only one. These two things together were too exaggerated.

The main thing is

Chen Miao's face gradually became weird. The enhancement of this weapon has no upper limit like the professional weapon, and each enhancement will increase the damage energy coefficient of the weapon. Other increases are based on the initial damage energy coefficient of the weapon.

Even if the initial damage energy coefficient only increases by 10.

After many increases, it will reach an extremely exaggerated number.

One thing he wants to do now is to try out how high the damage of his sniper rifle is. It is probably not as fast as his Thompson submachine gun to defeat ordinary bosses. After all, the Thompson's rate of fire is too outrageous.

But not every boss is a low-level boss like the Gravedigger.

Whenever a higher-level boss comes, his Thompson submachine gun will be unable to break through the defense. At this time, it is the Queen Bee sniper rifle's turn to appear, not to mention that each bullet also has a one-minute stun effect. Even if he cannot be killed, You have to give him a penalty minute of standing still.

After a minute, it was just enough time to fire the next shot.

No more, no less, just right, if the boss has zero resistance.


Chen Miao stuffed the sniper rifle into his arms with a satisfied expression, preparing to learn about the precautions for strengthening later. For the time being, he had no plans to strengthen. This was a very expensive matter, and he didn't have that much money for the time being.

The Fixed Event No. 128 Hell Bus rewards him with a D-level random prop. It is a god-level prop for an archer. It is valuable, but it is of no use to him. After waking up, he sells it to get his health back.

A hidden career book from the "Gunner" series was also awarded.


You can only use a pistol, but the range of the pistol will be greatly increased, and each bullet must hit the target regularly.

'Rule hits'.

The meaning is very simple, as long as the target you want to hit is within your range and sight, even if you shoot at your own temple, the bullet will hit the enemy.

It is a very old profession and extremely suitable for assassination.

You can even put the pistol into your pocket, then stand in the busy city, look at the target you are planning to assassinate, and shoot into your trouser pocket. The bullet will shoot out along your trouser leg until it hits the enemy's temple.

Of course, the disadvantage is that it is not suitable for secret realms and events. Although the attack method is very concealed, a gunner cannot use a sniper rifle and Gatling, which will result in too little damage. When the boss punches you in the face, you will not be able to attack even if the attack is concealed. For any bird.

I don't plan to keep it, but it should fetch a good price and be considered a good item.

These things are all the things he will be rewarded after clearing the level in Hell Bus No. 128. These things are available to everyone after clearing the level, and the rest is his unique little treasure house.


Chen Miao lay in the coffin with a slightly expectant expression, rubbing her little hands and listening to the snoring of hungry monkeys beside her ears, looking at her own quiet space.

First of all, there are a lot of messy E-level and F-level props.

He sorted out everything that could be used. This batch was all unused and was set aside to be sold for blood.

This batch can probably be sold for more than 600 million.

(End of this chapter)

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