I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 143 "Is blood relationship really that important?"

Chapter 143 "Is blood relationship really that important?"

I have to sigh again.

In this society, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to earn 1000 million. This has nothing to do with whether he works hard or not. It has to do with the social structure. This society can run normally if there are a large number of poor people. But if this society has a large number of poor people, Millions of people, society may collapse because of this.


As long as you enter a hell bus full of 18 people and get out alive, you can easily earn million, which is a guaranteed income.

Just picking up some random treasure chests in the first level can be sold for millions. Add in the 10 star coins as a reward for passing the level, some hidden career transfer books, and D-level random prop treasure chests, and the total can easily exceed tens of millions. Don't make it too easy.

This may be why so many ordinary people want to become extraordinary beings despite all their efforts. Becoming an extraordinary person means infinite possibilities. As long as you are lucky enough and have a hard life, you will definitely make a fortune.

No extraordinary person can be poor.

It’s just that most extraordinary people don’t live to become rich.

In addition to the treasure chests he picked up in the first level, the more rewards are naturally the tickets he collected from the guests. There are really all kinds of rewards.

"Star coins*14w".


"Various skills*7".

"Various props*12".

This was all his passenger rewards. He made a rough estimate. If all these gains were to be sold, 5000 million would definitely not be able to escape at auction.

"No wonder so many people did pyramid schemes in previous lives. This kind of business of attracting people is really profitable."

Chen Miao looked at the full backpack and murmured.

There are six taboo objects alone. It’s not easy to sell this thing openly.

The strongest among them is the D-class taboo "Sweetheart's Madness".

"Name of Taboo": The madness of your sweetheart.

"Taboo Level": D level.

"Taboo Effect": The person holding this taboo will loathe, detest, and resent all female creatures. They will also be subconsciously resented and hated by all female creatures, and will cause 10 times the damage to all female creatures.

"Introduction to Taboos": "Is blood relationship really that important?"

"Conditions": giving birth to four children in a row, none of which are his, and finally dying at the hands of his wife and lover, and successfully boarding the hell bus with resentment.


When seeing the taboo panel, Chen Miao could only give a thumbs up expressionlessly. He finally understood that taboos were exaggerated. His "Taotie" skin was the only gun skin.

The only one! ! !

Priceless! ! !

But the effect is only to increase the damage of the Queen Bee Sniper Rifle by 10 times, and it can only affect the Queen Bee Sniper Rifle.

This taboo is just a D-level object, which can cause 10 times the damage to women, and it is not limited to attack methods. No matter what profession you are in, no matter what method you use to attack, as long as the opponent is a woman, you can activate this effect.

In case there is a female boss.

The Queen Bee sniper rifle with a damage coefficient of 4w, with the blessing of this taboo, reaches 40w


Chen Miao suddenly fell silent. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have transformed into a female boss killer. He didn't think that female boss could withstand the 40 damage from his shot.

It's just that the side effects are a bit big.

While hating all women, he is also subconsciously disliked by all women.

Even if it is placed in a non-accidental space, it will still take effect. All the props he placed in the non-problematic space will still be effective. However, he quickly thought of a good way. He usually puts it on the hungry monkey first and waits for use when needed. , and then let the hungry monkey give it to him.

Anyway, Hungry Monkey said that after that failed relationship, he would never trust a woman again, so he probably didn’t need any romance anymore. That's it.


At this time, he was no longer in the mood to sleep. He was eager for a random event to suddenly happen and tell him that a female boss was preparing to attack the city so that he could go out and test his power. His hands were really itchy.

The other passenger rewards are all good things, many of which he can use.

such as--

E-level universal passive skill 'Spirit Buster'.

The effect is that every incidental attack of the extraordinary person can cause damage to the spirit body, and the damage value is one-tenth of the damage.

It is not a very strong skill. It can only be said to be able to break the defense against spiritual creatures such as ghosts, but the damage caused is only one-tenth of the normal damage. It takes a long time to fight, but at least it will not appear like the Hell Bus. There is absolutely no way to do anything about it.

As skill proficiency increases, this ratio will also increase.

Gradually, gradually.

Chen Miao looked at the skill panel and prop panel one by one. His eyelids drooped at some point, and he gradually fell asleep with a satisfied smile on his lips. His slight snoring slowly merged with the snoring of the hungry monkey, resounding throughout the tomb.

Seems extremely peaceful.

I'm really sleepy tonight.


Chen Miao, who had just fallen asleep, suddenly opened his eyes with an expressionless expression. The 2000 lumen light bulb above his head lit up on time regardless of rain or shine. He didn't care at all that Chen Miao didn't sleep last night.


Unable to bear it any longer, Chen Miao punched him!

Then he turned over angrily and continued to sleep in the darkness.

It was a great sleep.

Slept very sweetly.

He had many dreams. In his dream, he dreamed of the coconut tree that smashed him across the world. He dreamed of the innocent jade token that accompanied him in two worlds. He dreamed of the first day he met the hungry monkey. Seeing him standing at the top of the world, enjoying the admiration of countless people, I dreamed

Until the sun goes down.

Chen Miao woke up from his sleep. After a brief wash, he stood at the door of the tomb, lit a cigarette, brought it to his mouth, took a deep breath, stretched out and looked at the dusk on the horizon and muttered.

"It's over. Is the jet lag reversed?"

"I've been sleeping all day. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep again tonight. I don't know if Block 7 is closed."

It snowed during the day today.

light snow.

A thin layer of snow is spread on the ground, adding a touch of chill and desolation. It is still falling now, and it looks like it will continue to fall for a while.

at this time--

He suddenly noticed the hungry monkey not far away, kneeling in front of a small earthbag, with red eyes and tears hanging on the corners of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were tightened to prevent his emotions from breaking down too much.

And behind him.

Yuan Buping and his party were dressed in uniform black suits. Everyone wore white gloves and held black umbrellas, standing in the light snow on the hungry monkey.

The scene in front of me looked like a black society holding a funeral.

What confused Chen Miao was that he actually saw Zhou Shen walking into the cemetery wearing a black formal suit, holding a white chrysanthemum and an umbrella, looking like he was attending a funeral.

"What are you here for?"

Chen Miao waved to Zhou Shen to come over and said blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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