I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 144 "When a person is about to die, his words are also good."

Chapter 144 "When a person is about to die, his words are also good."


Zhou Shen hesitated for a moment and then said hesitantly: "Brother Miao, don't you know? Hungry Monkey sent me a message saying that his mother died and a funeral was going to be held, so I should attend on time."


Chen Miao remained expressionless and silent. He walked to Hungry Monkey and looked at the black and white photo in front of the little dirt bag. The photo showed the fragment of the light bulb that he had smashed with his punch this morning.

After a long time.

Then he said with a hint of guilt: "Excuse me, how about I buy you another one tomorrow? Do you want to be a new mother?"

Hungry Monkey did not speak, but knelt down on the spot with red eyes, shaking his head slightly with a sad smile on his face: "No need, actually I also know that I have been lying to myself."

"My parents died when I was very young. I have no memory of them at all. I don't even know what they looked like. After that, I was sent to an orphanage."

"The only memory I have of my mother is that she seemed to be holding me, swaying gently under the yellowish light, and humming nursery rhymes."

"So warm."

"That was the only warmth that kept me alive before I met Brother Miao. After I was deceived by that woman into buying this tomb, I lay in the tomb every night for the three years, feeling the warm light above my head, as if my mother was still there. Stay with me."

"Tell me, you must work hard to survive."

"And now, the light bulb has broken, and my dream seems to have awakened."

"My mother died a long time ago, and no one in this world cares about me anymore, I only..."

"Yuan Buping!!!"

Chen Miao took a deep breath, looked a little lost, and yelled to interrupt Hungry Monkey's words.


Yuan Buping subconsciously took a step forward and responded loudly.

"Now, immediately, immediately, go to Fengtian City and buy a 2000-lumen light bulb. No, buy 10 of them, and keep a few more as spares. Speed!"


Zhou Shen on the side also hurriedly threw his car keys over: "Take my car, it's hard to take a taxi so late."

Then Chen Miao took a deep breath and forced out a smile that was uglier than crying, and patted Hungry Monkey on the shoulder: "Get up, your mother will be resurrected soon, the funeral can be cancelled, her old man in heaven must also hope for you. Be happy."

"cheer up."


The hungry monkey put away his emotions almost instantly, jumped up from the ground, quickly stuffed the black and white photo back into his bag, then turned to look behind him at the people standing in the snow holding umbrellas: "You are here. what?"


After handling all this, Chen Miao asked someone to set up a tent in the snow. He looked at Zhou Shen with some surprise as he brought the copper pot of meat to the table and said with a smile: "I came to the funeral, and I brought a few with me." A copper pot for shabu-shabu?"

"Can your car hold it?"


Zhou Shen responded while busy: "This is the takeaway I ordered when I came here. The custom in Fengtian City is that you must eat hot pot meat in a copper pot during the first snowfall, especially when you sit in the snow. The atmosphere is... Nothing else can compare.”

"It also means that the coming year will be prosperous."

“Can we still order takeout here?”



Chen Miao keenly noticed Zhou Shen's choice of words. He raised his cup and gave a humbly smile and said, "Is it promoted?"

"That's not it."

Zhou Shen hurriedly stood up and bent down slightly, holding his own wine glass with both hands and placing the rim under Chen Miao's wine glass.

"When my mother supported me in college, I never thought that one day I would be able to sit in this position.

Chen Miao smiled and took a sip of the wine glass without saying anything else.

It's snowing heavily.

Inside the cemetery.

Eat meat and drink wine.

So enjoyable.

Zhou Shen's own work ability may not be very good, but Zhou Shen's ability to create an atmosphere is absolutely nothing to say. Originally, Chen Miao only thought it was an ordinary snow, but under Zhou Shen's operation, he seemed to have I feel like this snow has a different meaning.

It seemed to symbolize his formal establishment in this strange world.

He has his own place.

You no longer have to be afraid of living like you did when you first crossed over.

While talking and laughing, Zhou Shen's relationship with everyone became more harmonious, and Zhou Shen never mentioned the price he paid last night or the 500 million he lent to Chen Miao.

Who wouldn't like such a subordinate?

At least it's better than a subordinate who pretends to hold a funeral for his mother, but is actually just trying to impress his subordinates.

Tonight, no one sleeps.

In order to adjust for the time difference, Chen Miao took Yuan Buping and others into Fengtian City at dawn the next day to start today's process of selling stolen goods.

First I went to "Zhang Liu Psychological Clinic".

This clinic is located on the 17th floor of an office building. The company area is not large, about 150 square meters, which is not too small. When Chen Miao led people into the clinic, people on half a floor of the office building came out to watch the excitement.

After all, such a group of strong men in black suits walked into a company. They looked like they were coming to stir up trouble. If you didn't see this kind of excitement, would you still be a human being?

"Hello, brother Miao!" Zhang Liu, who looked respectful and excited, hurriedly stood up and greeted him: "Brother Miao, just send someone to come. Why do you come here in person? Thank you for your hard work. We actually met last night. Yeah, I was in the crowd at the time.”

"But Brother Miao, you were too busy at the time and didn't see me."

"is it?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Miao's eyes: "How could you, a psychiatrist, show up in a place like last night?"

The people gathered last night were all low-life people from Chengbei District of Fengtian City, and none of them were good.

"Ahem, I used to be a thief. I have some criminal records. I was also caught by Brother Miao and your people. Brother Miao, you have forgotten. I still told you about this matter. After you told the people below, I was spared the torture. of."

"Really? No wonder Zhang Liu was so busy yesterday and forgot many things."

"But none of that matters."

Chen Miao shook his head and told the purpose of his visit: "Do you remember what I told you on the hell bus? I have to go to the "broken jar market" and get my old friend Dr. Gou to get a permanent one. valve. "

"My old friend did something wrong and cannot leave the Broken Can Market. You have to make a trip there."

"Small things."

Zhang Liu's face straightened: "Brother Miao, don't worry, I'll do it beautifully. I'll do the work. Brother Miao, don't worry."

"Well, I can't let you do this for nothing."

Chen Miao smiled and waved his hand, and the hungry monkey beside him quickly took out a forbidden object from his arms and handed it to Zhang Liu: "An F-level forbidden object, a small gadget, not valuable, but it seems to suit you just right. The attributes of this psychiatrist.”

"Hope it helps you a little."


Zhang Liu looked at the taboo panel in front of him, and he burst into tears in an instant. He knelt on the ground and broke his heart: "Brother Miao, I didn't expect you to still remember this. Brother Miao, are you really, you are mine?" The savior of the people!"

"You can speak freely wherever you can use me in the future!"

"Name of Taboo": Say good things before death.

"Taboo Level": F level.

"Taboo Effect": Only people with cancer can hold this taboo. After holding this taboo, their cancer will remain in its current state and will never be cured, but it will also never spread and worsen the condition.

And make everything you say more convincing.

"Introduction to Taboos": "When a person is about to die, his words are also good."

"Conditions": When a cancer patient hears a total of 1 lies to deceive the patient in the week before his death.

At this time, Zhang Liu's pressure for many days suddenly relaxed, and his mood seemed extremely out of control. For this tumor in his body, he has been selling his belongings to enter the secret realm these days, just to solve this tumor.

No one can face death calmly.

With this taboo, although the cancer will not be cured and the body will still feel uncomfortable, at least it will not spread. This also means that he does not need to worry about the tumor suddenly exploding and killing him.

This made him feel a lot more relaxed, as if he had lived his whole life again.


Chen Miao patted Zhang Liu's shoulder and shook his head with a smile: "Relax, this taboo can't be used by anyone but you. Okay, I have something else to do, so I won't hold you back. Let's talk next time."

Zhang Liu Zhang Liu, with a name like yours, it’s hard for people to forget that you have a tumor.

Then he turned around and walked out. He had a lot of things to do during the day. He had a lot of plans. He didn't have time to stay here for too long. First, he had to clear out all the props in the idle space.


Seeing Brother Miao turn around and leave, Hungry Monkey, who was also about to leave, couldn't help it. He secretly tugged on Zhang Liu's sleeve and pointed at a woman sitting at the workstation in the opposite company.

"What does that woman do in their company?"

I saw that this woman had a pair of extremely slender long legs, wearing sexy black stockings and red high heels. Her legs were placed together on the table. She was lazily leaning on the back of the chair, wrapped in a mink and wearing a thin black inner layer.

While showing off your figure, it also has a unique charm of a mature and sexy woman.

"I'm probably afraid she's the boss's mistress."

Yuan Buping followed Hungry Monkey's gaze and said with a strange expression, "You don't look like a normal person dressed like this."

"How can any normal person dress like this to work in the company? Can people who dress like this to work be normal people?"


Zhang Liu, who was about to go out to see off the guests, suddenly nodded in realization, looked at Hungry Monkey and said with a meaningful smile: "Why, you like this? This woman's position in the company is really not that of the boss's mistress."

"You don't have to do anything on weekdays, just a white-collar salary."

"The position is a year-end bonus."

"Year-end awards?"

Hungry Monkey was stunned for a moment, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes and he murmured: "What does the year-end bonus mean?"

"literal meaning."

ps: One good news and one bad news.

Good news: My editor has resigned, no one is urging me to publish, and I am free.

Bad news: My editor resigned, no one recommends me anymore, and I don’t have a single recommendation for this book.

Hmm. Pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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