Chapter 147 "Ten million is quite a lot."


The boss took a deep breath, slowly slumped down on the chair, lit a cigarette, brought it to his mouth, and slowly closed his eyes.

There was no way out for him at this point.

He pushed himself onto the gaming table.

Win, and the rest of your life will be smooth sailing.

If you lose, suicide is the final destination.

"Then I'm not going to sell that batch of goods quickly within these three days, and then use the money to give it to Brother Miao, right?"

The hungry monkey who walked out of Haina Chaofan Shop muttered.


Chen Miao walked towards the No. 7 block with a cane and chuckled: "But so what, one of the must-learn lessons in doing business is to be empty-handed. When I was doing business in the past, I often didn't talk about the product. When we don’t even have samples, we sell them to customers, and then use the customers’ money to make products.”

“Give others a chance.”

"I think this boss is quite interesting and very hardworking. I really want to see if he can get up."

"Let's go, 2000 million is enough."

"Brothers have worked hard these days. Take them to a nice meal, buy a few cars, and then go to the club to have fun and reward the brothers."


He suddenly thought of something and turned his head to look at Yuan Buping and the others following behind him: "Who among you is called Xiaowen?"

"Brother Miao, my name is Xiaowen."

A young man in a black suit stood up with some fear. He and Brother Miao had never spoken directly. He didn't know why Brother Miao suddenly called his name. At this time, he was unsatisfied and his legs began to move. Trembling.

"Are you Xiaowen?"

Chen Miao looked up and down at the gentle-looking Xiao Wen in front of him, patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Yuan Buping told me that Qian worked very hard the night before yesterday, always rushing to the front, and still... Are you injured a lot?"

"How's your injury? Are you okay?"

Yuan Buping, who was standing next to Chen Miao, was slightly startled. He didn't expect that what he mentioned casually would be remembered by Brother Miao.


Xiao Wen froze on the spot and then suddenly reacted. First he glanced at Yuan Buping with a grateful face, and then he puffed up his chest and shouted excitedly: "Return to Brother Miao, some minor injuries are not a big deal, Brother Miao, these There are too many days given to us, and if we don’t do something, it feels like we are getting something for nothing, and I feel bad about it.”

"A small injury is nothing. Brother Yuan has already taken me to bandage it."


Chen Miao smiled and nodded, then took out the "Sharpshooter" hidden profession transfer book from his arms and handed it over: "See if you like this profession. Although it is not your favorite fighter, it is still very useful in many cases. of."

In the end, he did not sell this career book.

Because he suddenly thought that although this thing would not be used by himself, it could be given to the people below. If he wanted to do an assassination or something in the future, this thing would be quite convenient.


Xiaowen looked at the "Sharpshooter" hidden career transfer book in his hand with excitement, and shouted excitedly: "I like it, thank you Brother Miao!"


The hungry monkey standing aside smiled and smacked his tongue: "It's really neat and tidy, without even a trace of shirk."


Xiao Wenhan stood behind a few people with a smile, looking down at the "Sharpshooter" hidden career transfer book in his arms. Unlike others, he had always wanted to be a gunner, and now he even had the gunman's hidden career book. This completely satisfied him.

During the conversation, the group had arrived at a 4S store in Chengbei District, Fengtian City.

Ready to buy a car.

A large group of people strode into this 4S store with a brand name called "Haohe". The manager of the store didn't stop at all. He immediately came over with a smile on his face and kept waving his hands to tell his people to find someone.

This group of people looked like they were here to cause trouble.

They have also paid protection fees to an underground force. When encountering this kind of thing, they must let this underground force handle it more appropriately.

Matters underground must be dealt with underground.

The people from the Law Enforcement Bureau can't do anything to this group of land hooligans. These people don't destroy the place, they just come to block your door, or they make loud noises and spit randomly to affect the business. Even if they call the police, they can only give you a verbal education and then let them go. come out.

I will continue to fuck you when I come out.

They, who have a fixed-front business, simply can't afford to offend such people. To deal with such people, they have to let people from the underground come forward more reliably. People from the Law Enforcement Bureau don't dare to beat people at will, but those people really beat them.

"Buying a car, black sedan, same model, current car, 10 units."

Chen Miao glanced at the vehicles displayed in the 4S store, glanced around, and quickly spotted one of the black cars with a price tag of 68. She pointed at the car and looked at the manager who was approaching and said casually: "10 cars now. Do you have a car? If so, drive away now."

"and many more--"

He suddenly realized something and turned to look at Hungry Monkey and the others: "Do you have a driver's license? Can you drive?"


Hungry Monkey lowered his head in embarrassment: "I definitely won't open it."

"It will be open."

Yuan Buping nodded heavily: "We brothers can drive, and everyone has a driver's license. In the past, our brothers wanted to drive sports cars, so everyone got a driver's license. Later, because of some problems, we didn't keep driving. "


Chen Miao nodded with satisfaction. These little guys are still capable of everything: "Then 10 cars, with the latest production date. Don't give me a whole inventory of cars." "Do you have one?"


The somewhat obese manager of the 4S store was stunned for a moment before he could react. Finally, he saw that this group of people really didn’t look like they were here to cause trouble, and they were really buying cars. Then he hurriedly directed the way with an excited expression: “VIP room guests, please.” , sit down for a while and drink a glass of water, I will ask someone to pick up the contract."

"Full payment or installment payment?"

"What nonsense."

Hungry Monkey rolled his eyes and said disdainfully: "Do you think these guys look like people who are short of money?"

"Yes, yes, you are so talkative, please come here."

As for the incident bureau here, Zhou Shen, who had just taken office not long ago, was in his office, sorting out a pile of information and documents left behind by the previous director before he resigned.

Yes, the previous director resigned voluntarily in order for him to take office.

Maybe he was scolding him crazily in some corner at this time.

But, so what?

Obviously, your godfather is not as good as my godfather. If your godfather is strong enough, you will not resign directly, or at the worst, you will not be able to stay in another position.

Generally speaking, in this situation, the previous bureau chief will at most give up his position and not leave directly, unless the superiors, after careful consideration, feel that the original bureau chief must be dissatisfied, and if he remains in the system, there will definitely be conflicts and unnecessary consequences in the future. An unexpected situation occurred, so he was immediately let go.

This also means that although Chen Miao does not have any position now, his status in Fengtian City is no longer accessible to ordinary people.

as long as

If Chen Miao can represent Fengtian City and achieve better results than last year, then Chen Miao will be the new king of Fengtian City next year.

And he can also rise when the tide lifts all boats.


While Zhou Shen was flipping through the documents, he couldn't help but laugh. He felt extremely relaxed and comfortable while sitting in his office humming a tune.

And at this moment——

Along with the knock on the door, the secretary came in: "Director Zhou, there is a man named Wang Haina outside the door asking to see him. He said that he is from Brother Sanshui. He did not make an appointment, but he said that you will definitely see him, Director."

"Wang Haina? Brother Sanshui?"

Zhou Shen frowned slightly, isn't Brother Sanshui Chen Miao? Chen Miao didn't have to do this when he sent someone to look for him. She could just notify him with her watch. Although she was doubtful, she calmly sorted out the documents on the table and waved, "Let him in."

"Okay, Director."


A somewhat obese middle-aged man walked into the office with a smile on his face. As soon as he entered the office, he stretched out his hands and strode towards Zhou Shen, with a flattering smile on his face: "Well, hello, Director Zhou. Well, I have admired his name for a long time, and now I can see his true face. It is really a great honor for Wang."

"Director Zhou, you may not know me. My name is Wang Haina, and I own a Haina Extraordinary Shop. Brother Miao and I have cooperated a lot. I just asked Brother Miao to give you a call, Director."

As soon as you enter the house.

Wang Haina kept his posture extremely low.

Zhou Shen nodded thoughtfully, and before he said anything, he saw the middle-aged man in front of him hand over an anonymous savings card, and immediately laughed: "What are you doing? Are you doing this kind of thing? ?”

"Are you so brave?"

"What do you mean doing this kind of thing?" Wang Haina pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Director Zhou, you gave me such a big favor today. If I don't be grateful, am I still a human being?"

"I was giving noodles to Brother Miao."

Zhou Shen did not shy away from his relationship with Brother Miao at all. Unlike some people who were afraid that others would know that they were too closely connected with a certain force, he was different. He was afraid that others would not know that he was hanging out with Brother Miao.

"No matter who I give face to, since I have benefited from it, I must be grateful."

Zhou Shen smiled and said nothing. He just pushed the debit card back with no intention of accepting it. He just stared at Wang Haina without speaking, waiting for Wang Haina's next words.

Wang Haina, whose scalp was numb when Zhou Shen stared at him, hesitated for a moment, and then said with embarrassment: "Well, Director Zhou, I do have something to trouble you with."

"I plan to hold an auction in three days."

"The venue has been selected, but there are many procedures that cannot be completed in such a short time, such as auction licenses, fire protection certificates, etc. According to the normal process, it will take at least three months to complete, I..."

"Then just follow the normal process."

Zhou Shen said calmly: "If everyone wants to go through the back door, will this society be stable? What's more, you went to the wrong temple to worship the wrong Buddha. This is the incident bureau."

"The Incident Bureau can't handle this, you have to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau."


Wang Haina did not hesitate at all, and immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Director Zhou, Brother Miao gave me the batch of goods. I promised to give Brother Miao 5800 million in three days. If this auction does not start, I will not take it at all." Don’t pay for it.”

"The card is 500 million. I know these things. Just tell the director, as long as you help me, I will give you another million afterwards."

"Ten million is quite a lot."

However, what Zhou Shen cared about was not this at all. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Wang Haina who was kneeling on the ground and said softly: "Give Brother Miao 5800 million in three days? In that case, is that batch of goods in your hands now?"

"In my hand."


After Zhou Shen leaned on the chair and was silent for a long time, he suddenly got up and stepped forward to help Wang Haina up and said with a smile: "Brother Wang, get up quickly. The ground is cold. Let's talk slowly if there is anything."

He originally looked down upon a low-class person who ran a stinky shop.

But since Brother Miao can safely hand over such a valuable batch of goods to this man without taking the money, he has to let him re-examine the relationship between this man and Brother Miao.

It doesn’t look like an ordinary relationship that has been traded a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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