The bug has been fixed.

I was too tired after typing last night, so I fell asleep directly. When I woke up and read the comments today, I realized that chapter 143 was missing.

I got sick again backstage at Qidian.

I basically upload three chapters at 23:59 every day (it has not been interrupted since it was put on the shelves), but yesterday the system suddenly stopped and scheduled chapter 143 for me to come today, which directly caused the update to be interrupted yesterday.

There is no way to delete or edit the VIP chapter at will. There is a missing chapter in the middle and it is really complicated to add it. It took me a long time.

It makes me very irritated.

ps: There were three chapters in total yesterday. I put the unpublished content into the first chapter yesterday. If you have already subscribed, you can see it by refreshing it. If you have subscribed to the new third chapter, you don’t need to subscribe again. This is already possible. The optimal solution was found.


(End of this chapter)

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