I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 158 This is one of the foundations of Fengtian City.

Chapter 158 This is one of the foundations of Fengtian City.

Although the fixed incident in the sea of ​​zombies suddenly broke out, he also left the signal isolation zone of the black boss. He had already sent a message to Chen Miao.

Surrounded by so many zombies, he no longer counted on Chen Miao to save him.

Just tell Chen Miao the news.

In case either he or the black doctor failed to survive the torture and reveal the effect of the "gravekeeper" power, at least Chen Miao should know who the insiders are, so that he can prepare to silence them as soon as possible.

After these people know the power and effect of the tomb keeper, if they have some brains, they will know that they will not leak it easily.

Whether you sell this information to others, or snatch this power back yourself, and then sell the empty shell of this power, it will be a huge benefit.

At that time, we only need to silence this group of people as soon as possible, so that the news can be suppressed to a small area as much as possible.

At least we can't wait for everyone to find Chen Miao's door before Chen Miao realizes, oh, it turns out the news has been leaked. That would be too passive.


A needle was inserted into his body and slowly pulled down. The sound of the flesh being torn bit by bit rang clearly in Dr. Gou's ears. His face subconsciously twitched under the severe pain, but he did not speak. He didn't know what he was thinking. Suddenly he laughed.

Normal people without special training would not be able to withstand torture.

Extraordinary beings like them who have come out of countless fights may be able to survive for a little longer, but that's all. Torture is not just physical pain, but a double blow both psychologically and physically.

On the verge of death, he suddenly thought of his parents again.

When I was young and fearless, I didn't think there was any danger in the secret realm at all, and I never thought that I would die in the secret realm. I felt that as long as I was strong enough, I would one day become a well-known extraordinary person within a hundred miles, and give my family a better life. life.

He didn't know why his parents were so afraid that he would die in the secret realm, and even went to the secret realm to look for him.

Aren’t those children from big families also wandering around in the secret realm? Which one is not a transcendent?

Even the Zerg priest from Beijing-Kowloon City whom he met on the Hell Bus, whose family had hundreds of millions in assets, would have fallen on that bus if he hadn't met Chen Miao this time.

He doesn't understand.

He only knew that he was feeling a little sad again at this time.

"That's fine."

Perhaps he had suffered too much pain tonight, and he had gradually become numb. He had become somewhat unconscious of the torture at the hands of the two ferocious-looking men beside him, as if his body was no longer his own, and he gradually passed out. .

Worth money before passing out, was the last thought in his mind.

I can finally go home.

Go home and see mom and dad.

The difference between being young and fearless and being young and incompetent is just one word, but there is a world of difference.

late at night.

Almost all news channels and media throughout the federation are reporting one thing.


"Countless zombies have surrounded the city and are launching a brutal charge."

"People from all walks of life are already rushing to provide support. Let us pray that the Broken Can Market can survive this difficulty."

Many people were awakened late at night.

Even Chen Miao was rarely woken up by the hungry monkey mother for the first time. Instead, he was disturbed by the sound of news broadcasts. The broken jar market in the news suddenly brought him out of his sleep. Pop the head out of the coffin.

I saw Hungry Monkey sitting in the coffin with a serious face and watching the news on the screen in front of him. When he woke up, he turned his head and looked: "Brother Miao, the situation is not good. The scale of the sea of ​​zombies this time is larger than before. Bigger.”

"The market for broken jars may not survive."

"Doctor Gou and the others are still there."


Chen Miao nodded and said nothing. His face darkened slightly and he looked at his chat channel. He received a message from Doctor Gou and others. The general meaning was that they were being hunted by a local black force in Broken Jar City. They could not be killed. There were few people, and he and others were also seriously injured.

Except for Zhang Liu, Doctor Gou and Doctor Black were all arrested.

He wasn't sure if he could withstand the torture. If the secret to the tombkeeper was leaked, he would be told to silence him.

It seemed that a lot of things happened in Broken Jar City while he was asleep.

"Brother Miao!"

At this time, the chat channel also received a message from Zhou Shen.

The general meaning was to ask him if he had slept. Fengtian City urgently summoned the army to go to Broken Jar City to save its compatriots. Without stopping at all, it started half an hour later and asked him if he wanted to go together.


Without any hesitation, Chen Miao immediately pulled the hungry monkey up and asked the hungry monkey to wake up Yuan Buhe and others, and everyone set off.

Half an hour later.

Chen Miao was already sitting in the motorcade in Fengtian City. Zhou Shen was sitting next to him and said with a smile: "Fengtian City has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Not every city has an army."

"Now that they are unified and all belong to the Federation, there is no need for the army to exist anymore."

"At most, it's the Law Enforcement Bureau Incident Bureau that maintains social order and handles special events."

"Most cities don't have the military anymore."

"Only Fengtian City still retains the product of the army. First, it is an old tradition. Fengtian City was a warlord before it surrendered to the Federation. The ideas at that time have always affected the government team of Fengtian City. If they don't have soldiers, they can't say anything. Confidence.”

"Second, because of the special city-state effect of Fengtian City, it is possible to form an army of extraordinary beings full of gunmen. The price is also relatively cheap and does not cost much. Especially when these gunmen are almost ignored, the materials needed by the gunmen are and props and skills, etc., are relatively cheap and can be used for large-scale procurement by the army.”

"But in most cases, the army is useless. When war cannot start, the army is just a money-sucking machine that spends a lot of money every year. It's hard to find such an opportunity to go out and show off your muscles. Naturally, you can't Let it go.”


Chen Miao nodded thoughtfully and tilted his head to look outside through the car window. A total of 19 armored off-road vehicles and 500 military trucks were sent together on this trip, and a mighty procession was traveling on this land like a long queue.

Everyone here is a gunslinger.

The standard weapons are all Gatlings. There are 18 people sitting in each military truck. Each of these 18 people has an enhanced +3 Hell Gatling. There are 500 military trucks in total. You can imagine how many Gatlings can fire at the same time. What a spectacular thing.

Of course, firepower cannot be underestimated.

This is one of the foundations of Fengtian City.

(End of this chapter)

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