I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 159 "I think everything is worth it."

Chapter 159 "I think everything is worth it."

It is conceivable.

If different city-states were allowed to go to war to determine the ranking between city-states, instead of using something like a city-state competition to determine the ranking, Fengtian City would definitely not be in the bottom position like it is now.

This army of gunmen can make many cities suffer enough.

"I didn't find much information about this fixed incident on the Internet."

Chen Miao turned his head and looked at Zhou Shen: "Except for almost destroying two cities, there is no news. There is no analysis of the strength and weakness of these zombies, and there is no information on whether the origin of these zombies is contagious. There is no completion of this fixed event. What are the conditions?”

"Is the news about this fixed event blocked?"


Zhou Shen shook his head: "As an incident bureau, this kind of history is a required course for us. In fact, there is really no news, and it is true that two small towns were almost destroyed. To be precise, the first small town has been destroyed. Seventy percent of the second town died."

"There's only one thing you can know."

"That is, as long as they survive for 7 days, these zombies will disappear automatically."

"The key is how to survive these seven days."

"Theoretically speaking, if we kill all the zombies, it's not impossible to end it early, but based on the previous two observations, there seems to be an endless supply of zombies, and we can't kill them all. No matter how many we kill, we can make up for them later."

"Zombies are not contagious, but they are extremely fearless of life and death and extremely crazy. It is difficult to resist them."

"There is no other news other than this, that's all the relevant news."

"Just like whether you can survive this time, you can only rely on Broken Jar City itself, and others cannot be relied on. Once the fixed event of the sea of ​​zombies starts, people from other cities will not be able to enter this city."

"This city is equivalent to being briefly isolated from the Federation."


Chen Miao suddenly frowned and said in a deep voice: "Then what are we going to do this time? Aren't we going to rescue?"

"Theoretically yes."

Zhou Shen said helplessly: "But we can't enter Broken Jar City at all. We can only kill zombies on the outside of the sea of ​​zombies. The main purpose is to show the fangs of Fengtian City. I hope this can be of some help to Broken Jar City." "

seven in the morning.

It's still dark.

With the military vehicle driving along smoothly and with the accelerator pressed to the bottom, the Fengtian City group successfully arrived at Poguan City in three hours. At this time, the convoy stopped on a hillside not far from Poguan City.

Everyone was getting out of the car to repair and start organizing their equipment.

Chen Miao was standing on the edge of the hillside and looking with a cane. Not far away, he could faintly see the traces of Broken Jar Market, but it was already shrouded by countless zombies. He couldn't see how many zombies there were. He only knew that countless black shadows were surrounding this place. A city is wrapped up.

Tens of millions.

When he saw this scene, for the first time, he had the idea in his heart that there was no need to rescue at all. This city was almost certain to die, and no one could survive in this situation.

If this scene happened in Fengtian City, maybe he would also die.

Yes, his firepower is indeed very strong.

But facing the flood of zombies, he didn't have any temper. He could kill ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, but could he kill ten million?

What's more, they can't enter Broken Jar City and can only stay on the edge, which is tantamount to once again eliminating the hope of rescue.

"what happened to you?"

Chi Qiu, who also came with the Fengtian City army, looked at the absent-minded Ke Gou beside him and asked subconsciously: "You have been uneasy since before departure. What's going on?"


Ke Gou remained silent for a long time with a complex expression before hoarsely saying: "I know a secret, a secret that I don't know whether to tell or not."

"What secret?"

"Fixed event number 68, the sea of ​​zombies, is not a fixed event randomly born, but man-made."


Chi Qiu turned his head and glanced at the tens of millions of zombies at the foot of the hillside, who froze in place for a long time and then murmured: "Wait a minute, let me figure it out, what do you mean by man-made? I'm a little clueless. Understand."


Kegou took a deep breath, paused for a moment, and then said nervously: "This fixed event will randomly release a task to a person, and it is a complete task chain."

"At the very beginning of the task chain, the panel will tell you what rewards you will get after completing these task chains, and what consequences will occur."

"The consequence is that a sea of ​​zombies breaks out in the city."

"No more than three people in the entire federation should know this news."

"I'm one of them."

"Are you sure it's true or false?" A trace of uncertainty flashed in Chi Qiu's eyes.

In fact, only three people in the entire federation knew about it, and Ke Gou just knew it. If this thing was true, then the person who completed the task chain was undoubtedly a sinner of the human race.

At least millions of people must have died.

This sin must be blamed on this person. "I am sure."

Kegou was silent for a long time this time before whispering: "I completed the first mission chain. That sea of ​​zombies destroyed my hometown and took away almost everyone in that city."

"That was the first federal appearance of this fixture."

"The task chain panel clearly explains the consequences after completing the task chain, but if you refuse the task, you will only lose the memory of the task without any punishment."

"That night, I sat in the living room in silence staring at that task chain for a long time."

Chiqiu's face gradually became complicated, and he turned his head to look at Kegu: "But in the end you still chose to complete the task chain. It is said that a full 80 people died that time. Almost all the people in that city died, not a single person." Survived, and from then on even the name of that city gradually disappeared into history.”

"80 people."

"How generous must the reward for completing the task chain be to make it worthwhile for you to do this?"

"I consider myself not a good person, and I have done things like robbing civilian girls to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, but it is too inhumane to give up the lives of 80 people."

"human nature?"

Ke Gou shook his head, tilted his head and looked into the distance with a dazed expression, and murmured: "What is humanity? If 80 people lose their lives, does that mean they have no humanity? Do those 80 people know me? Do I know them?"

"The reward for completing the task chain is to resurrect my wife."

"That night, I sat in the living room and thought about it for a long time."

"I sent all my friends and family members who had been kind to me out of the city. One month later, I completed the task chain. The sea of ​​zombies arrived as expected, and I finally saw her again."

"Your wife?"

Chiqiu had a complex expression and did not express an opinion. Although he thought in his heart that Ke Gou did something wrong, even a child knew that exchanging 80 lives for one human life was not a cost-effective thing at all.

You can calculate it with your toes.

But it was not easy for him to say anything, but when he met Ke Gou, Ke Gou was just a homeless man. He was dirty, his beard and hair that had not been washed for a long time were all twisted together, and his clothes were in tatters. Unbearable.

Who would have thought at the time that this humble homeless man was a homeless man with 80 lives in his hands.

If only he knew.

Maybe he wouldn't have saved the homeless man at that time, but let him die in the winter. But after getting along with him for these years, he and Ke Gou had a really good relationship, and Ke Gou, as his dog-headed military adviser, also helped him Many, if Yu Kegou starts to separate at this time, he can't do it.

But there was one thing he knew.

That's when he met Ke Gou. Ke Gou didn't have any women around him.

This means that either there was no smooth resurrection or other accidents occurred after the resurrection.

"My wife"

Ke Gou lowered his head in a daze and murmured: "She is indeed resurrected. Do you know, boss, I was so excited when she first came back to life. I feel that I am the happiest man in the world."

"I think it's all worth it."

"Don't say 80 people die, even if another 80 people die, I think it's worth it."

"But soon I gradually discovered where the problem was, and it was only then that the last link of the task chain was revealed in front of me."

"I thought that the task chain had been completed long ago and everything ended naturally, but this time is actually the last link of this fixed event, the sea of ​​zombies."

"The last link in the task chain is for me to kill my wife with my own hands."


Ke Gou lit a cigarette and slowly raised his head, blew a wisp of light blue smoke into the air, and suddenly laughed miserably: "The punishment for failing the mission is that this sea of ​​zombies will erupt throughout the entire federation."

"That would be the end of the world."

"I admit that I am not a good person, but I cannot bear the crime of starting the end of the world."

"I can kill 80 people, but I can't bear to kill everyone in the federation."

"What's more, through getting along with my wife in the past few months, I gradually discovered something was wrong. She is not my real wife, she is more like a clone of my wife, with the same personality and body shape as my wife , the same verbal addiction, but I know she is not."


"Then I killed her with my own hands and ended all this farce. After that, I started wandering. I didn't know what the meaning of life was. It wasn't until I met you, the boss, that I felt that my life could shine."

"The reason why I say all this is because I treat you as my family. If you go to report me, I won't have any complaints. These words have been held in my heart for too long. I feel panicked. I wanted to say this a long time ago. No, don’t say I feel uncomfortable.”


After being silent for a long time, Chi Qiu put Ke Gou in his arms: "It's okay, I won't report you."

"One more thing, boss. If we can find the person who completed the task chain and kill him, we can end this sea of ​​zombies early."

"This person will have distinctive features and will have a plum blossom tattoo on the back of his hand."

"Boy, you are so tough!"

In Broken Jar City, a man picked up a screwdriver and scratched it on the back of Dr. Gou's hand for a long time before he said with a grin: "This plum blossom tattoo is very beautiful. Do you think it will hurt you if I pierce it with an awl?"

(End of this chapter)

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