Chapter 160: Is this a dream or reality?

Every city has its own specialties.

For example, the bald man in Lambei City.

A gunman in Fengtian City.

and the outlaws of Broken Jar City.

Theoretically speaking, Broken Jar City is the safest city in the entire federation. All players here are unable to harm each other. This has also led to a large number of desperadoes fleeing to this city, thus making this city the safest city in the entire federation. Dangerous city.

After committing a crime, he could be qualified to run away, and he could even run away successfully.

There must be someone with good background and strength, not an unknown person.

For example, this middle-aged man who is holding a screwdriver and threatening Dr. Gou with a grin looks ordinary. He is wearing ordinary work clothes and looks like a truck driver. However, he is also quite famous in his original city. Extraordinary ones.

"plum bossom?"

Dr. Gou, who was forcibly awakened from a coma by an injection of sobriety, felt the bone-piercing pain all over his body and was almost unconscious. However, after hearing the threat from the person next to him, he suddenly regained consciousness and tilted his head in confusion. Looking at his right hand.

On the back of his right hand, there is an extremely bright-looking plum blossom tattoo that looks extremely eye-catching.

The dried blood on the back of the hand makes the plum blossom look like a blood plum.

After Dr. Gou was confused for a long time, he raised his left hand and rubbed the back of his hand vigorously, and pinched it hard with his nails a few times before he was completely confused.

It was a tattoo, he was sure of it.

It's not a sticker, let alone graffiti, it's just a tattoo embedded in his skin that will stay with him for life.


He has never had a tattoo!

He didn't even know when this tattoo appeared. Judging from the look of the tattoo, it was probably not tattooed in the past few days. It would have taken at least half a year for it to become so natural and integrated with the skin.

Although he wasn't sure, he still remembered that when he went out to wash his face this morning, he probably didn't have this tattoo yet, right?

This strong sense of unreality made him feel a little dazed, and for a moment he even doubted whether he was dreaming. Didn't Zhang Liu tell him that AI pills can now make people enter deep dreams, and the speed of time will increase significantly in deep dreams? Slow it down, and you can brush up on skill proficiency in it.

But people in deep dreams will not realize that they are in a dream, which is too similar to reality. For this reason, they need to find some way to wake up people in deep dreams. Maybe this tattoo that suddenly appeared on the back of his hand was before he fell asleep. The thing that Zhang Liu helped him set up to wake up?

The confusion in Dr. Gou's eyes grew more and more. At this moment, he even began to suspect that he was not in a dream, rather than in reality. Otherwise, he really didn't know how to explain the tattoo that appeared on the back of his hand.


Doctor Gou fell silent.

He suddenly understood why the Federation wanted to ban things like AI pills. Dreams were not something that humans should explore. For example, he could no longer tell whether he was in a dream or reality.

There is a hole in reality.

Loopholes he didn't understand.

A plum blossom tattoo that he never remembered.

So is this a dream or reality?

He didn't let him think for too long. Seeing that Dr. Gou hadn't spoken to him for a long time, the man next to him finally became impatient. With a grin, he aimed the screwdriver in his hand at the back of Dr. Gou's hand and stabbed it hard.


The sound of the screwdriver piercing the flesh sounded at the same time as Doctor Gou's cry of pain.

"Everyone is in position, fire will begin in ten minutes."

An order was issued by the commander of this operation in Fengtian City. A group of troops outside Broken Can City were ready to fire at any time. As long as the order was given, fireworks in the sky would fall on the heads of these zombies. Chen Miao stood on the hillside overlooking all this. His contact with Dr. Gou was cut off.

But from Zhang Liu's mouth, he understood the general story of the matter.

But now this matter is no longer important. What is important is how to let Dr. Gou and others survive this fixed event. The number of this fixed event is 68, and the number of his hell bus is only 128, which means Navigating the sea of ​​zombies is more difficult.

The survival rate is even lower.

Of course, there are just more people this time. People always think that as long as there are enough people, they may not be the ones who die.

It's a shame that's what everyone thinks.

He cannot enter the city and can only kill zombies outside the city. If Dr. Gou wants to survive within these seven days, he has to rely on himself. No one else can save him.

It sounds like a coincidence.

Normal people will never encounter fixed events in their lives. In most cases, fixed events cannot be chosen independently and can only be entered by chance. Just like that time he took the bus home but boarded the hell bus.

And meeting two fixed events in a lifetime is almost impossible.

A person like Dr. Gou who enters two fixed events in a row is also a chosen one.

"Chen Miao."

at this time--

A voice came to my ears, and I saw that the mayor of Fengtian City was also here for this operation. This time, without any escort, he walked to Chen Miao and stood side by side. Looking at the horizon, he whispered softly: "You know human society How did you make progress?"

It could be seen that the mayor seemed to have something to say to him alone.

Everyone around them stood more than ten meters away, leaving them a relatively quiet space alone.

Chen Miao waved her hand to signal Hungry Monkey and others to step back. Although she didn't understand what the mayor meant, she still replied.

"It relies on the efforts of countless people."

"The efforts of countless people."

The mayor lowered his head and repeated this sentence. After a long time, he raised his head, but this time there was a trace of trance in his eyes: "In fact, the efforts of most people are worthless."

"Those workers who built the entire city up by their own efforts."

“Those janitors who get up early in the cold winter mornings.”

"Those old gentlemen who have spent their lives teaching and educating people."

"The efforts of these people are just worthless."

"They cannot promote any development of society. The reason why they are qualified to work hard is because society is developing. Otherwise, they would have no place to work hard at all. This is the meaning of most people's existence. When society begins to develop, we can Build a helping hand and contribute, but we will never be the leaders.”

"including me."

"If you are familiar with the history of human science and technology development, you will find that most of human science and technology suddenly make significant breakthroughs. They are not achieved through continuous research and development by teams. Instead, a genius suddenly appears from time to time. This genius seems to be reborn. In general, we continue to develop one scientific research achievement after another.”

"When the person dies, the technology starts to stall again and slowly advance."

"Until the next genius comes along."

(End of this chapter)

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