I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 161 “Have you ever heard of the technological explosion?”

Chapter 161 “Have you ever heard of the technological explosion?”

"All efforts are meaningless in front of that genius. The Federation has a large number of universities dedicated to academics. There are the highest-end scientific research talents in the Federation, but their highest goal is not to become someone who can replace that genius."

"But try to be the assistant of that genius. If there is no genius in the era, just wait."

"This is the confusion of the Federation and the confusion of mankind."

“Have you ever heard of the Big Bang?”

"It's just that a planet's technology suddenly begins to make completely unreasonable leaps in a short period of time."

"The principle behind the explosion of technology is that geniuses suddenly appear in large numbers on this planet, leading the planet to rapidly make breakthroughs in countless directions. A long time ago, the Federation finally made it clear that it must face a fact correctly."

"That is, from ancient times to the present, the progress of the entire human society has never relied on the efforts of the masses, but on the geniuses who suddenly appeared one by one."

"It's very helpless, isn't it?"

Chen Miao did not speak. He did not understand the meaning of the mayor's words and how they were related to the sea of ​​zombies in front of him.

"Just like AI pills."

The mayor suddenly laughed and continued: "Are you now accustomed to the existence of AI pills in this society? Do you think it is a contraband that should exist in the first place?"

"But can you imagine?"

"A product that can control dreams is actually a product of the same era as cars that run on fuel engines."

"Isn't there any sense of violation?"

"The person who invented the AI ​​​​pill is a genius, a genius of this era, a madman, a complete madman, at least in my eyes he is."

"Related technologies including watches and holographic projection were all conquered by him and his team."

"As far as I know, that madman has proposed many crazy ideas, and many of them are in progress. One of the more crazy plans is "mechanical ascension." "

"The general meaning is that the Federation has no hope of breaking through interstellar civilization within a thousand years."

"But there is a way to quickly make the Federation an interstellar civilization."

"The general idea is to let everyone in the Federation take AI pills and enter the fourth level of dreamland, where the flow rate of the world is 10000 times that of the outside world. Everyone's consciousness is shared with each other, which is equivalent to people around the world entering a dreamland that can be connected online. middle."

"There, there will be enough time to do scientific research and experiments, and the federal technology can develop rapidly."

"After waking up from the dream, the Federation can quickly reproduce everything in the dream, allowing for rapid development of technology."

"But there are too many bugs in this process. For example, so many people cannot wake up. For example, if a person gives birth to a child in a dream and wakes up to find that there is nothing, this sense of emptiness and trance will make People are in extreme pain, and for example, one night only lasts for 27 years, and they fall into dreams every night. This is a huge test for the entire federation."

"Waiting for bugs, the plan was not implemented smoothly."

"But I have been thinking about a question these days. Is it possible that the plan has already begun to be implemented? The world began to become extraordinary 27 years ago. This is a system that runs counter to science. Are we already in a dream? , the supernaturalization of the world is the product of this dream.”

"If everything goes well, in less than a month, on January 1, we will wake up."


The corners of Chen Miao's mouth began to twitch crazily. He naturally knew that this guess was unreasonable at all. It was not that he could be sure that he was not in a dream, but that he knew that he had traveled through time. From ancient times to the present, no one has ever traveled through time into a dream, right?

That's really outrageous.

After that, the mayor of Fengtian City didn't speak again. He just stood there with a dazed look in his eyes and was obviously confused about the future. After a long time, he suddenly laughed: "I said some nonsense. The development of human beings depends on one person popping up suddenly every time." It was driven by the genius who came.”

"I see the potential for genius in you."

Chen Miao shook his head: "I don't know how to do scientific research. Mayor, you think highly of me."

"No, not every genius should engage in scientific research. I just used scientific research as an example."

"In fact, in history, whether it is a major disaster or a chaotic war situation, there will always be a genius who stands up and uses extremely unreasonable methods to help mankind overcome difficulties."

"Do you know why I have been spending a lot of money to build an army of gunmen? Not to mention the possibility that we are all in a dream now. When the world began to become extraordinary 27 years ago, the reason was that the observatory detected a comet traveling at 100 kilometers per second. Heading straight towards the solar system at a speed."

"Spot on the blue star."

"The mass of this comet is about the same as that of the moon. It is the largest comet ever observed in the history of human astronomy. To be precise, it is the largest comet ever observed preparing to hit a blue star. In the past, people would happily call comets that passed by a blue star a meteor shower. "

"I can't be happy now."

"At that time, it was expected that this comet would hit the Blue Star in three years, and the only possible outcome would be the destruction of the Blue Star and the destruction of the Earth."

"There is no second possibility."

"In the last three months, the Federation announced this news to all mankind, hoping that people would understand clearly, and clearly called on all countries to use their own national power to launch nuclear bombs into the universe, destroying the size of the comet as much as possible in an attempt to reduce the intensity of the impact."

"And in the past three years, many spacecraft carrying nuclear warheads have been sent into the universe to embed nuclear warheads on comets and reduce the size of the comets as much as possible."

"Humanity has done its best."

"But everything was in vain. At the last three minutes of the countdown, the Secretary-General of the Federation gave a final speech with a calm face."

“I still remember that speech, just one sentence.”

""This is the last three minutes for us humans. Please say goodbye to the person you love most within these three minutes."

"We tried our best, I'm sorry."


The mayor of Fengtian City suddenly thought of something and said with a smile: "I was still young at that time and not yet married. I was sitting on the rooftop holding my wife, who had not yet received the certificate, drinking beer and laughing and talking about life."

"Being able to face death with the person you love most makes death seem not so important anymore."

"A lot of people died in the Federation that day."

"Many people commit suicide in advance. They cannot accept the fear of waiting for death. Some people commit suicide three months in advance. They hope they can have a decent funeral."

(End of this chapter)

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