I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 162 has basically no information, just a guess?

Chapter 162 has basically no information, just a guess?

"That day is called the Day of Judgment."


After the mayor of Fengtian paused for a moment, he spoke again: "As you said, Blue Star is still there and has not been destroyed. It is not that the Federation made any earth-shattering move in the last three minutes. "

"But after the comet entered the solar system, it began to slowly slow down and melt under the irradiation of the sun. This is not reasonable."

"Then it continued to melt until it was small enough and fell into the Atlantic Ocean."

"The moment of falling."

“The world is starting to become otherworldly.”

"It seems that the goal of this comet is to make Blue Star extraordinary, and later, according to federal research, it was found that this comet was launched from a very long distance."

"And if calculated at a speed of 100 kilometers per second, then the comet was launched about 500 million years ago."

"Five million years ago, an unknown civilization launched a comet towards our planet, a comet that could make our world extraordinary. And five million years ago, we gave birth to the first human being."

"In 27, the comet arrived."

"It took 500 million years to successfully fulfill his destiny."

"A comet has been gliding alone in the universe for 500 million years. This is a very scary thing. Before this, the longest comet that humans observed flying in the universe only flew for 100 million years. This one flew for 500 million years. Thousands of years."


Chen Miao suddenly frowned: "Mayor, are you saying that when the first human being was born on Blue Star, another planet launched a comet towards Blue Star that could make the world extraordinary?"

"We didn't successfully arrive until 500 million years later?"

The mayor's words made him a little confused. He was a little uncomfortable with these too huge numbers. Five million years was too long, and even he couldn't understand how long five million years was.

This time span has exceeded his cognition.


The mayor nodded calmly: "The Federation regards this as a gesture of goodwill towards a new civilization, although the Federation has not found any other civilizations in the universe so far."

“But there must be other civilizations in the universe.

"There are more than 4000 billion stars in the entire Milky Way, and the currently observable universe has about 2000 billion galaxies like ours. At the same time, the Milky Way is like a piece of beef that has been filled with water and is still expanding."

"The universe is bigger than you and I imagined. It would be extremely strange if a second civilization could not be born in such a huge universe."

"The reason I say it is so big is mainly to tell you one thing. I think you have the potential to become a genius of this era, and you are qualified to know this."

"Based on the Federation's guesses and discoveries over the years, we have a general guess. The Federation named our universe Universe 666. In Universe 666, all civilizations are at the edge of the universe."

"Theoretically, as long as you build a spacecraft that exceeds the expansion speed of the universe, you can fly out of the universe."

"For other civilizations, the universe is a prison. The only way for them to escape from this prison is to make their civilization's speed exceed the expansion speed of the universe."

"But it's not enough on their own."

"So they will launch comets to all the planets where life was born, such as the one that landed on Blue Star 27 years ago. By making this planet extraordinary, it will quickly progress into a star civilization, thereby joining them and providing them with Contribute a little bit.”

"Those civilizations believe that the real world is outside the universe."

"Everyone in the universe is a prisoner."

"This is a rare jailbreak plan that has been planned for hundreds of millions of years and countless civilizations have joined forces with each other."

Chen Miao did not speak. After a long time, he frowned and said: "This plan cannot be successful. The fastest speed in the universe is the speed of light. No object can move faster than the speed of light, and the expansion speed of the universe far exceeds the speed of light."

"Theoretically speaking, even if there are other civilizations in the universe, there is a high probability that they will not be able to leave the universe. It is impossible for them to exceed the expansion rate of the universe."

The mayor of Fengtian City nodded: "Theoretically, this is indeed the case, but if everything was just theoretical, mankind would have perished long ago."

"Humanity can continue to this day only because of miracles one after another."

"Like humans, those civilizations also believe that they can create miracles, even if they have spent 100 million years or even more on this, without achieving any results."

"Last question." Chen Miao glanced at the hungry monkeys and others around him: "Why is it named Universe 666?"

"Is it because the binary number of 666 is 1010011010? What special meaning does this string of numbers have?"

"Not really."

The mayor shrugged: "Simply because of auspiciousness, 666, it's a smooth journey."

"Sometimes I really suspect that all the geniuses who have emerged in human history are all travelers sent by other high-dimensional civilizations. Their goal is to lead us to rapid development, just like you."

The mayor held his chin with one hand, looked Chen Miao up and down, and said thoughtfully: "I started investigating you when you emerged in the big incident. Before that, there was no record of your existence in the federation."

"It's like you just appeared out of nowhere."

“First, he single-handedly killed the siege boss, and then became the only winner in the “Cowardly Special” event. After that, he made an extremely impressive return by breaking the record in the Hell Bus. "Everything you do is difficult for ordinary people to do." "

"But before that, there was no information about you. I even investigated all the convenience store surveillance in Fengtian City, and you were nowhere to be found in the past twenty years. You may not know that normal surveillance will not be archived for too long. Yes, but since twenty years ago I suspected that these geniuses who changed human history might be time travellers."

"Just secretly order all convenience store surveillance to be permanently archived."

"The first time I saw you in Fengtian City was when you were in the library. I went to see all the books you read. They were all federal events and federal history, as well as some popular science books."

"There's no storyline."

"Most of the time, this kind of reading is for children's enlightenment. Adults rarely read these things because they have all read them when they were young."

"And when you showed up in the library, the clothes you were wearing didn't fit you."

"It just so happened that someone reported that someone had robbed his clothes in the alley."

"From that day on, your reputation began to gradually emerge."

The mayor looked at Chen Miao with scrutiny in his eyes: "So these days, I have been thinking that if you are a time traveler, the first time you land is to find clothes for yourself, because you enter the time and space conveyor Can’t carry anything, including clothes?”

"After landing, go to the library first and learn about the history and culture of this planet."

“Then it starts to blend in.”

"And started to show his talents and gradually rose up."

"Don't get me wrong, I have no ill intentions towards you, and I will never leak this information. I just want to know which high-dimensional civilization you are from and what the characteristics of that civilization are."

“What else is there in the entire universe that I don’t know about.”

"I don't know how long I can live, but it's a little uncomfortable to think that I have to die with so many unknowns."

"If none of this can tell me, at least you can tell me, are your high-dimensional civilizations really gathering to break through the cosmic cage?"


Chen Miao didn't speak, but his whole back was soaked with cold sweat. He felt as if his underwear had been pulled clean off. Is this person a devil?

Basically no information, just guessing?

Did you also guess that they are inseparable?

This is equivalent to going to Werewolf. A civilian without any identity relies on guessing the four wolves. It is not too outrageous.

At this time, he also realized his vulnerability.

A person who had never appeared before appeared out of thin air. The first thing he did was to go to the library to check out the history and culture of the Federation. If you don't think about it carefully, it actually doesn't matter.

But if you think about it carefully, you will realize how weird this thing is.

All the surveillance of convenience stores in Fengtian City over the past 20 years has been preserved.


You are the mayor and you are awesome. Don’t so many archives take up government resources? Can you report it to the mayor? Is this a waste of taxpayers’ hard-earned money?

But soon he shook his head indifferently and helplessly and said: "Mayor, you are overthinking. If I were a time traveler, how could I speak the language of your world? I don't have a ridiculous accent."


The mayor smiled and said nothing: "It is normal for high-dimensional civilization to have simultaneous translators or pills that can quickly learn the local language. At least you are not a reborn person. After all, you did not buy a lottery ticket, but rely on The clinic got its first pot of gold."

"Otherwise, I would also like to ask what the federation will look like in the future."

"Okay, it's okay. By the way, I'd like to add something I didn't finish just now. The reason why I spend so much energy building an army is because I always believed that there would be a civilization that invaded us."

“If there are civilizations in the universe that are friendly to us, there must be civilizations that are malicious to us.”

"Although Blue Star is now unified, I still think disbanding the army is a very stupid idea and decision."

"It's time to start the fire. Let's talk next time."

The mayor of Fengtian City waved his hand and walked away, but not long after walking into the crowd, several men around him strode up to him holding laptops.

"This is the heart rate of Chen Miao when she was talking to you just now."

"The clothes on his back were slightly soaked."

"The heartbeat speeds up significantly during this period."


After reading all the data, the mayor stood there and pondered for three seconds, and then murmured in a low voice: "Did I really guess that you are a traveler from a high-dimensional civilization?"


"Or the monitor?"

(End of this chapter)

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