Chapter 163 "Prophet".


The mayor who stood there looked at the countless roaring zombies in the distance. He was silent and did not speak in a trance. His mind was not on this at all at the moment. He guessed that there should be detectors of high-dimensional civilization in the federation.

There should be, right?

After all, the probability that the comet that transformed the Federation into a supernatural state was delivered by a high-dimensional civilization is as high as 70%.

Since the high-dimensional civilization spent so much effort on them, they would definitely send someone to check on their progress. This is what he guessed. He did not want to believe that there were no monitors, which meant that the high-dimensional civilization would not even be able to monitor their progress. Don't want to pay too much attention to them.

Within the Federation, only a very few people know a common secret.

Only the core group of people in the federal government and the mayors of each major city heard the news.

That was one year and one month later.

That is, on December 12 of next year, a civilization will invade the Federation and start a life-and-death battle between the civilizations of both sides. This news was learned last year, and the information came from a "prophet."

It is also a kind of extraordinary profession.

Regarding this news, those who knew the information were extremely pessimistic, and almost unanimously believed that human civilization would be destroyed in one year.

There is really no way to fight this battle.

How could they possibly defeat a civilization that could transcend time and space and invade them? This was not on the same level at all.

But even if they couldn't defeat it, they couldn't just wait to die, so each city made its own preparations.

Some cities intend to turn all the people into extraordinary beings, while other cities will allocate all resources to a few extraordinary beings so that they can cultivate a group of high-end combat forces.

Fengtian City is an important part of it.

The mission or preparation of Fengtian City is to cultivate an army of gunmen. This is an extraordinary profession that is somewhat weak in the secret realm, but it is very powerful in the real battlefield. At least it is stronger than the fighters who charge in groups. A little, you can stay away and die slowly.

Over the years, Fengtian City has spent a large amount of government funds to acquire the basic materials, skills, props, etc. of the gunmen. His answer to other people in the Fengtian City Government team, such as the deputy mayor, etc., is that the materials are now purchased at low prices. , and will be sold at a high price later.

But in fact, the real reason is just to stock up for war.

But the real effect of these actions may be extremely small in the face of the entire civilization. He knows that these are useless and cannot save the entire human civilization.

What would you do if you were the only one who knew that humanity was going to perish?

He admitted that he was just an ordinary person, and could not think of any way to save mankind, let alone have the ability, so he seemed to be possessed by a demon, and kept turning over history to start looking for a way in history.

at last.

He really found the answer.

In history, every time human beings encounter something, there are always some people who appear to deal with it. For example, Huo Qubing was born when the Huns were ravaging the Central Plains. He died young after repelling the Huns in his early twenties.

It was as if the mission of his birth was to defeat the Huns. When the Huns were defeated, the mission was accomplished, and the man died.

There are countless such cases.

Whenever there is a crisis, there is always a person with a mission like this.

For Blue Star, this civilizational invasion was definitely the biggest crisis in history. He wondered whether there would be such a person with a mission to save mankind again.

This is just a guess on his part.


He met Chen Miao.

The countless unsubstantiated guesses in his heart were like an imaginary answer suddenly derived from a problem-solving formula. It felt as if a lot of originally unreasonable logic had been filled in by Chen Miao. Chen Miao is the person who is specifically charged with the mission of saving human civilization.

Come here specifically.

Saving the Federation is his mission.

Just like Huo Qubing.

This is his guess. He is not sure. He has not told anyone about this matter. Others will say that he is ridiculous, even those in the federal government. He has told those people about his guess a long time ago. People believed that his guess had no logic.


If we really go by logic, humans should have become extinct countless times in history.

Humanity can continue to this day only because of its lack of logic.


With a calm expression, he turned to look at Chen Miao, who was standing in the crowd behind him, and secretly made up his mind. At least so far, he had not found any countermeasures from the Federation, so he could only place his bet on Chen Miao.

I hope that all the resources in Fengtian City can help this man with a mission to grow faster.

Fortunately, one year later, it can help the federation survive the crisis of civilizational invasion.

"its not right"

He suddenly froze on the spot, his mind was a little down, and he was a little confused. If he was not prepared to devote all the resources of Fengtian City to Chen Miao, would Chen Miao rise soon?

Can federal civilization still be saved?

So is this person with the mission Chen Miao or him?

Is it possible that his mission is to help Chen Miao grow quickly?

If Chen Miao really saves the Federation in the future, is it because Chen Miao himself is the person with the mission, or because he puts a lot of resources on Chen Miao? Without him, can Chen Miao still save the Federation?

Isn’t this a fucking paradox?

After the mayor stood there and shut down for a minute, the corners of his mouth began to twitch crazily. He couldn't think anymore. He seemed to have got himself in. He couldn't turn around. His brain was about to explode. He began to doubt that he was from a higher-dimensional civilization. Messenger.

After all, his idea was too ridiculous.

It is difficult for ordinary people to accept.


He decisively issued the firing order to get everything back on track. As for other things, he stopped thinking about them for the time being. He had no other choice but to pin his hopes on Chen Miao.


When all cities were preparing for the invasion of civilization, in addition to forming an army of gunmen and collecting gunner materials, the second preparation he made was to find the person who was tasked with saving the Federation.

At least that's what history says.

Now it seems that he may have found it, but he still needs to observe for a while to see if Chen Miao's momentum will become stronger and stronger, or if it will soon weaken.


Is he also a monitor of high-dimensional civilization?

Chen Miao didn't know that the mayor of Fengtian City had fallen into madness in the distance. Instead, he stood there with his back slightly soaked and did not speak. He did not expect that someone would be bored enough to look through the surveillance cameras to check for traces of his previous life.

He had only two words to express his feelings: speechless.

But what the mayor just said was quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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