Chapter 166 "Plum Blossom?"

In order to repair the relationship with Chen Miao, he has done a lot for Chen Miao these days, but this is the first time he has stood in front of Chen Miao. Although he has tried hard to pretend to be serious, his legs are still shaking a little. .

Last time at the noodle shop, Chen Miao left a huge shadow on him.

"This is a major event that is manually opened. Someone must complete a complete task chain before this fixed event can be opened. As long as seven days have passed after it is opened, the person who opened this fixed event can be given a very generous reward. .”

"I don't know what the reward is this time."

"But the first reward, that is, when this fixed event first appeared, the initiator chose the reward of resurrecting his girlfriend. Later, he discovered that although his girlfriend was resurrected, she was not his real girlfriend. Friends, but clones.”

"Not long after, the last link of the task chain came."

"The mission is to kill his girlfriend with his own hands, otherwise this sea of ​​zombies will cover the entire world. It is not limited to one city. This is a mission chain that can destroy the world. The one who finally chose to kill his girlfriend is his wife. .”

"Within seven days, no matter how the outside world rescues us, this sea of ​​zombies will not be cancelled. There are too many zombies and we can't kill them all."

"The only person who can end this disaster early is to find the person who started the mission and kill him in advance. When this person dies, this fixed event will be over."

"The person who starts the mission will have a distinctive feature, a plum blossom tattoo on the back of his hand."

"plum bossom?"

Chen Miao frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, then nodded to indicate that he understood. Then he glanced at Ke Gou beside him and patted Chi Qiu on the shoulder. Without saying anything more, he asked Hungry Hou and the others Staying where he was, he prepared to go into the sea of ​​corpses to take a look.

"Tell the mayor what you just said. He has a way to get the news to appear on the radio channel in Broken Jar City, so that we can find people faster."

Then Chen Miao strode towards the edge of the hillside.

In the process of firing just now, he always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell. No matter how many zombies he killed, there were always more zombies filling the vacancies, but he couldn't see how the zombies filled the vacancies. It was like it came out of nowhere.

If a large area is cleared instantly.

Can you see clearly how the zombies came out?

He stood there with a calm expression while holding the Thompson submachine gun, looking at the sea of ​​corpses charging towards Broken Jar City not far away, took a slow breath, and pulled the trigger.

The next second—

2 rounds of bullets were fired from the barrel of the gun under the influence of the skill, and gathered into a huge missile in mid-air, slamming into the sea of ​​corpses before the missile could fall.

The second missile is already in place.


As the first deafening explosion sounded, countless explosions began to sound continuously, and missiles exploded with huge lethality, destroying everything in front of them.

In front of Chen Miao brand missiles, these zombies seemed to be made of paper, breaking into pieces at a touch.

Missiles fired every second are diligently cleaning up the world and cleaning up the suburbs of Broken Can City.

Amidst the continuous explosions, a small area of ​​the sea of ​​corpses was instantly cleared, and Chen Miao finally realized that something was wrong.

I also saw where the zombies were coming from.

The moment the sea of ​​corpses was emptied, zombies filled the entire void again, just like infinity. But this time he could see clearly that zombies suddenly poured out in large numbers from an open space, which also meant that there were zombies there. ’s birth point.

Perhaps occupying that position means blocking the spawn point of zombies. "."

After Chen Miao hesitated for a moment, he turned around and walked down the sandy slope, striding towards the point where he had observed the noise. These zombies were just numerous in number and average in strength. As long as he was careful, they would not be able to get close to him. body.

He doesn't need to worry about running out of bullets.

His firepower can go all the way.

After Chen Miao left, Chi Qiu immediately found the top commander of this operation, the mayor of Fengtian City, and told Chen Miao everything he needed to say.


The mayor looked meaningfully at the child of the Chi family. He did not ask how the child knew this kind of in-depth information. This kind of information that even he did not know seemed to only be the one who opened it or had ever started this mission. Only people know this information.

This fixed event has occurred twice in history, and each time the city was basically destroyed.

But he still shook his head slowly: "This news cannot be leaked."


Chi Qiu was a little confused, and looked at the reporter who was not far away: "As long as the news is told to the TV station, they should be able to quickly spread the news throughout the Broken Can City, right? This fixed event does not limit the people inside Contact people outside, but people outside can’t get in.”

"If you don't do this and wait for seven days, Broken Jar City will be destroyed."

"Isn't this too much of an impact?"

"The federation cannot afford it. It has been a long time since the main city was destroyed."

"Do not."

The mayor shook his head: "If this news is leaked, Broken Jar City will be wiped out. On the contrary, if this news is kept in the stomach, it will be very difficult to survive."

"Who has the most people in Broken Jar City?"


"There are a large number of desperadoes who have fled to this city and taken root. A person who is qualified to escape and also escapes to Broken Jar City will most likely be a senior transcendent who has been in a combat environment for a long time and has little combat experience. It will be bad.”

"This city has more outlaws than any other city."

"Even ordinary people, because they have to deal with desperadoes for a long time, are more vigilant than ordinary citizens. Even if they are not extraordinary, they always have weapons on their bodies."

"This is a city with a population of tens of millions. No matter how many zombies there are, if they are not strong enough, it is impossible to destroy the city. There is no need for people in the city to unite. They only need to fight on their own, killing if they can, and hiding if they can't. .”

"In seven days there will be at least eight to nine million people alive."

"But once this news gets out, do you know what will happen?"

The mayor raised his hand and pointed to Broken Jar City not far away: "Everyone in this city will start looking for people with plum blossom tattoos on the backs of their hands, and most of their attention will be focused on this."

“No longer thinking about hanging on, but ending early.”

(End of this chapter)

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