I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 167 Isn’t this going against the mayor?

Chapter 167 Isn’t this going against the mayor?

"It would be a good thing if we could find and end this disaster in a short time, but what if we can't find it in a short time?"

"Most people in the city are focused on finding people, especially those who are powerful and powerful. No one will resist anymore, and those zombies will start a massacre as if they are in a deserted land."

"At this time, we cannot let the hearts of the people in Broken Jar City disperse."

"And even if they die, most of them will be those desperadoes. Let's just treat them as belated executions."

"do you understand?"

Today, he said a lot for the first time. He doesn't usually talk so much.


Chi Qiu nodded with a complicated expression. It was so complicated. He probably understood a little bit, but not quite.

"By the way, don't spread this matter. This is an unverifiable decision."

The mayor said softly with an indifferent expression. Once this matter spreads out, as the mayor of Fengtian City, if he has the ability to do nothing to save him, this voice will make him suffer a lot of incomprehensible abuse.

He wasn't sure if the results would have been better if the news had been passed on.

This is something that cannot be verified.

But he still believed in his own judgment, and fewer people would die due to his decision.

However, neither of them noticed that the reporter who was far away from them had his eyelids drooping slightly and looked cautiously at the recorder not far away from the two of them.

"Brother Liu, I found breaking news!!!"

A girl who looked very young and energetic, holding a recording pen in her hand, rushed excitedly to a middle-aged man, her voice trembling with excitement: "Brother Liu, haven't you always said that our TV station has no breaking news? What kind of attention?"

"Now I've found one!"

"I accidentally lost my voice recorder just now. After searching for it for a long time, I found out that it had been dropped not far away. When I was about to pick it up, I saw the mayor talking to someone there. I was afraid that it would cause misunderstanding and be regarded as intentional. Monitoring, I will not go there."

"I didn't go over until the two of them left. Only then did I realize that the recorder was turned on. I turned it on and listened out of curiosity. Do you know what I heard? Big news!!!"

The girl carefully played back the recorder, revealing the conversation between Chiaki and the mayor.

"Can this be broadcast?"


The middle-aged man called Brother Liu rolled his eyes at the girl: "You and Xiaohua are both new interns who have joined our TV station. I am very happy that you can understand the plight of the TV station, but sometimes you have to think carefully. Down."

"The mayor has said that this matter cannot be reported to the outside world. If you still want to report it to the outside world, isn't this going against the mayor?"


The girl lowered her head aggrievedly, holding on to her clothes and saying nothing.

But just then——

Another girl standing aside, a girl named Xiaohua, after hearing the conversation between the two, said angrily: "The mayor of Fengtian City clearly knows that there is a way to solve this disaster in advance, why should he hide this?" information?"

"Isn't this putting the lives of tens of millions of people in the market at risk?"

"No, this news must be spread. If the person with the plum blossom tattoo on his hand can be found within seven days, do you know how many lives can be saved?"

"Can't pass it on."

Brother Liu shook his head expressionlessly: "I am the leader, and what I say is an order."

"We are reporters, not lackeys." "If everyone tells us not to leak the news, then do we all do it? Then we don't need to write press releases. We can just let the novelist write a story every day. That’s okay, I really can’t talk about it anyway.”

After saying that, the extremely tall girl named Xiaohua, who was 175cm tall, strode away angrily, obviously having some disagreements with her leader.


Looking at Xiaohua's leaving figure, Brother Liu sighed slightly. This intern was the most troublesome existence for him, but due to some relationships, he had to be promoted to a regular position.

"Brother Liu."

At this time, the girl who first discovered the news was a little frightened by the stiff atmosphere in front of her. She defended Xiaohua in a low voice: "Don't be angry with her. Sister Xiaohua is a bit straight-tempered and too righteous."

"When she saw someone spitting on the street or smoking in public, she would go up and scold the person loudly, without showing any mercy to the person."

"And very selfless."

"Last time I saw her going to the street to buy milk tea with her father. Her father spit everywhere, and she pointed at her nose and scolded her on the spot, saying that her father had no quality and that she was not personal in what she did."

"She has a kind heart, but her style of doing things is a bit unpleasant."


Brother Liu glanced at Xiaohua with a complex expression, and after a long time he said softly: "Perhaps she just enjoys the feeling of criticizing others from the moral high ground. If she accuses her father in public, is this killing relatives for justice, or destroying humanity?"

"And it seems that he has never been beaten since he was a child."

"Even if the other person's behavior is wrong, if you rebuke him mercilessly in public, once you meet a desperado, you will basically be responsible for this for the rest of your life."

"You may not meet him once a thousand times, but if you meet him once, you will be dead."

"This is not justice."

"It's about enjoying the pleasure of criticizing others without others being able to reply. This is the most disgusting hypocrisy."

The girl was stunned in place, unable to realize what Brother Liu meant by this sentence.

But at this moment——

A news picture appeared on all the outdoor screens and watches in Broken Jar City.

"Hello everyone, I am Liu Xiaohua, a reporter intern at "Zhizhen TV" in Jingjiu City. I must tell all the citizens of Poguan City the truth. You have been abandoned by the government. "

"In front of the government, your life is just a pawn that can be abandoned at any time."

"Before that, I will play a recording for you."

"The recording was too long, so I filtered the key information a little bit."

"Mayor, why don't we spread this news? This news can help fewer people die in the broken pot market."

"Who has the most people in Broken Jar City?"


"Even if they die, most of them will be those desperadoes. Let's just treat them as belated executions."

"I accidentally learned the news. When I learned that the mayor of Fengtian City took his own initiative and gave up your lives, I almost lost my mind in an instant. I can't sit back and watch the government let the lives of 10 million people be treated as politics. tool."

"I want to tell you a key piece of news. This fixed event, Sea of ​​Zombies, was manually opened. Someone completed a task chain. After the task chain is completed, this fixed event will be opened."

(End of this chapter)

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