I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 169: Don’t ask, just ask if you feel you can do it.

Chapter 169: Don’t ask, just ask if you feel you can do it.

Broken Can City is a large city that can accommodate tens of millions of people. It has all the necessary living facilities. There are hundreds of bus routes in the city. Even though the world has become extraordinary and the entire world has ushered in rapid development.


There are still many people who go out by bus.

A city that can accommodate tens of millions of people is surrounded by tens of millions of zombies. This scene is extremely shocking. At this time, countless people are surrounded outside the sea of ​​zombies. There are live broadcast teams sent by various TV stations to broadcast the live footage in real time. There were rescue forces sent from various cities, as well as a large number of people who came to watch the excitement, and this group of people was the largest.

Most of the people who came to watch the excitement were extraordinary people.

Now that you have gained strength, what is the biggest change from before?

More arrogant than before?

Or do you have a stronger sense of justice than before?

The biggest change is actually that people who didn’t dare to see the excitement before now have the courage to come over and take a look. Don’t ask, just ask because you feel you can do it.

Chen Miao, who relied on artillery to wash the ground all the way to the center of the sea of ​​zombies, seemed to be making a lot of movement. In fact, not many people noticed this scene, and most people could not even see any movement at all.

Only the mayor of Fengtian City, who had been paying attention to Chen Miao, saw Chen Miao disappear into the sea of ​​zombies from beginning to end, but he couldn't see him anymore. The range of human sight is only that far.

Chen Miao kept walking deep into the sea of ​​zombies, seeing ghosts if he could see them.

At this time, Chen Miaozheng frowned slightly, and countless bullets hovered around him, forming a metal storm and strangling all the zombies that entered the range.

Facing such low-strength but larger-number mobs, his Metal Storm is the best defensive skill.

Once turned on.

Keep out of sight.

And there was a deep pit in front of him at this moment. This deep pit seemed to be a zombie-making machine. A large number of zombies were constantly flying out of this deep pit, and at the bottom of the deep pit, you could vaguely see a zombie that was constantly emitting colorful light. s things.

Chen Miao took a deep look at the number "009" in the pit next to it.

Without any hesitation, he leaped into the pit for life.

With the strength of these zombies, no matter how large they are, they cannot break through his defense. As long as his star coins are not exhausted, he still has tens of thousands of star coins, which is enough for the time being, and he is not worried about his life safety.

He was just curious about what could make this pit continue to create zombies.

However, this leap completely shattered his worldview.

I saw——

As soon as Chen Miao jumped into the pit, he felt that his body suddenly lost control, and then he fell straight under the influence of gravity until he flew out of the pit, yes flew out of the pit.


He looked at the deep pit in front of him with disbelief.

The gravity of this pit seems to be completely opposite to other gravity.

Normally, a person should fall towards the ground.

But the moment he jumped out of the pit, his body involuntarily fell towards the sky. It wasn't until the whole person flew one meter out of the pit that the gravity disappeared, and then he fell to the ground normally.

He always thought that the zombies flew out of the pit, but now it seemed that they simply fell out.

"What's happening here?"

After trying several times in a row to confirm that he had not made a mistake in judgment, Chen Miao was a little confused for a moment, but he gritted his teeth and walked to the edge of the pit, although the scene in front of him was a bit strange and made him feel vaguely uneasy.

But he still got into the pit, only this time he didn't jump in.

Instead, he climbed in along the edge of the pit.

as predicted.

As he expected, he slowly climbed down along the edge of the pit, but his body did not feel like a normal fall to the ground at all, only the feeling of climbing on a flat rock cliff.

The gravity of this pit is completely different from normal gravity. Do you know what this means?

he does not know.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't make a move now, he really wanted to search to see if this situation had happened before.

I don’t know how long I climbed.

Countless zombies flew away from him. Like a hard-working rock climber who took life lightly, he continued to move up the cliff in the violent storm. He looked back behind him.


The scene before him made his thinking slightly confused.

It seems he was wrong again.

It seems that this is not a simple reversal of gravity, but the world is upside down.

He turned back to the sky behind him and saw the clouds and sky he saw most often in the past, but at this time, these things gave him the feeling that they should be the ground, and his thinking seemed to be reversed because of this.

After thinking wildly, he finally reached the bottom of the pit.

At the bottom of the pit.

There is only one portal that shines with colorful light.

"Item name": Zombie generator.

"Item Level": None.

"Prop Effect": Unlimited generation of zombies within seven days. It is expected to generate 100 million zombies. If the generated zombies die too quickly, the generation speed will also become faster, up to 1000 million zombies can be generated.

Activating this prop requires 10 star coins.

"Prop Introduction": As you can see, this is a world-destroying thing, and the best way to store it is to throw it into the sea.

This portal is about half a meter high. It is slowly rotating while constantly emitting colorful light. It looks like the entrance to a secret realm.

It's just that the secret portals he entered were all white.

At this time, zombies are leaping out of the portal very quickly.

Suddenly, he felt a strong urge to stick his head into the portal to see if he could see anything. He was a little curious about what was on the other end of the portal.

But his reason still allowed him to restrain himself from this behavior.

This is almost a desperate plan.

But the good thing is——

He obtained enough messy props from the big event "Cowards Special", and his idle space could also accommodate enough messy things. He pressed his body against the cliff at the bottom of the pit and used tools to fix himself on it. On the cliff, so as not to fall.

Then he took out a periscope from his arms and thrust the observation end into the seven-colored light transmission.

next second!

He then saw a brand new world through the periscope. The scenes in front of him were completely different from the information he usually received. He saw a complete world on the other side of the portal.

It's just different from Blue Star.

In that world, the sky is the earth and the earth is the sky.

People live on clouds.

He even saw a giant city built on clouds. Those clouds seemed to be realistic and could bear a lot of weight. For the people in this city, the ground was their sky.

(End of this chapter)

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