I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 170 It would be rude to maintain one's quality at this time.

Chapter 170 It would be rude to maintain one's quality at this time.

There is the passive skill of Eagle Eye, and his eyesight is also very good.

He even clearly saw what people in this world looked like. The average height was about 1.5 meters, but they looked a little thinner. Otherwise, they were no different from other humans.

And he extended his periscope to the outskirts of the city.

In an open-air factory.

Workers, shirtless and sweaty, were constantly making zombies one after another on the assembly line, and then sent them uniformly to the colorful portal at the end through the conveyor belt.

Yes, this is the portal where he extended his periscope.

This was the first time he knew that there was actually a factory behind the zombie generator that was producing zombies.

No wonder the production speed can reach 20 times at the fastest, if you dare to let the factory work overtime at full capacity, right?

What kind of world is this?

He became extremely curious about the world.

He poked the periscope deeper to give himself a higher perspective, and he saw more.

He saw that the cities in this world were completely opposite to the cities in Blue Star. They were located above the clouds, but the buildings were all facing the ground. The way the city disposed of garbage was to throw garbage into the sky.

Maybe that garbage will just keep floating into outer space.

There is no groundwater.

But there are energy converters that lift all the water from deep within the clouds for use by cities.

There are roads and cars.

In addition to being completely opposite to Blue Star, there is basically no big difference in performance.

But perhaps the periscope tens of meters high extending out of the colorful portal was a little too conspicuous. He soon saw many people roaring and looking at his periscope. He couldn't understand the voices of these people. They were from another group. language.

"call out!"

A large knife cut off his periscope.

That's a really big knife.

It is about three hundred meters long.

He didn't have time to be shocked about how such a thing like a three-hundred-meter sword could exist. Instead, he quickly dropped the half-length periscope in his hand and prepared to stuff the colorful portal prop into his backpack. He didn't know if he could fit it in.

This thing always feels useful.

at the same time--

Suddenly a door was pushed open at the bottom of the pit. The door was almost integrated with the bottom of the pit. You didn't even notice that there was another door here. A dwarf-like head popped out of it. You were about to teleport that one very quickly. Take the door back.

But Chen Miao has faster hands.

One step ahead of the dwarf, he took the teleporter back and put it into his backpack. He showed a kind smile and said with a smile: "Hello."

He guessed that this world might exist in the center of the earth? Or other civilizations?

In short, they must be aliens.

This may be the first contact between Blue Stars and aliens. It may be written into the history books in the future. He can imagine that scene. In the future, it will be recorded in the history books like this: "That was the first time that humans and aliens came into contact with each other." Alien contact, Chen Miao opened the subsequent chapter with a friendly 'hello'."

There has been a "hello word" for a long time

Later there was "Hello Alien"

Which milestone has more profound significance may have been the former in the past, but it will be the latter in the future.

He followed the door that was pushed open at the bottom of the pit and saw the scene of that world.

It seems to be in an office, and this little man seems to be a little leader or something.

"%%¥¥%¥!!!" The dwarf who wanted to take away the colorful portal saw that he could not succeed. He looked at Chen Miao with an angry expression and kept cursing: "%¥%¥¥%¥%!! !”


Chen Miao suddenly fell silent with an expressionless face. He had no idea what the dwarf was talking about, but in the communication between civilizations, sometimes it seems that you don’t need to understand the meaning, you just need to look at the expression even if the language is not good. You can also understand each other.

For example, now he knew that the dwarf must be cursing.

And the scolding was very dirty.

It would be rude to maintain quality at this time.

"Grass horse!"

"I'm fucked!!"

Chen Miao replied with an expressionless Chinese quintessence, just like a certain philosopher said, if humans really communicate with an alien in the future, the first sentence will definitely not be hello, but a curse word.

Perhaps the dwarf understood. After being stunned for a moment, he opened and closed his mouth slightly. He pursed his lips tightly and quickly retracted his head and closed the door without saying a word.

"Do you understand?"

Chen Miao held her chin with one hand and fell into deep thought.

And the moment the dwarf retracted, he suddenly felt that the strange gravity of the pit was gone. He untied the device that fixed himself to the cliff, and fell heavily to the bottom of the pit.

Gravity is normal.

Then he stood up, patted the soil on his body, and looked at the soil under his feet. At this time, zombies were no longer born in the deep pit. The zombie generator had been stuffed into his backpack. Although it was a semi-physical portal, As long as it is a prop, it can be stuffed into the backpack.

This is the supreme rule.

Just like clouds, they can float in the sky and belong to the highest rules in a world. When the highest rules of a world are broken, it will also be the beginning of the collapse of this world.

He climbed up again until he was out of the pit.

Pull out your Thomson.

He looked at the bottom of the pit and grinned. Without any hesitation, he immediately pulled the trigger and started blasting.

Let you scold me.

Your office was completely destroyed!

After dozens of shuttles descended, the soil at the bottom of the pit continued to splash. However, he had dug down a meter or two, but nothing happened. The door just now was clearly opened at the bottom of the pit.

Now there is nothing.

It's as if the door was not created at the bottom of the pit, but out of thin air.

At this time, he stood on the edge of the pit and glanced around. The zombies in this area were no longer generated. After he killed all the zombies around him instantly, for the first time, there was a gap in the originally dense sea of ​​zombies, like a The pockmarked strong man's face suddenly had a pockmark removed by a laser.

Then he glanced at the number 009 on the edge of the pit.

Although he didn't know what kind of world it was or what those dwarfs were, he knew one thing, and that was that through the expressions and unintelligible swear words of these people, this portal seemed to be very important to them.

Since this is 009.

There must be other numbers.

And just one portal cannot create a sea of ​​zombies that can surround a city with a population of tens of millions.

He quickly flew towards his other marked areas.


He can fly.

Although he has no flying skills or flying props, he can still fly.

(End of this chapter)

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