I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 173 Forensic doctors are not vegetarians.

Chapter 173 Forensic doctors are not vegetarians.

The dossier is actually very simple.

11 years ago.

Some loan shark gangsters broke into a house. It was still relatively barbaric at that time. The hostess stepped on and trampled them and made many insults. The male owner couldn't bear the humiliation and rushed into the kitchen to get a knife and stabbed all the gangsters to death. .

Emotions are released.

But how to solve this matter next is a big problem.

Finally, the owner of the household thought of a good way to let his children take the blame, so that his children would be exempted from the crime with a high probability, and neither the male owner nor the female owner would be punished. He also let his children run away in advance, creating the fact that they were fleeing in fear of crime.

It is completely true that it was his child who committed the crime.

The other party entered the house first to commit the crime. A child saw his parents being humiliated and was forced to take action. He didn't know how serious the attack would be. After waiting for multiple buffs, if everything goes well, there is a high probability that the child would be wanted first, and then it would be determined to be self-defense, and then the child would be released. return.

The family can be reunited.

But it's a pity.

Forensic doctors are not vegetarians.

The strength and direction of the stab wounds on the deceased were clearly caused by an adult man, even if the dagger on the murder weapon belonged to a child.

This is the final result of this case.

The hostess fell into a severe coma due to the heavy weight on her hand, and died in the hospital on the seventh day.

The male host was arrested on the spot and executed by firing squad the next day.

It is estimated that the reason why the black doctor has never dared to contact his family may be because of some agreement at the time, that only we can send you proactive messages, and you must not send us messages.

He came here to take the blame for his family.

But...it seems like there is no need to support it anymore.

From beginning to end, the federal government did not have any arrest warrant for the rogue doctor, and the case was closed on the same day it was opened.


Chen Miao touched her nose, then shook her head and said helplessly: "No, this is a case in another area, and the people above me can't find it."

"Forget it, none of this matters."

"Since you guys are fine, I'm relieved. I have to go find Zhang Liu first."

"He is still alive and dead and his whereabouts are unknown."

"use this."

Doctor Gou took out a small gadget from his space backpack and handed it to Chen Miao: "This is the mother-child signal transmitter. When Zhang Liu and I were separated, we could see each other's real-time positions."

"it is good."

Chen Miao took the signal device, nodded to Doctor Hei and Doctor Gou respectively, and then strode away. Zhang Liu was sent by him, and he couldn't let the other party die like this in Broken Jar Market. .

The tide of corpses is certainly terrifying.

But it couldn't stop him.

When Chen Miao found Zhang Liu, Zhang Liu had fallen into a coma and was lying on the rooftop of an abandoned high-rise building with injuries all over his body. Outside the rooftop door, there were countless zombies roaring and beating on the security door.

The remote areas of Broken Jar City have been completely occupied.

Countless zombies rushed into the city.

Citizens are forced to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Fortunately, these zombies are not as contagious as those in movies and TV shows. People injured by zombies will not be assimilated into zombies. Otherwise, the entire Broken Jar City would have been destroyed long ago. .

He came neither early nor late, just right.

If he had come a little later, Zhang Liu would probably die in the mouths of these zombies that were about to break out of the door. Chen Miao, who was carrying Zhang Liu, returned to the clinic. The black doctor quickly took over Zhang Liu's body and began to treat her in an orderly manner. I have to say that having such a doctor really gives people a lot of confidence.

Chen Miao did not leave either.

Just listening to Zhou Shen's report on the progress outside, and sitting aside watching the news on TV.

"What's going on outside?"

Chen Miao was sitting outside the operating room with a cigarette in his mouth and said casually when he heard the movement outside.

The black doctor just walked out of the operating room at this time and took off his medical gloves full of blood: "A reporter exposed the conversation between the mayor of Fengtian City and others, saying that this sea of ​​zombies was man-made, and that human hand There is a plum blossom tattoo on his body, and as long as he kills that person, this disaster can be solved."


Chen Miao nodded and said casually: "Well, someone also told me about this. It is indeed the case. However, I have almost solved this disaster. I estimate that in another day, the zombies outside will be completely eliminated. ”

There is no more continuous transportation of large numbers of zombies.

These zombies outside are like rootless water. If he doesn't care about the cost, he can clear them all out in at most an hour.

The black doctor nodded and said nothing, but subconsciously glanced at Dr. Gou who was already asleep and resting in the operating room.

Although the injury is heavily bandaged.

But after all, the injury was still very serious, and with the excessive blood loss, it was easy to feel sleepy. In fact, he was also sleepy. After all, his injuries were not small, but he knew that he could not sleep, otherwise there would be no one to take care of Dr. Gou and Dr. Gou. There are two people, Zhang and Liu.

He was not familiar with Zhang Liu.

But I am grateful to Dr. Gou.

At this time, the TV station in Broken City was broadcasting some survival lessons for the citizens of Broken to save their lives. Moreover, in order to attract zombies with the sound, all the teachings were silent.

The reporter Liu Xiaohua disclosed the urgent news about the mayor of Fengtian City's talk, but it was also cut off midway. However, the news still spread out. Even if it did spread, everyone would just curse inwardly.

At this moment, they have no intention of paying attention to this matter. Saving their lives is the most important thing.

But by chance, someone happened to have seen such a plum blossom tattoo.

The man who sentenced Dr. Gou was slightly stunned when he saw the secret information revealed on the news, and then hurriedly reported the news to his boss. After several confirmations from the gangster boss, the news gradually spread. go out.

Countless forces are constantly communicating with each other.

The portrait of the man who had escaped from them became increasingly clear.

"Doctor Gou" escaped from Fengtian City to Poguan City dozens of days ago and opened a "Little Sunflower Men's Clinic" in Poguan City. As long as he catches this person and kills him, this crisis will be over. Finish.

The safety of tens of millions of people in Broken Can City will also be guaranteed.

Everything will end.


When Chen Miao was about to put out the cigarette in his hand, the rolling shutter door that was tightly connected to the ground was suddenly kicked open.

In winter, the sun rises late.

But it was already past 9 o'clock in the morning, and the sky was almost bright. As the rolling shutter door was kicked open by uninvited guests, a lot of sunshine also poured in. The clouds were very heavy today. Although it was bright, the light was not dazzling at all.

Misty sunshine.

Gives people a very comfortable feeling.

There was no dazzling feeling from the sun, and the sun was not visible above my head. I was busy all night without realizing it.

(End of this chapter)

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