I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 174 The Underground Emperor of Fengtian City

Chapter 174 The Underground Emperor of Fengtian City

Look along the gap.

I saw that the outside of the clinic had been surrounded at some point. Nearly a thousand strong men stood on the street outside the clinic with gloomy expressions, surrounding the clinic until it was filled with water. A dozen men who looked like heads were standing on these In front of a strong man.

He was looking inside the clinic with an extremely ugly expression.


Chen Miao, who was smoking, was slightly stunned when he saw this scene. After stubbing out the nearly burning cigarette butt in his hand, he subconsciously turned his head and looked at the black doctor: "Have you made so many enemies in Broken Can City?"

"Have you circumcised the foreskins of so many people?"

His first reaction was that Dr. Gou had returned to his old profession, and it seemed that he had done a lot of cuttings, and then someone came to seek revenge.

This is normal.

What's abnormal is that there are too many people seeking revenge.

Chen Miao didn't know what the situation was, but the black doctor knew what was going on. After a slight hesitation, he still said hoarsely: "Brother Miao, the plum blossom tattoo is on the back of Dr. Gou's hand. I wrapped it up."

He didn't tell Chen Miao about this because he was worried that Chen Miao would be killed by Dr. Gou for the tens of millions of people in Broken Can City.

In his heart.

The tens of millions of people in Broken Pot City are not as important as Dr. Gou.

From this perspective, he will never become a real doctor. He does not have the compassion of a real doctor.

"Doctor Gou?"

This sentence completely shut down Chen Miao's brain. He finally knew why these people were here. He looked back in confusion at Dr. Gou, who was still sleeping in the operating room. Dr. Gou wanted to destroy the broken jar market. ?

No motive, why?

If he remembered correctly, the first person to take on this task was to resurrect his wife.

Dr. Gou's obsession is his dead parents.

In other words, Dr. Gou plans to use this method to resurrect his parents.

In this way, motivation is enough.


Chen Miao remained silent and did not speak. He really did not expect that this fixed incident No. 68, the largest fixed incident in recent years that has attracted the attention of all cities in the federation, was actually caused by Dr. Gou.

If he doesn't come.

If he hadn't discovered the zombie generators at the bottom of the pit.

Perhaps the market for broken jars will become history from now on.

There will no longer be the profession of "careless person" that many people aspire to.

The federal desperadoes didn't know where to escape.

at this time--

Dr. Gou, who had woken up at some point, was sitting in a wheelchair, pushing the wheels on both sides of the wheelchair with difficulty with both hands. He looked at Chen Miao with an ugly face and said word by word: "I didn't turn it on."

"Although I didn't know that there was such a way, and I didn't know that the dead could be resurrected."

"Maybe I would have done that if I had known."

"But I didn't open it this time. I don't know when the plum blossom tattoo on the back of my hand appeared. I just discovered it last night. It seemed like it suddenly appeared. I don't know what it is."

"But one thing is for sure."

"This sea of ​​zombies has nothing to do with me, they are slandering me."


Chen Miao nodded: "If you say that, I definitely believe you."

"Black Doctor, you take Doctor Gou in to rest first. I will take care of the matters here."

Say it.

Chen Miao sighed softly, stood up slowly and walked out of the clinic with a cane. He looked at the strong men outside and said softly: "Who can talk? Let's talk."

The dozen or so men leading the group looked at each other, and then all took a step forward.

One of them, a middle-aged man with long hair and a face full of knife scars, was the first to speak with a gloomy expression: "You have the courage to face so many of us alone. It shows that you are not a nobody with your magnanimity."

"But you should also know the seriousness of the matter. The doctor inside started this disaster."

"As long as we kill him, this disaster can be ended."

"This is related to the lives and property safety of nearly ten million people in Broken Can City. You should know which is more important and which is less important. No matter who you are to him, even if you are his brother, for the sake of selfish desires, nearly tens of millions of people will be killed. You should see clearly the true face of the demon who slaughtered all his lives."

"None of us standing here are good people, and we have all had human lives on our hands, but none of us let so many innocent people die because of their own selfish desires. This is already a crime against humanity."

"He must die, today!"


Chen Miao nodded. The expression skills of these desperadoes were better than he thought. They seemed to be able to communicate and were not too stupid. Then it would be much easier to talk like this.

He paused for a moment before slowly speaking.

"First, my name is Chen Miao."

"I hope you can get to know me. This can avoid many unnecessary casualties. If you don't know me, you can search for my name. You will know me in the future. This method of getting to know me is relatively peaceful."

"Second, the doctor inside is mine. He is not the one who started this incident. I can vouch for him."

"The plum blossom tattoo on the back of his hand is just a hidden mission and has nothing to do with this fixed event."

"Third, I have almost solved the sea of ​​zombies in the fixed event No. 68 this time." "Didn't you notice that the zombies are gradually decreasing in number? Will they no longer come out in a steady stream like before? Of course. You may not be able to see this from your perspective, so I’ll try to make it clear.”

"I destroyed the hub that can continuously spawn zombies in the zombie sea. The remaining zombies are just some rootless water. There are a large number of rescuers outside who are constantly cleaning up the zombies. This disaster will be over before dark at most."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

The dozen or so leaders did not speak, but all looked at each other, and they all made a move, that is, they started to search the Internet for the name Chen Miao. They had never heard of this name, but many years of experience in the world still told them. , when you don’t know the other party’s approach, you still have to listen to the advice and do more research.


They found Chen Miao's previous battle videos.

The exaggerated fire coverage made the corners of their mouths twitch uncontrollably.

It's really outrageous.

Fortunately, this is the urban area of ​​Broken Can City, and players cannot hurt each other. If it were in the suburbs, Chen Miao probably wouldn't talk so much at this time, and would just have a direct confrontation.

At the same time, they also saw the introduction of Chen Miao on the Internet.

The following introduction is summarized by various netizens.

One of the rows of keywords looks like this.

"Volent and unscrupulous, he is the underground emperor of Fengtian City, his anti-crime efforts are worse than those of the Federation, his backer is so tough that he cannot be moved, he is the first person to clear Hell Bus with 100% mortality difficulty, he kills the siege boss with one shot, etc. wait".

In short, the character introduction and battle scenes are just two words.


Can not afford to offend.

The man who had spoken more forcefully just now suddenly hesitated, and after a moment he touched his nose: "Since you are so confident, brother, we must give you this face."

"But what if it is later discovered that this doctor was indeed the one who started this incident?"

"I'll chop off one hand."

Chen Miao said calmly, with a tone so calm that it seemed that the person who chopped it was not his own hand.

"it is good!"

The man who came to force the palace breathed a sigh of relief. With Chen Miao's words, at least it seemed that he was not forced to go away in despair, and he had regained some face. Otherwise, they would have taken advantage of him so easily. He came with his brother, but was frightened back by a few words.

It's too embarrassing. How can I bring my brothers together in the future?

How can you still hang out in this industry?

After receiving Chen Miao's reply, the group of people slowly retreated, leaving only one younger brother responsible for kicking in the door of the clinic and preparing to pay for it.

After the episode, Chen Miao sat in the clinic again, looking at the dark clouds above his head through the gap in the rolling shutter door. He thought again of the world he saw last night, and what kind of world it was.

It's like the world in the mirror, completely opposite.

Things will not fall to the ground, but will fall to the sky.

Is this...reasonable?

It is because of the existence of gravity that the planet exists. If the gravity was outward, then the planet should have fallen apart long ago. Can it still be a planet?

Even for gaseous planets, planets that are 98% composed of gas, gravity is inward.

He couldn't imagine how a planet with outward gravity could exist.

It's like if your five fingers can only be held in opposite directions, then theoretically it is impossible to hold anything with your palm, just like a normal person cannot hold a golf ball with the back of his hand.

After a long time, he didn't think about it anymore.

He finally understood why the mayor of Fengtian City behaved in a weird way. Maybe the other party knew that he was obsessed and was focusing his energy on these misty places, but the other party might know more information.

Perhaps it is clearer that even though the Federation is still thriving, its demise is almost certain.

This matter cannot be undone.

At least it can't be saved by normal means, so we can only place our hopes on some vague places. When we get to this point, we are also bearish on many things.

It is also a helpless move.

It was getting bright, and it was getting dark again.

When the sun ended its day's work and the curtain came down, the zombies outside Broken Jar City were almost cleared away.

The fixed event numbered 68, the sea of ​​zombies, came to an end quietly.

Until the end, it was not known who started the incident.

It is also unclear what punishment will be given to the person who opened the event if it was forced to close in the middle.

Only Chen Miao discovered one thing.

He finally understood why when he discovered the zombie generator, those people were so scared that they would rather interrupt the sea of ​​zombies and urgently take back all the generators. This zombie generator, which is shaped like a colorful portal, can directly enter that magical place. world.

in other words.

In the past, people were completely unknown to this world.

After having this portal, he can directly enter that world to explore and even communicate.

If he is willing, at least he is not willing now.

He was afraid that he would be killed if he went in. The unknown world also represented unknown opportunities and unknown dangers.

And he was a little afraid of death.

(End of this chapter)

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