I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 177 "I'll go to school at 8 a.m.!"

Chapter 177 "I'll go to school early in the morning!"

"of course."

The mayor laughed again: "If you are willing to reveal these things, I believe that the government team of Broken Jar City will come to thank you in person."

Chen Miao smiled and said nothing, neither denying nor answering.

He doesn't want to reveal the news that there is another world in the portal yet.

Whether it was a blessing or a curse, he couldn't figure it out for the time being.

The mayor and his party left without staying too long.

Although "Eternal Cemetery" is his secret base, it is just to coax ordinary people. He has a high position in Fengtian City. Who doesn't know that the latest rookie in Fengtian City is based in "Eternal Cemetery"?

It's almost an open secret.

It’s just that the people don’t know.

No one knows why Chen Miao chose this kind of place as his base. If he was forced to choose this place at the beginning, why didn't he change his base when things improved in the future?

Although it was not clear, no one came up to ask.

No one has been pushed to this point yet.


Chen Miao did not continue chatting with Hungry Monkey and the others. After washing up hastily, he immediately walked into the tomb and lay down in his coffin. As soon as he lay down, his eyelids drooped, and he fell asleep in a daze.

Snoring also sounded slowly inside the tomb.

It can be seen that Chen Miao is really sleepy.

The hungry monkey who had just finished washing looked at the sleeping Chen Miao, smacked his tongue, and yawned heavily. Then he suddenly jumped into the air, then straightened his body in the air, and finally fell flatly into the coffin. .

No more noise was made.

He is going to sleep too.

At this time, all the members of the "Gravekeepers" fell into sleep, and the "Eternal Cemetery" also fell into silence. Only the little old man in the security room at the door was still watching TV, as if this old man was never sleepy, as if he had not been seen. Had a nap.

Or do people sleep less as they get older?

After all, there is really no need to sleep more when you don’t know when you will die. Many elderly people are afraid of sleeping. They always feel that they will never get up again once they fall asleep. They also feel that sleeping is a waste of time and seems to be burning them alive. What little life is left.

I don’t know if this little old security guard thinks so.

At least he is enjoying watching TV now and doesn't feel tired at all.

He didn't even notice that there was a dark blue train parked at the door of his security room. Until he heard the system prompt next to his ear, the old man was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked up at the train with the dark blue light in front of him.

After a moment of expressionless silence, he couldn't help but curse.

"I'll go to bed at eight in the morning!"

The next second—

The old man disappeared into the security room, and the dark blue train disappeared with him.

Everything is back to normal.

The small TV in the security room still continued to emit light, but it was just as autumn as before, but the person was no longer there. The little old man watching TV was no longer visible on the single bed in the security room.

At this time, it should be equipped with a BGM.

Mom, I'm leaving.

At this time, Zhou Shen was instructing the people below to move the body of Medusa back to the Eternal Cemetery. After killing the Medusa boss last time, the body was temporarily placed in the Eternal Cemetery.

Hungry Monkey said he wanted to take it and study it, but he didn't refuse even though he was so kind.

Although the word "extreme hospitality" is inappropriate to use here, that's what he wanted to express.

Just at this time

He looked at the corpse of the Medusa boss that was riddled with holes in front of him, and remained silent with a complex expression.

Humans can't, at least not.

Hungry Monkey and the others could see that they were really curious about the structure of the boss's body, so they directly dissected the corpse and made a cut from the middle of the belly. The bloody internal organs were directly exposed, and they had already frozen in the cold winter.

Fortunately, although he was a little silent, he still sighed lightly, at least he was just curious about the internal structure of the boss's body.

Not curious about anything else.

He was afraid that Hungry Monkey and others would do strange things.

"Hurry up and burn it."


The people below should be here soon.

In the federal political system, the deputy directors or deputy ministers are generally the ones who do the actual work, and they are the ones who have the most contact with lower-level managers. Generally speaking, the directors and ministers have nothing to do. Their main task is to communicate with the superiors. .

At this time, he was promoted to director of the Incident Bureau, but the position of deputy director was vacant.

At this time, he held two positions, and he also served as deputy director.

Two persons per person.

It's equivalent to him being the only one in the incident bureau at this time, but obviously the Fengtian City Government doesn't care about this, or in other words, the capable people don't care, but the people who care don't have the ability to get him.

Logically speaking, since he has become the director, the original deputy director should also take over, at least the position should not be left vacant.

It's just a pity.

For various reasons, the biggest of which was that he did not want to damage the relationship between Fengtian and Chen Miao because of this incident, the once all-powerful deputy director did not even show up, thus ending his political career.


As the 2000 lumen light bulb lights up, it's dawn.

Chen Miao woke up leisurely, walked out of the tomb full of energy and stretched. After washing, she lit a cigarette and brought it to her mouth. She looked at the rising sun in the horizon and felt the new day. He has a mission today.

He wants to perfectly clear two E-level secret realms.

If this can be done.

Not only can his "First Emergence" prop be retained, but his "Nothing Space" can also be upgraded again, and he can have multiple gun skins.

I hope this gun skin just fits his Gatling.

He had already obtained the blueprints of Gatling, and had gathered all the materials, but it had never been built, which was meaningless. If there was no exclusive skin, the power of a Gatling would make no difference to him.

Far inferior to the power brought by Thomson's shuttle.

So before he got an exclusive skin for Gatlin, he didn't even bother to create Gatlin, which made no sense at all.

And he had to move faster or slower, and his "first show of strength" prop would have to be taken back. Although the end point of this prop would be taken back sooner or later, if it could be one day later, it would be one day later. He was already used to using this cane. .

Currently, no one in the federation has permanent possession of this prop.

When people evaluate this prop.

He is like a beautiful lady, you can have her once, but you can never have her forever.

At this time, Hungry Monkey and others gradually woke up, and the Eternal Cemetery once again entered a lively state. Yuan Buping, who had just woken up, was full of energy and continued his major project of transforming the park.

Then the others suddenly discovered that the old man in the security room was missing.

"Really missing?"

Chen Miao originally thought that the old man had gone to a corner to defecate. After standing in the security room and waiting for ten minutes for the old man to come back, Chen Miao opened the door of the security room with some doubts. The old man should have just left temporarily.

This is proven by the fact that the TV is still off.

At least it's not running away.

The last time the siege boss attacked, the old man ran away with his folding bed and TV. If he was running away, he would definitely take these two things with him, and the TV would not be turned off.

Disappeared suddenly?

Someone kidnapped?

But why would someone kidnap such an old man, and who would they kidnap? Isn't it blackmailing them? If you want to blackmail them, there should be a better choice. Whether it is Hungry Monkey, Yuan Buping or even Zhou Shen, they are all good choices.

But although he didn't know why the old man disappeared for no reason, he didn't worry about the old man's safety. The old man was hiding deeper than he thought. It was estimated that even if something happened to them one day, the old man would be fine.

A person who has been hiding as a professional extraordinary person for more than ten years, who knows how many trump cards he has.

If you can guard the tomb here day after day, who would believe it if there is no benefit?

Chen Miao shook his head and ignored the matter. The old man would definitely come back anyway, so he would just ask again when he came back.

"found it."

An hour later, he received a message from Yuan Buping.

Chen Miao raised his eyebrows and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Early this morning, the container truck he ordered was delivered to his door. He customized many accessories to make the container truck have many seats, and even added an ejection seat.

Once in danger.

The roof can be opened quickly, ejecting them 100 meters into the air.

So as to quickly get out of danger.

This container truck will be an important tool for the "Gravekeeper" to travel in the future. They no longer need to take buses or rent. They have their own exclusive transportation. Today, his main task is to perfectly clear the E-level secret realm.

So early in the morning, he sent all Yuan Buhe and others out to find the entrance to the E-level secret realm.

Only the secret realms that appear in the suburbs have not been completely cleared.

All the secret realms in the secret realm building in the city have been cleared perfectly.

The F-level secret realm is the entrance to a white vortex.

The entrance to the vortex of the E-level secret realm is light yellow.

On the Guimao Wasteland opposite Sankui Wasteland, Chen Miao and his party were standing in an open space. In front of them was a constantly rotating light yellow light. This was the entrance to their newly found E-level secret realm.

There is something very annoying about this unexplored secret realm.

That is, until you enter the secret realm, you will never know what the secret realm is, which means that you cannot prepare in advance.

Only after entering did you know what happened.

There is a row of numbers on the upper right side of the secret realm.


This means that this is a secret realm that can accommodate up to 2 people. This also means that this is a small secret realm. After thinking for a moment, Chen Miao looked at the hungry monkey beside him and said, "Get ready and go in with me."


The hungry monkey put a heavy hammer on his shoulder and grinned: "Come on, my partner, it's time for us to fight side by side again."

"A new journey is about to begin!"

The next second—

The two of them stepped into the pale yellow rotating light in front of them and disappeared from Yuan Buping's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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