I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 178 The name of the secret realm: Biohazard.

Chapter 178 "Name of the Secret Realm": Biohazard.

"Name of the Secret Realm": Biohazard.

"Secret Realm Level": E level.

"Secret Content": This is a modern city, but a long time ago, a scientific research institute came to this city. The mission of this scientific research institute is to study a kind of virus and bacteria, which is super infectious. The infected survivors will lose their minds and at the same time, their bodies will burst out with supernormal strength, and they will have no pain and no fear of life or death.

The virus can spread quickly through blood and wounds, with an incubation period of three minutes.

This means that if there is no antidote within three minutes, the virus that enters the body will explode immediately after three minutes.

"Secret Mission": Survive for 72 hours.

"Secret Realm Progress": The maximum clearance progress of this copy is 42%. If the clearance progress reaches half of the secret realm mission, you can successfully leave the secret realm.

"Introduction to the Secret Realm": The little white rabbit is just a good name for prisoners of war.

The secret realm panel flicked in front of the two of them.

When Chen Miao and Chen opened their eyes again, they were in a coffee shop on one side of the street. There were not many people in the shop at this time, and the overall atmosphere was extremely quiet. They could only vaguely hear the chatter of the waiter and other customers.

The overall atmosphere is suitable for a date.

Especially the ambiguous period.

It's pretty quiet.

Outside the window, there was busy traffic, which looked extremely lively. The pedestrians and vehicles passing by on the road formed a picture of a bustling city, with countless high-rise buildings rising into the sky.

It's almost the same time as the outside world.

The sun hangs in the sky, bringing a touch of warmth to the cold.


Chen Miao, who sat in his seat without making any movement for the first time, frowned slightly and looked at his secret realm panel in front of him. This secret realm seemed to be more complicated than he imagined, with the highest clearance progress being 42%.

Only when the customs clearance progress reaches 50% can you leave the secret realm.

This also means that although it is unknown how many people have entered this secret realm before, no one has survived so far. In other words, these people have not survived the next day at all.

The longest one was that he died the next day.

more importantly--

This time, there seemed to be more players than just him and Hungry Monkey in the secret realm.

For example, there is another panel in front of him at this time.

"Team name": x13 Research Institute.

"Team members": (Team leader) Chen Miao, (Vice-captain) Hungry Hou, Zhang Wansen, Liu Qiyang

"Squad Mission": Escort the medicine to the x13 Research Institute successfully.

"Special Mission": Destroy "Wazi City" within three days.

Yes, this is a plot secret realm, and based on the information on the panel in front of him and the memories instilled in his mind, he learned that his identity in this secret realm was the captain of the security team of the research institute.

Most of the people in the entire cafe are his subordinates.

I am taking a nap in this cafe at this time.

They came to Wazi City from other cities. The "X-Virus Potion" has been successfully developed, and they successfully arrived at the X13 Research Institute under his escort. Their escort mission was completed.

Next, help the X13 Research Institute to destroy the city in front of you within three days.

This is his secret mission this time.

In other words, if he wants to leave this secret realm alive, he only needs to find a place to hide and live through the next day. But if he wants to pass this secret realm perfectly, he must destroy Wazi City within three days. Since this is a plot-playing copy.

He was clearly cast in the role of a villain.

He has great reason to believe that there should be other players entering and representing characters from the decent side, and those people's task is to stop him, and they are naturally on the opposite side.

It seems a little tricky.


Chen Miao sat there and did not move rashly. He just stirred the coffee in front of him silently and did not speak. Assuming that another player did enter and was at the enemy's position, he did not know the other party's information or where he was.

This also means that the other party should also not know his information.

As long as he doesn't expose the player's identity for the time being, he still has a huge advantage.

at this time--

A middle-aged man at the next table suddenly stood up and walked towards their table. He casually placed a tablet in front of him and said in a slightly urgent tone: "Boss, we seem to be surrounded."

On the tablet was a map of their cafe.

Outside the cafe, there were more than a dozen red lights flashing and approaching. These red lights should be their enemies. It seemed that their whereabouts had been leaked, and they were almost completely surrounded by them.

"Get ready to take action."

After Chen Miao drank the coffee in his hand, he said softly with a calm expression.

The words fell.

I saw a dozen men and even a few women in the cafe, all taking out various gun parts from their backpacks, suitcases, and computer bags, and quickly putting them together.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Automatic rifles were assembled.

After these people quickly took control of the interior of the coffee shop, they hid behind the bunker in the coffee shop, looked at Chen Miao, and signaled to the boss to give the order and charge outside at any time.

Chen Miao was slightly surprised when he saw this scene. He rarely saw so many extraordinary gunmen appearing together. In life, the extraordinary profession of gunner is still relatively rare.

But he quickly reacted.

These people are just NPCs in the secret realm, not extraordinary people. The firearms they use are just ordinary firearms. The world view of this secret realm is a bit like the federation before transcendence.

Everyone can use firearms without any restrictions, and there is no restriction that only extraordinary shooters can use firearms.

It's just that the power of the firearms is not as powerful as theirs.

These firearms are only sidearms of these security personnel.

His movements looked quite skillful, he must be a senior security guard, maybe a veteran or something.


Chen Miao did not delay for too long, and immediately issued the order. The encirclement was not completely completed, and he would not be able to break out if he delayed for a while. Of course, he would definitely not die, and there was nothing that could stop him here.

But his subordinates cannot die.

The middle-aged man who first came to talk to him was not carrying a gun at this time, but a tablet and a suitcase. The suitcase contained the "X virus" they were escorting this time. Potion".

This suitcase is composed of a fingerprint lock, a password lock, and a pupil lock in one. These three conditions must be met before the suitcase can be opened. In addition, once the suitcase falls into the hands of others, the password will be continuously incorrect. After three times, it will automatically detonate.

Completely destroy the potion.

(End of this chapter)

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