I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 179 "Captain, are those people Superman?"

Chapter 179 "Captain, are those people Superman?"

This middle-aged man is the key person between the security company and the .

The first phase of the mission failed first.

This man definitely cannot die.

If you want to destroy the city "Wazi City" in front of you within 3 days, according to the panel introduction, you must complete an extremely tedious task chain. The first link of the task is to successfully deliver the suitcase to the x13 Research Institute.

If this middle-aged man died, everything would be ruined.

He wanted to follow the plot first to see what was going on. Before he figured out the map, he didn't plan to make too many moves, so as not to alert the enemy.

At this time, the outside world.

On a certain highway, a dog was sitting in the back seat of a private car, projecting the image of a watch tied to its paw in mid-air, reading the latest news.

Some random news.

There are political, life, etc.

For example, the director of the law enforcement bureau of a certain city was suddenly exposed to a large amount of corruption, or a woman posted a marriage proposal online, saying that she would marry him with a dowry, but later she found out that the dowry was a two-year-old child, or she had a child recently. "The Siege of the Sea of ​​Corpses" in Broken Jar City.

in this news.

The appearance of the name "Chen Miao" made the dog sitting in the back row narrow his eyes slightly.

I don’t know if Chen Miao still remembers him. Of course, although he has not had much contact with Chen Miao and has a normal relationship, he once gave Chen Miao a prop with a high level of gunman. When they meet again, he will You say you have good intentions toward him, but you shouldn't be so hostile, right?

His work will probably be much easier to carry out.

We are almost at the territory of Fengtian City, so we should go and see this person.

As for Yu Qing, they had fought side by side on the Hell Bus, and now they were in the same city, so naturally they should meet.

In Yu Li's words, as outsiders, they should definitely come over in advance to say hello and meet the newly appointed Emperor of Fengtian to show their respect.


Chen Miao has now become the new underground emperor of Fengtian.

Organizations such as the Fengtian underground forces, the Black Hand Gang, may have never dreamed that the person who would shake their position one day would not be those old rivals, nor some emerging force that suddenly rose up, but a completely unrelated extraordinary person.

The person who defeats you may not necessarily be your peers, it may also be someone from across the border.

It’s different from the underground emperors of the past.

This new generation of Fengtian Underground Emperor firmly occupies the position of Fengtian Underground Emperor by virtue of his almost unshakable background status, his advanced individual strength, and his almost unscrupulous acting style.

The mayor of Fengtian City supports Chen Miao almost without reservation. If he wants to kill Chen Miao, he will almost become the enemy of the entire Fengtian City.

Although the news that Chen Miao was the new underground emperor of Fengtian was not revealed in any news, and no one told him about it, his personal acumen still allowed him to get the news through other channels.

And at this time——

In the Resident Evil Secret Realm, the plot is advancing.

As Chen Miao expected, there are indeed actual players in this secret realm, and they have already fought against each other.

At this time, Chen Miao's subordinates were almost dead. Only the middle-aged man they had been protecting was still alive, and there were still a few scattered subordinates. At this time, one subordinate was trembling with fear in his eyes. Hiding behind the bunker, his voice trembled uncontrollably.

"Captain, are those people Superman?"


They've fought those red dots.

Most of the red dots are just holding modern weapons. These are the characters played by players in these red dots. If these characters don't transform into tree men, they will cause massive casualties to all enemies within the range. Or smash the entire car with one punch.

All kinds of unrealistic fighting methods made the team around him feel like they had encountered a ghost, their eyes were filled with fear and they were trembling, and they almost lost any fighting spirit.

These subordinates of his are all talents with high fighting qualities.

But when he didn't take action, the remaining people didn't have much ability to fight back when facing other players, and their military morale was gradually weakening. Chen Miao, who was also hiding behind the bunker, heard the cries of his subordinates beside him. Without speaking, he just slowly took out the Thompson submachine gun.

He has been waiting.

Wait for an opportunity to take action.

They chased him all the way from the city center to this abandoned factory.

Along the way, he has marked all the players who are extraordinary. The attack methods of these players are completely different from those of NPCs, and they can be identified at a glance.

And so far——

He has tagged 8 people.

These 8 people are all players, they are all on his opposite side, and they are also his biggest obstacles in this secret realm.

In order to pass this secret realm perfectly and leave this secret realm alive, these 8 people must die.


There are not only other players in this secret realm, but even more than one player team. Each player team consists of two players. However, unlike their side, which only has one player team, their opposite side, the side that prevents them from destroying the world, has many players.

Some of their identities are mercenaries, some are members of the Wazi City Law Enforcement Bureau, and they are from various forces, all kinds and diverse.

But one thing is certain.

Although these people seemed to have discovered each other's identities, they may have felt that there were no players among the remaining remnants, and their actions became more bold and unscrupulous.

And this was the opportunity he was waiting for.

An opportunity to catch all the players in the secret realm.

"Thumbs up!!!"

With the sudden sound of Thomson's gun in Chen Miao's hand, a large number of bullets rushed towards the surroundings, killing all the surrounding enemies. In particular, the eight players marked by Chen Miao became the first to attack. The target died on the spot before he could make too many moves.

One shuttle down.

It was quiet.

They were the only ones in the entire abandoned factory.

The man who was hiding behind the bunker and crying looked at the suddenly quiet surroundings. After being stunned for a long time, he poked his head out of the ruins and looked at Chen Miao: "Captain, are you also a superman? I don't usually notice it."

"Captain, are you a firearms superman?"


Chen Miao nodded casually, pretending to be perfunctory with the NPC's question, and then looked at the middle-aged man who had been protected by them and was intact: "Hurry up and lead the way to the x13 research institute."


They don't even know the location of the x13 institute. Only this man knows where the institute is.

(End of this chapter)

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