Chapter 180 Yes, it’s that simple.

This man was going to die, and they couldn't even find the location of the X13 Research Institute. They could only walk on the street like a headless fly holding a box that could explode at any time.


The middle-aged man seemed to be frightened. He hugged the lockbox tightly in his arms and was stunned for a moment. Then he nodded hurriedly and got up and trotted away in one direction.

Chen Miao and others did not speak but just followed closely.

What Chen Miao and others did not notice was that not long after they left the abandoned factory, two men suddenly and slowly walked out of their hiding place on the overpass on the highest roof.

One is tall and thin, the other is short and fat.

A very eye-catching combination.


The tall man gave a thumbs up with emotion and admiration in his eyes: "You are so awesome. How did you guess that there must be extraordinary people among these people, and they are still hiding their power?"


The short man rolled his eyes and the tall man said coldly: "This is the second time we have entered this secret realm. The first time we entered this secret realm, although we did not clear the customs, we also succeeded with the "punishment-free rule coupon" Walked out of this secret realm alive. "

"The highest clearance progress of this secret realm is still not 50, which means that no one, or a team of players, has left this secret realm alive so far, and this is the second time that we have entered this secret realm."

"This means that we are more familiar with the contents and tasks of this secret realm than others."

"The last time we entered the secret realm, it was on the villain's side. Have you forgotten?"

"It's impossible to survive."

"We were immediately besieged after leaving the cafe. Although we were seriously injured at the time, we barely escaped. We just left the middle-aged man in place. After the lockbox self-destructed, the X-virus agent was released directly into the air."

"Those who came into contact directly turned into zombies, and the city began to quickly become chaotic, and we also died in that chaos."

"For players who choose the villain's role in this secret realm, it is almost impossible to pass the level. Not only are there many players to compete with, but it is also very difficult to survive for three days in a chaotic city."

"We have entered the secret realm once. We definitely know that there must be players in this team. If they haven't shown up, they are hiding. They are either waiting to die or preparing for a big wave. We must hide first."

"Such a simple logic, do you need me to explain it in such detail?"

The fat man rolled his eyes at the tall man, obviously dissatisfied with the tall man's IQ.

The difficulty of this secret realm is not low.

If they didn't happen to have the coupon that exempted them from the map penalty, they would have died in this secret realm. However, after being lucky enough to get out alive, they entered this secret realm again.

In the secret realm, danger and reward are often directly proportional.

The greater the risk, the higher the future returns.

This is beyond doubt.

So after careful consideration, they decided to enter this secret realm again.

Only this time, they will be the ones with the last laugh.


On the rooftop.

A hint of coldness flashed in Fatty's eyes, and he looked at Chen Miao and his party who had disappeared from sight. They were bound to win this time. The last time they entered the secret realm, they were on the side of the villain. They knew very well that when they were on the side of the villain, they would not be able to win. What are the tasks of several links?

Just destroy one of them.

Even if they succeed, Chen Miao is destined to be unable to complete the task.

As the righteous party, they only need to ensure that the city is not destroyed after three days to get a perfect clearance rating.

Yes, it's that simple.

The only difficulty is that they need to protect one person, the middle-aged man next to Chen Miao. This man cannot die. Once this man dies, the suitcase in his hand will automatically explode, thereby leaking the virus agent.

With this middle-aged man by their side, it was not easy to protect such an opponent.

Fortunately, it can be seen that the villain player this time is also trying to protect this person, which makes them feel a lot easier.


He slowly retreated into the darkness and disappeared on the rooftop.

A bottle of X-virus medicine is not enough to destroy the entire Wazi City. The first link in the task chain is to deliver the medicine to the research institute. Then the research institute will quickly improve the failed medicine into a successful one based on the formula of the medicine. of medicine.

Then in a short time, mass production.

Only by quickly placing potions in multiple places can we ensure that the city is destroyed within three days.

This is the task chain for players on the villain side, and he knows this all too well. The last time he entered this secret realm, he was on the villain side, but he didn't even send the potion to the research institute, and it exploded halfway.

If I remember correctly, for safety reasons, the middle-aged man was taking Chen Miao around the city center to avoid being followed and find the location of the institute.

And he—knows the location of the institute.

He can destroy the research institute first. As long as he destroys the research institute, the mission of Chen Miao and others will be doomed to fail.

After one hour. Led by the middle-aged man, Chen Miao successfully walked into the fourth underground floor of a hospital and saw the so-called research institute here. The research institute was behind a wall, but at this time there was a lot of thick smoke coming from inside the institute. out.

After some inspection, Weiwei can confirm a fact.

The institute was destroyed.

Chen Miao frowned slightly and strode into the institute. At this time, the institute was full of corpses and overturned instruments. No one was alive, but there was one alive. They found a dying scientist in a corner.

When I saw this scientist.

The middle-aged man following Chen Miao's eyes lit up. He carefully opened his suitcase, took out a bottle of red potion and handed it over: "Mr. Arthur Fu, the potion you asked for has arrived."

However, the scientist only looked up at Chen Miao and the others, and then closed his eyes permanently.

So far——

There was absolutely no one alive in the entire institute. Chen Miao frowned and glanced around. It was obvious that someone broke in and destroyed the institute in advance. If nothing else, this was not the original plot.

in the task chain.

The original plot was supposed to be about cultivating a large number of potions through a research institute and then spreading them around the city.

There is clearly a deviation now.

The research institute is hidden behind a wall, and the wall should have been destroyed by the player the moment it entered. It looked like it was destroyed by fists. This is the power of a fighter.

But Chen Miao just stood there looking at the bottle of virus medicine in his hand, thinking deeply without speaking.

at this time--

Two men, one tall and one fat, walked in slowly. After seeing Chen Miao, they smiled and said, "It's our first time meeting. How about noon."

"Don't be nervous. We don't have any malicious intentions. We are here to explain the situation to you."

"First of all, I regret to tell you that your mission chain was destroyed by us midway. This means that you will not be able to complete your mission anyway, but this does not mean that you cannot complete the basis of surviving for three days. Task."

"As long as you don't open the bottle of potion, I believe it won't be difficult for the two of you to survive in this city for three days, right?"

"You just can't clear the level perfectly, but as long as we cooperate with each other, we can still clear this secret realm smoothly."

The short, fat man said with a serious face and explained: "But once you accidentally break the bottle of potion, believe me, the power of a bottle of potion is definitely not enough to destroy Wazi City within three days, otherwise the mission chain would not require you. Get more potions.”

"But maybe you should look at the secret realm panel again. The zombies infected by this potion are not weak in combat effectiveness."

"Once this potion is turned on, although the entire city will not be destroyed, it will be completely chaotic."

"It's not an easy task to survive three days in this environment. What do you think? It's impossible to pass the level perfectly anyway. Why don't we work together and survive first?"

"What do you say?"

After saying this, the short and fat man looked at Chen Miao confidently. He was 80% confident that Chen Miao would definitely agree to this suggestion because Chen Miao had no other choice.

There is only this option.

When he destroyed the institute in advance, it meant that he had won this confrontation.

But the next second—

His eyelids twitched crazily, and he saw Chen Miao standing in the ruins of the research institute, raising the muzzle of his gun and aiming it at them.

"Thumbs up!!!"

The moment the gunfire rang out, the two of them didn't hesitate at all. They immediately activated the props in their hands and disappeared instantly. They had seen Chen Miao's firepower in the abandoned factory.

This is a somewhat perverted shooter.

In a head-on confrontation, they would not be Chen Miao's opponents.

It seemed that the negotiations had failed, but in that case, it didn't matter. Anyway, it was impossible for that bottle of potion to destroy Wazi City within three days. They were basically destined to pass the level perfectly.

It's just that in such a chaotic life scene that looks like the end of the world, surviving for three days is not an easy task.

But it's just not simple.

As extraordinary beings, they still have a sense of superiority in this city made up entirely of mortals.

The zombies didn't just attack them.

"What should I do, Brother Miao?"

Hungry Monkey, who quickly analyzed his situation, looked at the bottle of potion in Chen Miao's hand: "We are basically destined to not be able to pass the level perfectly. We can only survive for three days and leave this map alive."

"Then why does the fat man know the location of the research institute?"

"That's not fair."

"They have many more people than us. They also know the location of the research institute and can interrupt our mission chain. This is simply an unfair duel. On the villain's side, it is almost impossible to pass the level perfectly."

Chen Miao did not speak, but looked thoughtfully at the bottle of virus medicine in his hand.


It is not necessary to use medicine to destroy the world.

(End of this chapter)

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