Chapter 184 "Prop Name": Powerful Sticker.


The hungry monkey seems to be a little bit fond of this harvest, and is playing with something that looks like a sticker.

"Prop name": Dali sticker.

"Item level": C level.

"Prop Effect": After affixing this sticker to a weapon, the weapon can explode with greater power, making the player infinitely stronger. This bonus is a strength value bonus. The higher the player's strength value, the greater the strength that will burst out. bigger.

"Item Restrictions": Only available to "Fighters" and their promotion series professions.

It’s a very simple prop, and it sounds very simple when you look at the panel. I don’t think it’s worthy of C-level at all, but it seems that Hungry Monkey can’t put it down and likes his new prop.

It's just a pity that it can only be attached to the weapon.

If it can be attached to the skin and limbs, there will be more ways to use it and the space for operation will be larger.

The effect of the props is not explained in detail. It is only known that the corresponding bonus will be based on the player's strength value, but the specific bonus coefficient is unclear.


Chen Miao did not talk to the hungry monkey anymore, but quietly looked at the "X-Virus Potion" lying in his backpack. This thing could indeed be taken out of the secret realm, and it was lying quietly in his backpack at the moment.

As long as he is willing, he can immediately cause a disaster in the entire Fengtian City.

A real disaster.

This secret realm has been successfully cleared by him, which means that this secret realm will officially appear in the secret realm building soon. By then, more people will enter this secret realm, which means that this potion will have more possibilities. Taken out of the secret realm.

And this is not a good thing for Fengtian City.

He informed Zhou Shen of this matter immediately, and after getting Zhou Shen's reply, he put down his worries in this regard.

Facts have proved that the federal government has been able to transcend the world for so many years without any major changes. It still has its own governance plan when all the secret realms enter the secret realm building.

There will be specialized personnel entering this new secret realm.

and perform a risk assessment on it.

If there is a "biochemical crisis" that can bring out a large number of props from the secret realm that are harmful to social stability, the secret realm will be sealed and ordinary people will not be allowed to enter.

This will prevent a large number of people from bringing out the "X-virus agent" and then starting to release it on a large scale due to antisocial personality and other reasons.

As for the secret realms outside the city that have not been perfectly cleared, there is no way. There are too many such secret realms, and the Federation simply does not have the manpower to explore these secret realms one by one, so they often wait for a certain secret realm to be perfectly cleared and arrive at the secret realm. If the risk level of this secret realm is evaluated to be very high.

You will find someone who can perfectly pass this secret realm, and then use your own means to solve this risk.

There are not many people who perfectly clear the secret realm every day.

In fact it can be said to be very little.

For a city like Fengtian City with a population of tens of millions, there is basically only one secret realm that is perfectly cleared every day, and sometimes there is none. As long as there is a secret realm that is perfectly cleared, it is easy to target.

It really stands out on the ranking list. For a city, there are about thirty new secret realms coming to the Secret Realm Building every month. After all, the mortality rate of opening a secret realm is too high, and not many people like to open up a secret realm.

Let’s not talk about the small income from land reclamation.

The risk of death is simply too great.

A completely unknown secret realm means that it contains a lot of crises.

This is why the Extraordinary Academy exists. In the four-year theoretical course, you will be told about the existence of various fixed events, the weaknesses and characteristics of various bosses, etc., and use this method to reduce your position.

Get involved in an unknown fixed event.

Mortality is very different than being involved in a fixed event that you studied in class.

And just after Chen Miao perfectly cleared this secret realm, his ranking on the "Fengtian City Perfect Clearance Evaluation Ranking" has reached 67th place. At the 67th position, his colorful gilded name is constantly flashing. .

Among all the red and white names, it looks extremely eye-catching.

This is the effect of his prop's "first appearance", a prop whose glorious meaning exceeds its practical significance.

After entering the top 100 of any ranking in Fengtian City for the first time, his prop was retained and promoted within the specified time.

"Item Name": First appearance.

"Item Level": C level (promoted twice).

"Prop Effect": You can ignore the restriction that you can only create one professional weapon, and you can make your name appear on major rankings, as well as in announcements or other places where your name appears, with a colorful gilded winding effect.

You can freely use city-wide announcements once a day. The time limit for using announcements is 11:00 noon to 14:00 pm, and each announcement must not exceed 300 words. The announcement will be communicated to people located within the jurisdiction of this city by voice, panel, etc. all citizens within.

"Item restrictions": None.

"Prop source": When the player goes to the secret realm for the first time and successfully completes the level, there is a small probability of obtaining the prop, and it can only be obtained through this method. Once obtained, it will be forcibly bound, cannot be traded, cannot be given as a gift, and cannot be obtained by other extraordinary professional players. use.

"Prop Description": "This prop is to give the glory to a talented young man who has shown his sharpness after entering the secret realm for the first time! Whether it is a short-lived genius or an unstoppable genius, it is up to you to decide."

"PS: The second phase of the mission has been completed. The third phase of the mission - if within a month, the player holding the prop reaches the top of any city rankings, the prop will be retained and promoted, otherwise it will be withdrawn."

The props have been upgraded.

It became his second C-level prop, but unlike his first C-level prop "Howling Sky Dog" which could directly increase his combat power, this C-level prop had almost no practical significance.

After the upgrade, there is an additional effect, that is, one more city-wide loudspeaker is added every day.

Do you think this thing is useful?

If you explain it from the perspective of business value.

At the prime time of every day at noon, an advertisement that can reach everyone and is mandatory to watch, the commercial value is simply not too high. If the daily loudspeaker in the city is auctioned,

Regardless of whether it is repossessed next month.

The value brought to him this month is at least hundreds of millions of credit points, right?

Although it may have some impact on the brand's reputation, after all, it will definitely be scolded behind the back, but the short-term benefits will definitely be considerable.


Generally, those who can obtain this item and upgrade it to C level are not ordinary people. In other words, they are not short of money and will not ruin the reputation of themselves and their families just for the sake of 100 million credit points.

(End of this chapter)

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