Chapter 185 The death of Master Meow.

It is said that it was a long time ago.

Someone indeed used this city-wide loudspeaker to advertise. At first, people were new to it, not disgusted with it, and the effect was very good. But as time went by, people began to get tired of this kind of mandatory advertising.

And they also voluntarily stopped it. No matter what brand advertises in this way, they will firmly resist it.

A consensus has been formed.

So far, fewer and fewer businesses have chosen this method of advertising.

Until it is completely eliminated, after all, roi has been getting lower and lower or even negative.

And this effect is almost useless to Chen Miao.


Chen Miao looked at the newly upgraded prop panel and sighed helplessly. Although he had known for a long time that the symbolic meaning of this prop was far greater than its actual meaning, it was still a C-level prop after all, so these effects were given. I really don’t know how to evaluate it.

The purpose of this prop is to tell others, look, this is a genius whose momentum has not stopped but continues to advance.

He is very strong.

Apart from that, there is no other use.

When this prop is taken back, it also means that the momentum of this genius is stopped, and from then on the genius will be unknown.

This thing is like a screening method, using this method to finally screen out a genius who has been gaining momentum.

He didn't think about it again.

Although I don’t know what the promotion tasks will be in the next stage, the promotion tasks at this stage are not too difficult. It is not too difficult to reach the top of any ranking list in the city within one month.

There are several that he can reach.

For example, in the "Fengtian City Perfect Clearance Evaluation Ranking", he has completed the level three times and is ranked 67th.

What is worth mentioning is——

The 17th place also has perfect clearances three times, which is the same as his number of perfect clearances, except that the time when he achieved the record is earlier. In the case of the same number of times, whoever completes it earlier will be ranked higher.

The 16th to 12th places were all completed four times.

Being able to clear four secret realms perfectly is already a master among ordinary people.

Many of these people know each other and are even teammates.

From the 11th place to the 1st place, they all cleared the level five times perfectly.

In other words, the highest number of clearances in Fengtian City's rankings is five times, and he has already done so three times. For him, it is not too difficult to clear two more secret realms within a month.

It is worth mentioning that--

Over the years in Fengtian City, there have been countless secret realms that have been perfectly cleared in the Secret Realm Building. The Secret Realm Building alone has hundreds of floors. If there are only secret realms that have been perfectly cleared by the people on the ranking list, then there will be a lot of room in the Secret Realm Building. .


At the very beginning after the world became transcendent, the official team had a dedicated elite team dedicated to opening up secret realms and successfully clearing them. They went back and forth to the secret realm building to fill more secret realms, but in the end the fate of these people was basically death.

No one can provoke death every day.

No one can dance ballet on the edge of death every day.

When these elite teams were almost dead, the secret building in Fengtian City was almost filled. After that, there was no dedicated land reclamation team, but the extraordinary people among the people were allowed to play freely.

Otherwise if these people are still alive. He was so exhausted that he couldn't get to the top of the list within a month.

When people die, their rankings on the leaderboard will drop.

And when Chen Miao returned to the Eternal Cemetery with Hungry Monkey, he discovered that some citizens had spontaneously arrived at the entrance of the cemetery today. Everyone was solemnly dressed in formal clothes and placed bouquets of flowers at the entrance of the cemetery.

There are no tombstones at the entrance to the cemetery.

Nothing at all.

There was only a security room that looked a little deserted. The old man in the security room had gone somewhere and hadn't been seen for a long time.

"What's happening here?"

Chen Miao looked at the scene in front of him, a little confused. He thought someone was targeting him at first, but after observing for a while, he found that these people were just spontaneous organizations to pay homage, and many of them were even familiar to him.

That day, many people at the underground gathering in the Chief Wasteland were placing flowers in the open space with solemnity and sadness.

"Brother Miao."

Yuan Buping, who appeared next to Chen Miao at some unknown time, said with a complex expression: "You have been in the secret realm in the past few days, and you don't know the situation outside. A big event happened outside, which shocked the entire federation."

"Brother Miao, do you know who is number one in the federal rankings?"

"I know."

Chen Miao nodded and subconsciously opened the "Federal Ranking List". Of course he remembered who it was. His name was Miao Ye, a level 67 Holy Demon Messenger.

I haven’t watched it for so long. I guess the level is higher now, it must be level 70, right?

However, when he opened the federal ranking list, it was indeed an unfamiliar name at the top.

"Level 71 Zerg Priest, Zhang Yi."

He flipped through several pages in a row and finally found the name Miao Ye. The name just disappeared from the rankings.


A flash of shock flashed in Chen Miao's eyes, and she said in disbelief.

Although it is a bit unbelievable, this matter is obviously a fact. In fact, he knew that before Miaoye entered the list, the highest player on the level rankings should be level 74. It was just the player who was among the top five in the federal level rankings on a certain day. Suddenly they died together in a secret place, which made Master Meow appear on the list.

But I didn't expect that just a short time later, Master Meow would also die.

Is it too dangerous to be at the top of the federal ranking list? Whoever gets there will die?

The new person on the list has a very familiar profession. He is a Zerg priest, a profession that relies on spending money to fight wars.


Yuan Buping said with a complicated expression: "He died in "Zhenba City", which is not one of the 128 major cities in the federation. Like "Laobei City", it is a small city with a permanent population of two million. "

"The extremely cold place in the far north."

"The day before yesterday, this cat happened to go to "Zhenba City" for some unknown reason, and a large-scale fixed event happened to happen in "Zhenba City" that day, and it was a fixed event numbered 11 that ranked high in Hell difficulty—— "

"The ocean of misery in this world."

"Actually, such fixed events at the city level do not occur very often. Basically, there is not one in a year. In history, there have only been 23 fixed events at the city level."

"Although every time it appears, it will cause a lot of casualties."

"But it does rarely happen. Since the Sea of ​​Zombies appeared in "Broken Jar City" as a city-level fixed event, it has only been a few days before such a city-level fixed event appeared. This is already a very strange phenomenon. Too much of a coincidence. "

(End of this chapter)

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