Chapter 186 "Do you agree to the invitation?"

"For "Zhenba City", that day was lucky because Master Meow happened to be in their city. "

"For Master Meow, that day was unfortunate. Before she went, she probably didn't think it would be the last day of her life."

"Fixed events are coming too fast."

"When Master Miao found out, the incident had already begun."

"The entire Zhenba City has fallen into a state of disconnection, and many people have begun to pray for the people in this city. Although people know that there is almost no hope, this is the first time that the fixed event number 11, "The Sea of ​​Misery in the World," has arrived. "

"This event had never happened before."

"People's understanding of this event is limited to its name and number. This number is not assigned to it by people, but is inherent in it."

"The difficulty of fixed event number 11 can be imagined."

"at last--"

After Yuan Buping paused for a while, he turned his head and looked at the solemn-looking crowd: "Less than a day later, Zhenba City has regained contact. The number of dead, injured and missing is approximately 37."

"Very high numbers."

"But for Zhenba City, which was baptized by the fixed event on the 11th, it is already a very small number. It is a miracle that the city was not destroyed."

"It was only then that people realized that Master Meow could have escaped at that time. After all, he was ranked number one in the federal level rankings. With this ability, he would not die so easily."

"But...she knew that if she left, two to three million people in this city would die here."

"But if she stays, there might be a glimmer of hope."

"So she stayed."

"In the end, the city was saved from the Fixed Incident No. 37 at the expense of 11 people, but Master Miao died in this incident. As communications were restored in Zhenba City, the news spread quickly Come out."

"And a video that Master Meow left for his parents as a surprise when he was making a decision became widely circulated as his last words."

"In order to pay homage to Lord Meow, people have gone to cemeteries around various cities to pay homage in their own way to this hero who sacrificed himself for two to three million ordinary people."


Chen Miao did not speak, but frowned slightly, looking at a video sent to him by Yuan Buping.

The video white light turns on at the same time.

He saw a black light curtain, covering the entire city like an egg shell. The entire sky was dark, without any natural light source. All the light sources in the entire city came from artificial light sources.

On the rooftop of a high-rise building.

A woman is silent, facing the camera.


a woman.

He didn't expect that Master Meow, who was number one on the federal ranking list, was actually a woman. Although the name Meow was a bit feminine, the word "Master" always made him think that Master Meow was a man, or even something like a black boss. .

Not just a woman.

She is still a relatively petite woman, about 155cm tall, with a pretty face, and her face is stained with a little dust. She is wearing a suspender skirt and standing silently on the rooftop in the cold winter. She looks like a CG from a game.


The woman suddenly spoke to the camera, her red lips slightly parted: "I have decided to stay. I am a little scared. Everything about Fixed Event No. 11 is unknown. I don't know what I will face."

"But I know what I'm going to face when I leave."

"Millions of people will die here."

"I'm afraid of death, but I'm even more afraid that millions of innocent souls will ask me why I ran away in my future dreams."

"You once told me that with great power comes great responsibility. Let me not become so strong. You don't want me to take on too much responsibility."

"And mom, if I can't go back, please tell my sister so that she won't be too sad, but she can't be not sad at all, otherwise I will be sad."

It can be seen that the woman in the video should be a little scared, and her voice is trembling, which can make even the first-level people in the federation feel scared. You can imagine the sense of oppression caused by this fixed event numbered 11. How strong.


The woman's voice paused for a moment, then she raised her head and glanced at the black light curtain that was getting farther and farther above her head, and murmured in a low voice: "Remember to use the name Meow Master on my tombstone, and don't use my real name."

"Back then, I changed my name to Meow Ye in major rankings, but it cost a lot of money."

"I like everyone to call me Meow."

"Appear domineering."

The video ended abruptly, leaving only a white screen. You can imagine what happened next.

Zhenba City survived.

Meow is dead.


Chen Miao did not speak, but looked with admiration at the citizens who came not far away to pay their respects. He somewhat understood why these people came to the cemetery in the suburbs outside the city in such cold weather.

Such people deserve this. Ask yourself, if he were put in Master Miao's position, he would not be able to save the lives of a city at the cost of his own death.

It was precisely because he couldn't do it that he admired Master Meow's behavior even more.

Most can't do it either.

That's why so many citizens spontaneously came to pay homage to the sacrificed cat.

There is a lot of news in the Federation every day, and some people may soon forget this cat, but he believes that Zhenba City will never forget this extraordinary person who sacrificed himself to save their city.

Even the hungry monkey on the side had slightly red eyes with tears. Although he was now a transcendent, he still had the mentality of an ordinary person. He was very aware of how difficult it was for ordinary people to live in this world.

A top transcendent person could sacrifice his life just to save ordinary people like them, which made him empathize even more.

"Let's build a tombstone."

Chen Miao looked at the crowd not far away and whispered softly: "Use Master Miao's signature to at least give these people a reasonable place to pay their respects."


Yuan Buping nodded quickly and responded.

At this time, many men in black suits stood at the entrance of the Eternal Cemetery with cold faces and hands behind their backs. They looked like they were maintaining order at the scene, making the entire memorial process look more formal, like a government organization. The same.

In fact, when Yuan Buping learned about the purpose of these people coming, his first reaction was to drive them away. What a joke, this is the lair of the tomb keeper. If you let people like you in, all the secrets will be exposed.

But after fully knowing the intention.

He hesitated.

This is public opinion. If there is any conflict at this time, it will probably make headlines soon. He is Chen Miao's person, and it will definitely have a great impact on Brother Miao's reputation. If some people with good intentions do it again If there are some small moves, Brother Miao's Fengtian City representative may be forced to abdicate.

To be on the safe side, he acquiesced to all this.

He just hurriedly notified Zhou Shen and asked Zhou Shen to bring someone over. Zhou Shen immediately understood the seriousness of the problem and placed many flowers at the entrance of the cemetery, so that those who paid tribute later would place flowers at the entrance of the cemetery. Go in again.

"Eternal Cemetery" is a social cemetery.

The owners of most of the tombs inside were bought by the government with money, and they contain unclaimed corpses. No one has come to pay homage to them for many years. How can they pay homage if they are not claimed? Only a small number of tombs have been sold to some citizens. .

As for why the government spends money to buy some graves to place some unclaimed corpses, this matter is not easy to explain.

In fact, there are better ways to deal with it, whether it is cremation or etc.

It’s just that such a process is difficult to generate much profit.

The shorter the process, the less money.

"Brother Miao."

At this time-

Zhou Shen walked over and saw Chen Miao looking at the citizens at the entrance of the cemetery. Just as he was about to explain something, Chen Miao waved her hands and shook her head and said, "I understand, it's okay. You guys did a good job in this matter."

But when Chen Miao was about to continue talking, he suddenly froze on the spot, and a prompt panel suddenly popped up in front of him.


"Last time on November 11, at 24:22 in the evening, a hell bus with license plate number Feng·GA21 departed from Fengtian City. All passengers on the bus had successfully paid their tickets."

"You have been detected as the best conductor ever."

"The latest Hell Bus departing from Zhenba City is about to depart. We would like to invite you to be the conductor of this Hell Bus. In return, we will pay you a generous reward."

"The following is the list of passengers on this Hell Bus trip——"

"Zhang Meiling, Zhou Wansheng, Meow Ye."

"Do you agree to the invitation?"


The moment he saw the panel popping up in front of him, Chen Miao subconsciously opened his mouth. He saw an extremely familiar word in the passenger list, Meow Master.

It's the meow who just died.

He knew that only those people were qualified to become passengers on the hell bus, those who had died long ago but had strong unwillingness to do so. He must help these people resolve their inner regrets before they could enter reincarnation normally.

But what's wrong with Mr. Meow?

Generally speaking, most of the unwillingness he encountered resulted from being killed.

Reason told him that the difficulty of this hell bus must be very high. This time the hell bus only has guests. Not every hell bus will have extraordinary people. The hell bus is indeed a fixed event.

But there are several departures every day.

Only in a few special circumstances will extraordinary beings get on the train. In most cases, the train will just start silently and bring back some of the city's innocent souls.

But why was the invitation extended to him only this time.

He made a bold guess, if there were no transcendent beings or conductors, how would the bus collect tickets from these passengers, that is, to resolve their inner dissatisfaction?

So if he is invited this time, it is most likely because he thinks that the bus is not confident that it can resolve the passengers' dissatisfaction this time?

He couldn't guess the specific reason.

But there was a vague feeling that if he chose to refuse, maybe he would miss a lot of things, something important to him. This was an unreasonable intuition.

(End of this chapter)

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