I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 188 "It seems like something happened these days?"

Chapter 188 "It seems like something happened these days?"

This means that once Master Miao is not completely calmed down, the explosive power will not only destroy the entire Zhenba City, but also cause unpredictable harm to the entire federation.

because of this.

The mayor of Fengtian City made all the calls without hesitation, and also urgently gathered his troops and sent them out directly. After arriving in Zhenba City, they were completely under the command of Chen Miao and Zhou Shen.

There is only one purpose.

It is to solve Miao Ye’s regret.

If it was his acquiescence last time that allowed Chen Miao to turn upside down in the early morning of Fengtian City, then this time it was him who took action in person, making the scene louder and crazier than last time.

But fortunately, he hasn't lost his mind yet. This kind of sending troops to other cities still has to be reported to the federal government. The response there is also very fast. No matter what the cost, he can appease the soul of the dead cat.

Obviously, the top federal officials are more aware of the backlash that will be caused to reality if Master Miao with such strong resentment is not appeased successfully.

The entire Fengtian City looks the same as usual on the surface, but countless undercurrents are surging crazily under the water.


Chen Miao was sorting out his props in the tomb. At this time, he was already stronger than the last time he entered the Hell Bus, but he still felt a little unsure. After all, he was Miao Ye.

Although just ranking first in the level rankings does not mean that he is first in strength.

But it can also be said to be the top powerhouse in the Federation.

Such a being turned into a dead soul, which put a lot of pressure on him, making the back of his hands sweat a little.

He did not go to Zhenba City.

All he had to do was get on any bus after ten hours.

He needs to sleep. He did not sleep well during the three days in the secret realm. Now he is about to enter the more dangerous hell bus. He must ensure that he has enough sleep to ensure that he can come back alive from the hell bus. .


it's dark.

Chen Miao climbed out of the coffin, looked at the countdown on the panel, washed briefly, picked up the hat on the table and put it on his head, walked out of the tomb with a cane, and walked outside the cemetery.

However, just when passing by the security room.

Chen Miao suddenly found that the security room was already empty. At some point, the little old man sat in front of the TV in the security room again. As usual, his eyes were staring at the TV screen with some distraction. It seemed that Like being distracted.

The old security guard who had disappeared for several days suddenly returned.

Chen Miao smiled, took out a cigarette from his arms and passed it through the window: "Long time no see."

Then when he noticed the dried blood on the old man's collar, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said tentatively: "It seems like something happened in the past few days?"

This old man is a master, he has always known it.

After all, he is an extraordinary person who has been living for who knows how many years. Living in Fengtian City, he can actually prevent his name from being listed on the ranking list of Fengtian City. No matter what kind of props can block information, it means that it is a secret.

You know, he has never seen any item that can prevent him from being on the ranking list.

Generally speaking, only dead people will not enter the rankings.

He knew he was a master, but he didn't know exactly how high it was.


The old man in the security room nodded and said in a daze: "Something happened. I was taken away by a train to play for a few days. I just came back. It's not peaceful outside recently. Please pay more attention to safety when you go out." "Thank you."

Chen Miao smiled and nodded, then waved and walked out, thanking the old man for his concern.

But I was murmuring in my heart.

What does it mean to be taken away by a train and played for a few days?

What train can run to the entrance of Eternal Cemetery?

It seemed that he had just heard from Zhou Shen some time ago that there was a fixed event numbered 217 called the Wilderness Comet. It was a dark blue train that wandered around in the wilderness and would pull people to a completely random place.

On his way back from Broken Jar City, he saw such a dark blue train at night, but the train did not stop in front of them at that time.

I heard the old man meant that he was taken away by this train after disappearing for the past few days, and he just came back today?

In the security room.

After Chen Miao left, the old security guard moved his eyes away from the TV with flashing black and white light spots in front of him and looked at Chen Miao's back. It was obvious that the young man did not take his instructions to heart.

After a long silence.

He slowly moved his eyes to the TV in front of him again and just murmured.

"It's been really uneasy outside recently."

"It will kill people."

"Every time someone dies, my workload will be greatly increased. Is it really appropriate for an old man who is about to retire to work so hard every day?"

Running against time, Chen Miao boarded an empty bus.

Something different from last time.

Last time there was a hungry monkey by his side. Although the hungry monkey was not a real hungry monkey, at least there was someone accompanying him. This time he was the only one. There was no one on the train except him.

Almost instantly, a strong feeling of loneliness enveloped him.

People are social creatures, especially when faced with crises and fears. No one wants to face a crisis alone, even if there is a helpless woman next to him, or someone with almost no combat ability. Children will also feel a little confident.

At least you have company.

Just like many boys like to take their girlfriends to watch thrillers. During the tense and exciting moments, they can enjoy the embrace of their girlfriends and enjoy it extraordinarily.

It seems that the boy is very brave, but if you throw this boy into a dark and unfamiliar house and let him watch the entire thriller alone, he will probably scream no louder than his girlfriend.

Although to be precise, there was another person in the car, the unknown driver.

Chen Miao was already familiar with the road this time. It was estimated that this bus would officially turn into a hell bus in a short time, but he did not regard the driver as a human being. The driver was obviously a ghost.

It's just the kind of ghost who has to work hard every day, which is quite pitiful.


However, when Chen Miao was doing his routine inspection of the bus, he suddenly discovered that the bus sitting in the driver's seat was an old acquaintance. It was the driver he met last time on the Hell Bus. He tried to communicate with this driver several times last time. This time, the driver ignored him.

He doesn't seem to have much intelligence.

He was not going to try again this time. Just when he was about to go to the back seat to take a look, the driver suddenly turned his head and glanced at him, with a gentle and strange smile on his face: "We had a good cooperation last time, you The best conductor I have ever encountered.”

(End of this chapter)

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