I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 189 "The man's body in the monster's belly?"

Chapter 189 "The man's body in the monster's belly?"


Chen Miao suddenly felt a chill on his back, and looked at the driver in front of him who tilted his head to look at him with a complex expression. Although he could feel that the smile on the driver's face should be well-intentioned, the smile was extremely stiff and looked very awkward. Weird.

It's like a person who has the ability to forcefully pull up the corners of his mouth.

Very permeable.

He originally thought that the driver had no intelligence and was just a robot ghost working according to established procedures. Now it seems that he still has his own ideas, but he just ignored him on the last Hell Bus.

Moreover, when this person turned to look at him, it was extremely strange. His body did not move at all, and he was still facing the steering wheel. Only his head turned stiffly ninety degrees to look at him.


Chen Miao squeezed out a stiff laugh from between her teeth and said flatteringly, "You drive very steadily too."


The driver nodded: "This is my last ride. I should retire after this ride. It's great to meet you on the last ride. I believe we will still go smoothly this time. You are a great salesperson." .”

It’s over.

Chen Miao began to have a headache silently in his heart. Once this flag was set, it basically meant that the difficulty of this operation had doubled exponentially. He had already begun to regret accepting the invitation. At this time, this bus was still the landmark of Fengtian City.

It has not completely turned into a hell bus.

He was already retreating a little, and he was even considering whether it would count as quitting if he jumped out of the car at this time, but his reason told him to try not to do so.

Or don't agree in the first place.

Since he agreed, it was best to follow the process, otherwise he would not be able to bear the consequences.

at this time--

The bus seemed to be driving into a tunnel and suddenly fell into darkness. The only light in front of the bus was the light from the headlights. The tunnel was short and fleeting.

When you open your eyes again.

The bus has completely reduced to the form of a hell bus.

The license plate number has changed to Zhen·G9418.

The icons of each stop have also changed.

First stop - Zhenba City

A lot of people have died in Zhenba City in the past few days, but there are not many real wronged souls. After all, it takes a lot of resentment to form a basic dead soul, and there must be no one to worship. If there are family members who continue to worship after death , that will also wash away the resentment.

Chen Miao sat motionless in his seat. This time, he did not pop his head out of the car to yell. Reason told him to calm down this time, don't be too arrogant, and don't act rashly if the situation is unknown.


The first stop arrived, but this time he did not wait for the first level of the game content or the extraordinary person standing at the door ready to get on the bus. There was only a lonely dead soul standing in the rain staring at him pitifully.

it's raining outside.

This time there is no extraordinary person, and there is no so-called game content. There is only a hell bus that quietly allows the souls to go home. This time it is a pure hell bus.

And since this bus completely turned into a hell bus, the driver sitting in the driver's seat seemed to have transformed into a statue, just like last time, and continued the work at hand without saying a word.

Be organized.

The first passenger was a middle-aged man with bleeding eyes. He was holding a blood-stained lottery ticket in his arms. His suit looked tattered. He had already experienced the Hell Bus once and was already familiar with the process. .

I stepped forward to chat with him casually, and a familiar panel popped up in front of me, and I got a simple story.

This middle-aged man is an ordinary migrant worker in Zhenba City.

Zhenba City is not one of the 128 major cities in the federation, and it does not have any strong city-state buffs. The city-state buffs are simply crop bonuses, which is not bad for a city in an extremely cold place.

But it's obvious that the transcendent doesn't like the city-state effect.

Basically, any extraordinary person with some achievements will go to the 128 major cities of the Federation. This also leads to other small cities, which are mainly ordinary people, and live in a large number of ordinary people who commute from nine to five.

It’s not that these ordinary people don’t know that times have changed, and that the world has become extraordinary. They are just ordinary people, not fools.

But what if you know it?

Time is mute and will not say a word to you when it abandons you.

They do not have the ability to become extraordinary, nor do they have the courage to become extraordinary. Becoming an extraordinary means that it is difficult for you to work in a company like ordinary people. The main source of income depends on the secret realm, and the secret realm represents a high degree of death. Rate.

Even if they know that the world has changed and times have changed, they can only settle down and be ordinary people, commuting from nine to five. At least this way they can ensure that they will have food to eat tomorrow.

The world has changed.

They haven't changed.

And this middle-aged man was just a diligent worker. He never wanted to become an extraordinary person in his life, so he lived until the age of 42, an extremely embarrassing age for a man.

During this year, my wife happened to fall ill.

The company happened to lay off employees, and he had no savings. Even if he took the company's layoff compensation for several months, it would not help. When he was desperate, he bought a lottery ticket with 100 credit points.

Maybe God thought it was time for this man to turn around, or maybe his wish came true. Anyway, this man hit the jackpot.

Won 1000 million credits!

First prize!

The man was so excited that on the day of the lottery draw, he rushed to the hospital and kissed his wife who was still in a coma, and then rushed to the lottery building to claim the prize. 1000 million credits could not only cure his wife's illness, but also allow him and his wife to His next life will be extremely stable.

Maybe you can save some money and let your child become a high-ranking person.

But on the way to redeem the prize.

Fixed event No. 11 "The Sea of ​​Misery in the World" broke out in Zhenba City.

Countless monsters attacked Zhenba City. While escaping, the man was pushed to the monster by another person to delay the monster. When the monster swallowed it, the man tightly clenched the blood-stained lottery ticket in his hand, his face full of tears. Desperate and unwilling!

The resentment is almost overwhelming!

All the resentment accumulated over the past decades exploded and became a dead soul wandering around Zhenba City.

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the hidden mission and redeeming the lottery ticket."

"Task content: Before the vehicle arrives at the terminal, exchange the man's lottery ticket in reality, use the exchanged funds to pay for the medical expenses of the man's wife, and hand over the remaining money to the man's children."

"Mission reward: Get the fare from a man, the D-class taboo 'An Honest Man's Life', the fare belongs to the player."

"And you will gain permission to communicate with the outside world."


After listening to the man's story and reading the mission panel, Chen Miao was silent and lightly rubbed his temples. He had a hunch that the difficulty of Hell Bus would be higher than last time, but he didn't expect it to be so much higher.

In the last mission, most of them died unwillingly at the hands of someone.

You just need to find that person and kill him, and the mission is complete.

This time the difficulty has doubled.

First, we need to find the man's body in a city that is still being rebuilt in chaos. The man was swallowed by the monster. The body should be in the monster's belly. The lottery ticket is still in the man's palm, so it should be there. In the belly of the monster.

In a huge city, you need to find the corpse of a monster with a lottery ticket in its belly, if the monster is killed instead of escaping.

And then there's finding this woman's wife.

There are lottery tickets to redeem and the remaining money to be handed over to men and children.

The whole process cannot be described as complicated. It will take at least ten hours, and that's if everything goes smoothly.

He is not worried that the lottery ticket has been digested by the monster's belly, or that the woman's wife is dead. He has already summed up experience in the last hell bus. If it is something that cannot be done, he will not give it. Task panel.

As long as it can provide a task panel, it can definitely be done.

At least it can be done at the moment when the task panel is given, but it is hard to say after that.

Chen Miao did not hesitate too much, but quickly put the task on the "Tomb Keeper" power chat channel. Even if he was anxious at the moment, it was of no use. He was in the hell bus now, and everything had to be left to the Tomb Keeper. Do it.

He could only wait.

The only good news is that this time the Hell Bus did not remind him that if a passenger arrived at the station and did not give him a ticket, he would be executed. It only said that the ticket would be his, which meant that he would not die even if the mission was not completed. .

There are 18 stops this time, a little more than last time.

But there will be no extraordinary person on the bus at every stop, and of course, it won't be like last time. There will be different levels waiting for him in every battle.

"A man's body in a monster's belly?"

Zhou Shen, who had successfully arrived in Zhenba City, didn't even have time to take a sip of water before he jumped out of the car and looked at the mission panel sent by Brother Miao. After seeing the mission clearly, he felt his scalp was numb. This could no longer be described as difficult. .

This is simply impossible to do.

He had absolutely no clue where to find the body of a monster containing a man's body.

He looked up at the dark city in front of him.

Bright lights.

The stench was overwhelming, and the strong smell of blood made the whole city look like a slaughterhouse.

Countless buildings collapsed, and human and monster corpses were everywhere. It looked like the end of the world.

Countless people are constantly shuttled among the ruined buildings, collecting corpses, rescuing covered companions, cleaning up garbage, etc. The entire city is undergoing post-disaster rescue work.

The good news is that the power has not been out yet.

The bad news is that even if the social order is basically broken, it will be much harder for them to find someone than in Fengtian City.

What's more, he was still a dead man, and he died in the monster's belly.

"There is a way!"

The hungry monkey suddenly thought of something and said hurriedly: "The watch can be used to locate, and you can find the man's location through the watch's positioning!"

(End of this chapter)

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