I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 191 Special E-level skill 'Shut-up'

Chapter 191 Special E-level skill 'Shut-up'

Means a lot.

If this fixed event had not happened, I believe this middle-aged man would have had a pleasant time from now on.

Perhaps it was such strong regret and unwillingness that turned this middle-aged man into an injustice.

But there was no time for them to express their feelings at this time.

"Cash your prize!"

Hungry Monkey immediately handed the lottery ticket to the staff at the lottery station who had been waiting for a long time. The situation was urgent and everything was kept simple. There were no redundant procedures at all. He did not even identify the authenticity of the lottery ticket. He did not even deduct taxes. He directly paid the money to Hungry Monkey. On account.

Ten million.

Crisp and neat.

This is not only because the Zhenba City Government has long ago ordered all agencies to cooperate fully, ignoring all procedures and resolving everything after reconstruction, but also because Hungry Monkey and others have so many guns in their hands, full of Deterrence.

After the 10 million was received, Hungry Hou separated from Zhou Shen and others. He took a group of people and rushed straight to a hospital. He needed to use this money to pay off the medical expenses of the man's widow and give the remaining money into the hands of men and children.

We have found this man’s specific information, and it’s easy to find which hospital his wife lives in.

Brother Miao's second mission has been handed down, and they must act separately. He is responsible for completing the first mission, while Zhou Shen is responsible for the second mission.


Chen Miao looked at the old man with graying hair in front of him calmly, politely helped him to his seat, and patiently listened to him tell his story before looking at the pop-up panel.

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the hidden mission, you've been waiting a lifetime."

"Mission content: On behalf of the old man, speak out what has been hidden in your heart for a lifetime."

"Task reward: Obtain the fare from the old man, special E-level skill 'Shut-up', the fare belongs to the player."

The story is simple.

This old man is over seventy this year. A long time ago, when he was young, this old man had a childhood sweetheart who lived next door to his house. They went to school together every day and played together after school after finishing their homework.

It was a very happy life.


During this period, the old man also developed feelings for his childhood sweetheart. It was not until his senior year in high school that the old man finally plucked up the courage to confess his love and called his childhood sweetheart into a grove to say that he had something to say.

The boy stood there, his face flushed from suppressing pain, and the sweat on his palms almost soaked his cuffs.

Under the girl's gaze, he hesitated and couldn't say a word.

Finally the girl giggled and ran away.

Not long after, the two of them were admitted to the same university in Zhenba City, and they stayed in the same company until they graduated from university. During this period, the man wanted to confess his feelings countless times, but every time he swallowed his words because of timidity. Went back.

Even until he was approaching the age of forty, the man never confessed his love and never got married. The girl had grown up and was also unmarried.


The man felt that the time was ripe, but at this time, the world became extraordinary, the world pattern suddenly changed, and many things happened, causing men and women to lose contact with each other.

The most chaotic time is when the world has just become transcendent.

Since then, the man has been waiting alone in Zhenba City.

Just the day before the fixed event, the old man sitting in front of his door looking blank and basking in the sun suddenly saw his childhood sweetheart on the road. She returned to Zhenba City. The old man excitedly stepped forward and added friends through his watch.

He didn't ask whether the other party was married. At this age, he didn't expect anything anymore. He just wanted to express his feelings when he was young. This matter has been his lifelong obsession.

At this moment, he no longer cares whether the other party agrees or not, or whether he has a family.

Just want to express my feelings.

So the old man stayed up all night and rehearsed it countless times in his mind. Finally, he remembered the words he had thought of when he was young, and prepared to ask his childhood sweetheart out the next day to express his feelings. However, at this time...

Fixed event, the sea of ​​suffering in the world has arrived.

The old man died as a result.

Strong unwillingness, decades of unwillingness, made the old man directly transform into a wraith, simple story.

The story is simple and so are the tasks.

Zhou Shen quickly found the old man's childhood sweetheart. He looked at the old woman with wrinkles on her face, her expression was a little complicated, and it was tolerable that she could bear not confessing her love for so long.

Isn't that enough to say that a young lady refuses to get married just to wait until you are 40 years old?

But this old woman is also a stubborn person. The other person is a coward and won't confess her feelings. Can't you take the initiative to speak up?

Just wait?

But this was not the time to think about this. He sighed softly, then looked at the old woman in front of him with some doubts in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "An old gentleman sent me here. He has something to say to you. .”

"He has hidden these words in his heart for many years. Unfortunately, he has passed away, so I can only convey the words on his behalf."

"He said that he didn't know how to write the word "like". He only knew that since he saw you, all the stunning beauties in the world have been eclipsed. You have occupied his entire heart. One day you asked him if he looked like you. What's on your mind?"

"He just smiled and didn't speak."

"When I got home, I opened my diary and wrote, "Ask me if I have anything on my mind today." "

"He's not good with words."

Zhou Shen looked slightly serious and read out word for word what the old man had not said for decades. Yes, the old man gave them the manuscript.

Wait until this paragraph is over.

Although the silver-haired old woman in front of her could vaguely tell that she must have been good-looking when she was young, her eyes were filled with tears. She sat on the chair with her face in her hands and said with a trembling cry in her voice.

"I've been waiting for him all my life, and he finally said it."

"I'm not married."

"I have been waiting for him all my life. I don't want anyone but him."

"I have been looking for him for a long time after the world became supernatural. I know he is a strong man. He told me a long time ago that if I have the opportunity to be Superman in the future, he will definitely be the strongest one."

"The city-state effect of Zhenba City is of no use to extraordinary people. I think he will definitely go to the main city of the federation to develop. Over the years, I have been to 128 main cities in the federation and have not found him. I did not expect that he would always be in town. Ba Shi.”

"How could such a strong person like him be willing to be an ordinary person after the world became extraordinary?"


Zhou Shen touched his nose and remained silent without speaking. What can I say? Even he, a bystander, felt regretful. It would be great if the old gentleman were still alive at this time. He could hold this old woman in his arms. What a pleasant scene to watch.

How enjoyable.

(End of this chapter)

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