I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 192 "The fixed event of the sea of ​​suffering in the world has really begun now."

Chapter 192 "The fixed event of "The Sea of ​​Misery in the World" has only really begun now. "

They are obviously just some very simple words, why do they have to wait until the time of separation between Yin and Yang for these words to ring through the world for the first time.


Zhou Shen couldn't help but sigh again. He looked at the old woman in front of him who was sitting on the chair and gradually stopped crying. He couldn't help but squat down and comforted in a low voice: "Old woman, I believe it."

The sound suddenly stopped, and he suddenly realized that the old woman had stopped breathing.

The heartbeat is gone too.


Zhou Shen put back the words on his lips, stood up slowly, and looked at the person behind him: "Let's bury the old woman. If you move faster, you might catch the old gentleman on the hell bus."

So far the second task has been successfully completed.

Everything gradually fell into place.


At this time, the Federal Jingjiu City Incident Bureau discovered something unusual.

Fixed event No. 128, "Hell Bus" is a very rare fixed event. It may not happen once in a month on weekdays, but today, just from the news they received, it has happened 2939 times.

And the vast majority are ongoing.

This rare anomaly caused the Beijing-Kowloon City Incident Bureau to open an emergency meeting.

"Something is not right."

A woman with an extremely hot figure and red curly hair in a tights put her hands on the table, and the 3D projection in front of her was playing a set of data: "Today, the fixed event "Hell Bus" has been opened 2939 times. "

"2912 of them are in progress, and the remaining groups will be destroyed."

"The reason why we can obtain this data is because these 2939 hell buses all have the role of conductor and can contact the outside world. But you have to know that only a very small number of hell buses will encounter the role of conductor."

"Without the role of conductor, the extraordinary beings on the Hell Bus would not be able to contact the outside world anyway."

"This means that there must be at least 2 "Hell Bus" fixed events that are started today. "

"What do you think about this?"

This hot-bodied woman is the deputy director of the Incident Bureau, and is also extremely famous in the federal rankings. It is absolutely impossible to climb to this position based on beauty. Without real strength, even if she can climb up, she will not be able to control it. Stay with these thorny people down there.

The stronger the person, the more prickly he is.


The first young man on the left side of the table murmured absently: "What else can you think of? The "Hell Bus" has only been opened less than 100 times in total, right? If I remember correctly, this is decades of accumulation. "

"Now it's turned on 2 times a day. This is still an estimate, maybe more."

"My idea is that the world is about to collapse. Let's go back to our homes and prepare for the end of the world."

The red-haired woman ignored the man, but glanced at the people sitting on both sides of the table and continued: "According to the information we received, the initial stop of all Hell Buses opened today is Zhenba City, without exception."

"All they received were the souls of Zhenba City."

At this time-

A muscular man on the right side of the table said thoughtfully: "Perhaps it's because Zhenba City has just gone through the suffering of the world, a fixed event numbered 11? A large number of people died tragically, so the Hell Bus is dispatched more frequently today. ?”

"will not."

The red-haired woman shook her head: "The world has become extraordinary for so long. Although there are few cases of hundreds of thousands of people dying at one time, it is not impossible, not to mention that there have been many times when a certain city was directly massacred. But even so, that day There are not so many hell buses opening.”

"Not even one."

"The "Hell Bus" is a fixed event. It will not definitely appear as long as more people die. At least 2 vehicles appeared at one time today. There must be some unknown special situation. If not handled properly, I estimate there will be a big disaster. trouble. "

The muscular man nodded thoughtfully: "It should have a lot of connections with Zhenba City, maybe it's a follow-up to "The Sea of ​​Misery in the World"? After all, we have never experienced this fixed event, and we don’t understand this fixed event. Maybe this event has not really ended, and the follow-up will be these 2 hell buses? "

The red-haired woman narrowed her eyes slightly and turned her head to look at the man without speaking, silently confirming what he said.

But soon——

She glanced at her watch, stood up and walked out of the office: "Let's go, guys, we have a new mission. We have been ordered to go to Zhenba City urgently. We may be in big trouble this time."

"By the way, the data has been updated."

"As of now, 4299 hell buses with conductors have departed."

"This means that there are more hell buses leaving silently without conductors where we can't see them."

Here, Chen Miao received his third passenger.

It's a young man.

A simple story, and a simple panel.

This young man is an otaku. He has no other hobbies except playing games. Even if the world becomes extraordinary, he only likes to stay in his room, play games, and enjoy life in his own world.

The most played one is a racing stand-alone game.

Men are constantly striving to be number one in the world.

After playing hundreds of thousands of games, he suddenly felt extremely good. It took him one minute and twenty-three seconds to clear the stand-alone game. As long as he uploaded the recorded game footage to the platform, he would be the new world number one. .

He spent a lot of energy to be the first in the world. When he was sure that no one was faster than him, the man jumped up in excitement. However--

Just when he was about to upload the recorded game footage to the platform, the fixed event of human suffering suddenly came, and he died in the monster's mouth. He had been fighting for the first place in the world all his life, and he finally achieved it. But he died at the critical moment.

This made his unwillingness almost overflow.

The mission requirements are simple.

Go to this young man’s rental house, upload the recorded game footage to the platform, and sign the man’s name.

After posting all these things on the influence channel, Chen Miao sat down in his seat, looked back at the three passengers sitting behind him, frowned slightly, and felt a little nervous.

This time seems a little different from last time.

Most of the missions and stories last time were either betrayed or killed.

All in all, they are quite gory.

And this time——

Almost all of them are mainly regrets, I don’t mean almost, I should say all of them, and coincidentally, at the moment when my life is about to turn, the fixed event "the sea of ​​suffering in the world" comes, which leads to the turning point of my life. hope, but it was too late to turn around.

If it's one or two, maybe it's a coincidence.

But now it’s been three in a row.

Coupled with the name "Sea of ​​Misery in the World", this made him vaguely feel that this fixed event "Sea of ​​Misery in the World" seemed to be more than just a monster siege. If it was really that simple, it probably wouldn't be a fixed event numbered 11. .

Ranking so high must have its own special features.

If a monster besieges the city, no matter how many monsters there are, it should not be ranked 11th.

at this time.

He received a message from the mayor of Fengtian City. According to statistics from the Incident Bureau of Jingjiu City, it is estimated that about 5 "Hell Bus" fixed events were triggered today. This is an extremely strange situation. Since the world became extraordinary, , the fixed event "Hell Bus" has been opened less than 100 times in total.

Today, it has been opened nearly 5 times at once, and this number is still rising.

This is no longer the case when something goes wrong and something goes wrong.

Any normal person can see the fishiness here.

Just fucking outrageous.

It's so outrageous.

Almost all hell buses depart from Zhenba City, and all the passengers they receive are from Zhenba City.

According to the speculation from the Incident Bureau in Kyoko City, these tens of thousands of hell buses were probably caused by the "Sea of ​​Misery on Earth" incident, or simply a part of the "Ocean of Misery on Earth" incident.

The fixed event of "The Sea of ​​Misery in the World" has only now truly begun.

The hundreds of thousands of people who died were like a primer, opening up the real "sea of ​​misery in the world." No one knew what chain reactions these tens of thousands of hell buses would bring. The Federation had never experienced this before. this incident.

Everything is unknown.

But something is strange.

That is.

According to statistics collected by the Kyoto City Incident Bureau, in almost all Hell Bus passengers, almost all passengers died at a turning point in their lives in the "Sea of ​​Misery on Earth" fixed event.

Everyone's mission is mainly based on regret and unwillingness.

A person lived a very miserable life in the first half of his life. He finally saw a turning point in his life, but he died.

This story sounds a bit sad, but it is not an unusual thing to happen in a city with such a large population base.


If everyone in this city was like this, this would be weird.

More importantly, according to the news from the Beijing-Kowloon City Incident Bureau, they visited many people who survived the major incident in Zhenba City and found an extremely terrifying thing in common, that is, these people were in the "sea of ​​suffering in the world." I have encountered a turning point in my life before.

Same as those who died.

The difference is, they didn't die.

All the citizens of "Zhenba City" met a turning point in their lives on the same day.

From a certain perspective, the fixed event "Sea of ​​Misery in the World" is more like a large-scale fortune-changing formation, which reverses everyone's fate in one day, but the price is death.

But because of the existence of Lord Meow.

Things went awry, and many people who changed their fortunes survived.

ps: I’m going to ask for leave tomorrow. The Qidian Annual Meeting has invited many authors with particularly good results to Singapore for the annual meeting. There will be many great authors there. Wouldn’t it be fun for everyone to eat and drink together?

For such an important day, I definitely can’t update it.

Wait, I suddenly remembered something, it seems that I was not invited.

Oh, that’s okay. I won’t ask for leave tomorrow. I’ll update as normal.

I don’t know if Singapore’s PC judgment is harsh or not. I wish everyone a safe return. I heard that it’s easy to get bad performance as the Chinese New Year approaches.

(End of this chapter)

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