I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 193 is a long story, but a long story is short!

Chapter 193 It’s a long story, but a long story short!

"What is a large-scale luck change event?"

Chen Miao looked at the mayor's message in the chat panel, frowned slightly and thought for a moment before asking.

He can contact the outside world, and the mayor has been paying attention to his situation here and constantly reporting to him the latest news to ensure that he can make a proper judgment on the hell bus.

"It's a long story."

The chat box keeps showing that the other party is sending, but the message has not yet been received.


Chen Miao was a little speechless. He didn't know what to say for a moment. You don't want to keep a long story short. I really want to write a short essay. He is still on the bus and is very busy, okay?


The mayor's essay was sent over.

"Let me tell you this as briefly as possible. Everyone will have regrets in this life. It may be that they regret not taking good care of their parents, it may be that they regret being separated from their first love, or they may regret that they made many wrong choices during their school days. ,etc…"

"No one lives without regrets."

"Human life is made up of regrets."

These words are nonsense and there is no need to say them at all. Is this the attitude of saying them briefly?

Chen Miao couldn't help but complain in her heart.

"And in the 'Sea of ​​Misery on Earth' event, there were 200 million people in the entire city, and everyone's regrets were realized. To be precise, it was at a boundary point that was about to be seen. Do you know Schrödinger's cat?"

"Roughly, a cat is put into a box and a gas is injected into it. This gas will have a 50% probability of killing the cat. Before the box is opened, the cat is in a superposition state of life and death. "

"Like Schrödinger's cat, at the beginning of the 'Sea of ​​Misery in the World' event, everyone saw that their regrets were about to be realized, such as your passengers."

"A man who was unhappy in life won 10 million in a random lottery ticket, but he died on the way to claim his prize."

"The old man who has been waiting for his childhood sweetheart all his life has finally arrived. Just when he mustered up the courage to reveal his feelings tomorrow, he died."

"The gaming otaku who spent his whole life striving to be the best in the world suddenly felt great and realized his dream. Just when he was about to tell everyone about his deeds, he died."

"Besides, there are tons of examples of these all over the city!"

"For example, a clerk who wanted to be promoted all his life finally waited for the transfer order from above, but died before he could even sit in his office."

"Another example is a man who has been gay since he was a child. He finally plucked up the courage to reveal his homosexuality to his parents. Unexpectedly, his parents agreed openly. Just when he was about to excitedly share the news with his lover, his lover Unable to bear the pressure, he committed suicide."

"Wait, something like this happened in Zhenba City on the same day."

"According to the answers we got, the major event of 'The Sea of ​​Misery in the World' is a major event in the rules system. In an unexplainable way, he completed the regrets of all sentient beings in one day, but it was only a pseudo completion, and it just made these Man sees that his greatest regret is about to be completed, and then dies.”

"Do you know what this means?"

"I hope, Lord Mayor, you can be brief as soon as possible."

Chen Miao lit a cigarette and looked at his fourth passenger with a complicated expression. After glancing at the chat panel, he stood up and greeted him.

In the chat box, the mayor's message was still flashing.

"This means that almost everyone who died in this city has a strong unwillingness!!!" "This is an extremely terrible thing!"

"Normally speaking, even if a person is suddenly killed, there will not be too much reluctance. There will not be many emotions at the moment of death, mainly fear and terror."

"Even those with weak minds will go blank on the spot."

"Of a hundred people who died unexpectedly, maybe only one would have strong unwillingness and resentment in his heart, and thus turn into a wraith."

"But if you have been a passerby all your life, and finally wait for your opportunity one day, but suddenly die unexpectedly at this time, you will feel strongly unwilling in your heart, and you will have a lot of resentment after your death."

"If you hadn't experienced the light, you could have died in the darkness."

"Coupled with other news, we can basically conclude that the big incident of 'The Sea of ​​Misery' is intentionally and deliberately creating large-scale resentful spirits. The real purpose is not to change lives at all, but to collect The resentment and unwillingness of these people before they die."

"But everything should have a cause and effect!"

"What is the purpose of collecting so much resentment and reluctance? Just to create resentful spirits on a large scale? The harm caused by a group of ordinary people's resentful spirits to the federation is almost minimal. If that's all, does he deserve to be numbered 11? "

"So we got the second answer!"

"Intentionally creating large-scale resentful spirits is only the first purpose of this incident. The second purpose is to use these resentful spirits to activate tens of thousands of hell buses. They also succeeded in doing so."

"The Hell Bus, a fixed event, has been activated less than 100 times in the past few decades since the world became supernatural. This is recorded."

"But today, there were at least 5 hell buses leaving at once."

"But that's not the real purpose of 'The Sea of ​​Misery in the World'!"

"So far, even if there are 5 hell buses starting out at the same time, they will not have any impact. Therefore, the Kyoto City Incident Bureau boldly speculates that these 5 hell buses may start hell."

"The real purpose of fixed event No. 11, 'Sea of ​​Misery in the World', is to use tens of thousands of hell buses to forcibly open the link between hell and the human world, turning the human world into a sea of ​​misery in hell!"

"If that's the case, you have to stop them!"


Chen Miao glanced at the short essay of nearly a thousand words on the chat box with an expressionless expression. This was a long story spoken by the mayor, but the meaning was indeed very clear.

Roughly two points.

Point one: The world is about to end.

Point two: You have to save the world.


When he was crushed to death by a coconut and came into this world, he never thought that one day he would be lucky enough to become a hero who saves the world, but

He glanced at the task panel given by the fourth guest and casually sent it to the power channel.

Then he entered it in the chat box with the mayor.

"If it is true as you say, this matter can no longer be stopped. After all, tens of thousands of hell buses have already set off and everything has already started. What can I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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