I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 195 "Would you like to try it?"

Chapter 195 "Would you like to try it?"

save the world?

Oh, the layout is too small.

He has already begun to think about how to go to the next world and start a business more quickly, hoping that he can still travel through time after death.

Perhaps his cigarette made Mr. Meow feel a little uncomfortable. His voice suddenly stopped and the story stopped. He frowned and looked at the cigarette in Chen Miao's hand with an unkind expression.

No speech though.

But the meaning is self-evident.

However, Chen Miao raised her hand without caring at all: "Want a bite?"

"Good stuff."

"Many people say that this thing is bad for the body, and it is actually true, but I don't care about that. No one knows how long they can live. Just live well today."

While Chen Miao was puffing unscrupulously in the carriage, he opened the chat boxes with Hungry Monkey and others one by one. Although he came to this world for only a short month, it was the most exciting month of his life.

On the verge of death.

He wanted to leave some suicide notes to Hungry Monkey and the others, so that it would be worthwhile for everyone to go through so many things together.

The mission panel given by Master Miao is simply impossible to complete.

He didn't know whether the world would be like this one day, but Master Miao's inability to give out the ticket meant that he would definitely turn black and go berserk when he arrived at the terminal. At present, he definitely couldn't withstand the resentful spirit of a top powerhouse in the federation.

He must die first.

This is fate. If I had known better, I would have declined the invitation.

Miao Ye's eyes were staring straight at the scarlet-red cigarette butt in Chen Miao's hand. His expression became increasingly ugly. Just when he was about to explode, he suddenly tilted his head and looked at Chen Miao hesitantly.

"Cigarettes, are they that easy to smoke?"

The voice was very gentle, caressing the entire bus like a spring breeze.

Almost instantly, the originally tense atmosphere in the carriage suddenly disappeared.

Chen Miao, who was writing a suicide note with his head down, subconsciously raised his head when he heard the voice in his ear. Seeing the curious look on Master Miao's face, he suddenly couldn't help but laugh and handed over the unburned cigarette in his hand.

"Would you like to try it?"

But he soon realized that this cigarette had been smoked by him, just as he was about to light another one for Meow.

Master Miao's body had leaned forward slightly, his red lips were slightly open, he held half of the cigarette between his fingers, and sucked hard, then his face turned red and he coughed continuously, covering his nose and frowning. Said: "It's very pungent and not easy to smoke at all. Why do you like smoking?"

"I have always disliked people who smoke. The stench on their bodies is like that of rotting corpses, which gives me a very depraved feeling."


Chen Miao clenched his fist and covered his mouth and coughed lightly. He didn't know how to answer. He didn't even listen carefully to what Master Miao said. There was only one thought in his mind, his first fucking kiss was gone!

He lived two lives!

I have never had a girlfriend in my two lives!

In his last life, he often washed his feet and liked to order some 698 and 1698 items to play with. However, he had his own principle, that is, he would never kiss. Firstly, because he did not want to taste the taste of other men, and secondly, because he had always I think kissing is a sacred thing and you must kiss the one you love.


His first kiss was taken away by the woman in front of him. No, it should be a female ghost.

Although it is an indirect first kiss, an indirect first kiss is still a kiss!

He silently took the unburned cigarette in his hand, pinched off the burning butt, and stuffed the remaining half of the cigarette into his arms. This was a symbol of losing his first kiss. He had to collect it, just like collecting contaminated virginity. The blood sheets are average.

"It's really not easy to smoke. You seem to hate degradation?"

"Who likes to fall?"


For some reason, Chen Miao suddenly became more interested in this top federal powerhouse who looked like a little girl. He glanced at the mission panel again. Although he had no hope, he still sent it to the power chat channel, and then stepped forward. Qing said with a smile.

"Falling is the true meaning of happiness in life."

"Have you never done anything depraved in your life?"

At this time, in Fengtian City, the mayor had already hid in a safe house he had prepared long ago, located three thousand meters underground.

As long as it's not an earthquake and the source of the earthquake is still on your head, there's basically no problem.

He wasn't kidding.

Even if the world ends, he still wants to live until the end to see what the world will look like. This safe house has been under construction a long time ago, ever since the moment he learned that aliens would invade Blue Star in a year.

He began to make preparations.

On the other side, in Zhenba City, the atmosphere is extremely weird!

In a city of 200 million people, 37 people died. Tens of billions of people in the Federation are grieving for Zhenba City. But when you actually enter Zhenba City, you will find that although Zhenba City is littered with corpses and countless buildings, Things collapsed, but the expressions on most people's faces were excitement!

Yes, excited!

Not sad, not sad, not scared, but excited and excited!

Countless people's regrets were fulfilled with the arrival of the fixed event "Sea of ​​Misery in the World", and they were lucky enough to survive. Their lives will be bright next.

It can be roughly understood that each of the more than one million people who survived has had his or her life changed once by Goldfinger.

Damn it if you're not excited.

This atmosphere makes the entire Zhenba City look extremely weird. At the same time, a large number of people are constantly rushing to Zhenba City. Hundreds of thousands of them are companies in various cities and mercenaries. They are extraordinary profit-making organizations. .

A large number of hell buses leave from Zhenba City, which means that many conductors are in contact with the outside world and need outsiders to help them complete their tasks. There are simply too many hell buses.

These people are here for this purpose, to help the conductor complete the task and get paid from the conductor.

The reward is the reward for completing the level, seven and three points, seven for them and three for the conductor.

These people are like worker ants, wandering around various areas of Zhenba City, constantly completing one task after another.

And in a ruined open space somewhere.

Hungry Hou, Yuan Buping, Zhou Shen, and everyone from the "Tomb Keeper" force all remained expressionless and silent.

After a long time.

It was Hungry Monkey who broke the silence first, looked up at Zhou Shen and others and said with a smile: "Okay, don't put on such an expression that you are about to die. Even if you die, you have to smile. How do you say that? Come, smile often and good luck will come naturally."

"How about we go have a barbecue?"


Yuan Buping shook his head, and said in a low voice with a pale face: "I want to find a girl on the street and have a good time. I'm going to die anyway, so it doesn't matter if I act a little more recklessly, right?"


The hungry monkey rolled his eyes and Yuan Buping was slightly speechless and said, "Can you have some potential?"

At this time, Zhou Shen opened his watch with red eyes and started a video call with his daughter. Although he didn't say it clearly, his words contained a farewell meaning. Everyone knew that they were out of luck this time.

Master Miao's regret cannot be satisfied at all. According to the news from Brother Miao and the mayor, the consequences are unbearable for the federation.

Seeing that no one cares about me.

Hungry Monkey looked at the task panel in the power channel again with some boredom, suddenly shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly: "I used to think that with my bloodline, just give me a few years, I will definitely be invincible."

"Now it seems that these few years have been too long."

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the hidden mission, everyone is like a dragon."

"Mission content: Complete Master Meow's regret and make everyone in the federation become extraordinary."

"Task reward: Get the fare from Meow, the S-class taboo 'Everyone is Like a Dragon', the fare belongs to the player."

Sometimes, it is not a good thing for people to have too much ambition.

At least it's a huge headache after death.

Take a look at other people's regrets. Either money, love, family, or games. You are noble and have great ideals. Unfortunately, you have not achieved the vision of everyone in the federation being extraordinary.

How good.

You, old man, are noble, but they have to wait to die because of this!

This is an absolutely impossible task!

Even if all ordinary people were to change jobs and become gunners, this extraordinary person would have the lowest job transfer cost, but once so many ordinary people in the federation were to change jobs as gunners, the materials would definitely not be enough.

This is the first point!

With the current foundation of the Federation, no matter what the cost, it is impossible for everyone to become a transcendent, let alone in a short period of time.

The second point is that there are currently a large number of illegal accounts in the Federation.

The mission panel refers to everyone, which means that before Brother Miao's hell bus arrives, as long as there is an ordinary person, the mission will be considered a failure.

Ha ha.

Hungry Monkey sneered again and silently lit a cigarette. There was no need to think of a solution at all. This mission panel almost blocked their way. They couldn't think of anything, so they just waited with peace of mind.

What are you waiting for?

Of course he was waiting to die.

at this time--

A panel popped up in front of everyone within the jurisdiction of Zhenba City, and mechanical sounds slowly sounded in their ears.

"The second phase of fixed event No. 11, 'The Sea of ​​Misery in the World', has begun!"

"According to the rules of 'Evolution Game 2.0', when 40 hell buses pass through at the same time, the passage between hell and the human world will be completely opened and will last for one month."

"The current progress is 74034/400000."

"As more survivors die in the first phase of Zhenba City's 'Sea of ​​Misery on Earth', the number of hell buses will increase."

"In the next three days, anyone who survives the first stage of the 'Sea of ​​Misery in the World' will bring a blessing with him. This blessing will help you complete your regrets. In these three days, kill other survivors. Those who can plunder the blessings from other survivors.”

"The more blessings you have, the higher your luck will be. If the wind goes smoothly, you will get whatever you want."

The moment this reminder sounded in Zhenba City, the faces of countless people instantly darkened.

Everyone familiar with the matter immediately understood the meaning of this announcement. It was obvious that not enough people had died to start the follow-up plan of the "Sea of ​​Misery on Earth". "Sea of ​​Misery on Earth" was using this method to expand the death toll.

Interestingly, the announcement actually states straightforwardly that the more people die, the more hell buses there will be, and the faster the opening of the passage between hell and the human world will progress.

It’s like he’s afraid of people and doesn’t know how to avoid them.

(End of this chapter)

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