I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 196 "You seem to take death very lightly?"

Chapter 196 "You seem to take death very lightly?"

The announcement resounded in the ears of everyone within the jurisdiction of Zhenba City. This city originally had only 200 million permanent residents. After the arrival of the 'sea of ​​suffering on earth', more than million people now gathered in this semi-ruined city. inside.

And the number is still increasing.

The moment the announcement sounded, many people's eyes lit up, and their pupils gradually glowed red.

What a blessing.

No one knows better than them that before the "Sea of ​​Misery on Earth" comes, they all get the biggest surprise in their lives. If it were not for the "Sea of ​​Misery on Earth", perhaps they would not be able to wait for this turning point in their lifetime.

The elo mechanism, as many people know, is a matching competitive mechanism in MOBA games.

Basically, when you lose in a row, you will be forcibly matched with strong teammates so that you can win the game while lying down.

And when you have a winning streak, you will be matched with very good teammates, so that no matter how strong you are, you can still count the games.

This is a mechanism that countless people hate.

However, there is no such mechanism in real life. Countless people have waited their entire lives without waiting for their own turning point.

As for the so-called opening of the door to hell and the world, most people don't care. Even if hell really opens, so what? What's the difference between living at the bottom with no money and no rights for a lifetime and living in hell?

When an opportunity that can change your destiny is presented to you.

Would you give up because the world might be destroyed?

will not.


Let the world die!

Even if the world is destroyed, we will die together, but if the world is not destroyed, from now on, I will be the king of this world!

This idea almost gradually spread in the hearts of the more than one million survivors this time. Countless people on the street who were originally carrying out rescue operations suddenly stopped their actions in unison, looked at the people around them with alert and greedy expressions, and gradually spread.

Keep your back as close to the wall as possible and give yourself as much space as possible.

Not much is needed.

Only three people need to be killed.

Enough to live a good life in the next life.

But more than ten minutes after the announcement, no one took action. Almost everyone in the city was silent, and the atmosphere seemed extremely strange and depressing.

Firstly, most of us were ordinary people before. Let alone killing people, we had never even killed chickens.

Even though they knew that killing people at this time would bring huge benefits, the long-standing restraints in their hearts still subconsciously restrained them.

The second reason is that they are waiting for someone to make the first move.

Many people are worried that even if they kill someone and get a blessing, they will be liquidated and shot afterwards. The only way is to ignore the law. They are waiting for the leader to appear.


The hungry monkey standing on the street glanced at the crowd not far away. He didn't know when the hoe originally used for digging was tightly held in his hand. There was madness and greed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but sneered.

"Still waiting to grab the blessing."

"You will all wait to die when you come back later."

Master Miao's resentful spirit is destined to be released. These people whose lives were saved by Master Miao will all die here today. None of them can escape. They can run, but there is no point in escaping.

What does it mean when the door between hell and earth opens.

It pretty much means the end of the world.

Even if you run away, where can you go?

If life is destined to end today, they would rather spend the rest of their time taking a closer look at the world instead of running away in fear. "You seem to take death very lightly?" Zhou Shen hung up the phone and turned his head to look at Hungry Monkey: "Aren't you afraid of death?"


Hungry Monkey shrugged and spread his hands: "But what can I do? Stories always have an end, but not every character has an ending. If our world is a story, then today's story should end."

At this time, the special investigation team sent by Jingjiu City gathered in an office in Zhenba City. Among them were personnel from the Incident Bureau of Jingjiu City, government teams from Zhenba City, and senior officials sent by Jingjiu City. .

Everyone gathered together, but no one looked very good.

After a long time.

A man sitting on the left side of the table spoke first: "I suggest that we broadcast the broadcast immediately. Anyone who dares to kill people in this incident will be dealt with according to the law and will not be tolerated."

"Then immediately send troops to control order, prevent the remaining survivors from killing each other, and speed up the progress of the second phase."

"You can also transfer all the survivors. Just transfer these survivors to other cities and don't let them die in Zhenba City."

The voice just fell.

The man sitting opposite said in denial: "The survivors must not be transferred. If all the survivors in the city are transferred, then all the missions on the Hell Bus will fail, and all the conductors will die."

"It's easy to say about the other hell buses, but nothing can happen to Chen Miao's hell bus, and..."

As he spoke, his voice gradually weakened.

Apparently this man also reacted.

The announcement for the second phase of the 'Sea of ​​Misery in the World' came out. For such a big matter, people here didn't say a word or even take any action. This is unreasonable. In any unreasonable situation, it is because there is a more reasonable person. something exists.

Everyone already knows Miao Ye's mission.

"May everyone in the world be like a dragon."

If Mr. Miao had expressed his vision while he was still alive, everyone would have given a thumbs up and said with admiration that it was a big plan.

But Master Meow is dead.

When they saw this task, they had no reaction in their hearts other than being stupid.

This task is almost impossible.

"There is no other way."

at this time--

In the conference room, the deputy director of the Beijing-Kowloon City Incident Bureau, a woman in red, narrowed her eyes slightly and said thoughtfully: "What is the original sentence on the mission panel? Let everyone in the federation become extraordinary?"

"Obviously this is an impossible task."

"But maybe we could change the angle?"

"Since we can't make all ordinary people become extraordinary beings, why not liquidate all ordinary people? It shouldn't be too difficult to liquidate all ordinary people in a short time, right?"

The words fell.

There was sudden silence in the conference room. Everyone looked at the woman in red who seemed to have quite a personality. For the first time, they understood what it means to have the most ruthless woman's heart.

Opposition soon arose.

"A bunch of nonsense."

"After all ordinary people are liquidated, even if the world is not destroyed, it will be almost the end of the world. The social order of the entire society will immediately collapse. Scientific research, medical care, culture, and education, everything related to human civilization, will undergo extremely serious disruptions."

"If only some of them survive, it won't be passed on for many generations, and extremely exaggerated civilization faults will appear."

(End of this chapter)

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