I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 197 "What is the difference between everyone being like a dragon and everyone being lik

Chapter 197 "What is the difference between everyone being like a dragon and everyone being like an insect?"

"What's more, so many ordinary people have died, which means that there will be a large number of corpses that need to be disposed of, and diseases such as plague will also spread quickly. Even if some extraordinary people do survive, what will happen after the invasion of civilization a year later? How to deal with it?”

"Waiting to die?"

The woman in red turned her head to look at the man who was speaking. A professional smile appeared on her face, but there was a hint of coldness in her voice: "What you said makes sense. Please analyze it with us. What else is there? Is there any way to accomplish this task?”


"Everyone is like a dragon!"

"Tell me how the hell we should accomplish this, everyone is like a dragon! Huh?"

"You fucking motherfucker, do you believe it or not? I'm going to fuck you to death now!"

The woman in red suddenly became excited. She stood up and slapped her hard, pointing at the man who answered. Her pupils were covered with red bloodshot eyes, and her voice was ferocious and desperate. It was obvious that she had been on the verge of collapse for a long time.

At this moment, I finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

No one can remain calm before the end of the world.

Especially when faced with this unanswerable problem.

"Don't worry."

An old man sitting at the head of the conference room closed his eyes and said slowly and hoarsely: "A fixed event numbered 11 will not directly destroy the world for Blue Star. There must be a solution."

"It shouldn't be this hard."


The woman in red gradually calmed down and returned to her seat, but her voice still contained uncontrollable despair and anger: "If Master Miao could change his vision before he was alive, it really wouldn't be so difficult!"

"Everyone else is like a fucking dragon, that's bullshit!"

"It is precisely because there are insects that there are dragons. What is the difference between everyone being like a dragon and everyone being like an insect?"

After the words fell.

The old man stopped talking, and everyone fell into silence for a while. There was really no other way. Except for them, all the high-level officials in Jingjiu City gathered together, and the top think tanks in the entire human race were there. , but there is still nothing to do about this task panel.

Even the plan proposed by the woman in red to liquidate ordinary people had already been mentioned by the think tank in Jingjiu City.

But it was still rejected in the end.

It's not that the price is too high.


The Hell Bus can only travel for 12 hours at most. It is impossible to liquidate all ordinary people in the Federation within 12 hours. This is an impossible task.

Many people even live in places where there is no signal, and there are blank marks on the map.

It seems that all they can do at this moment is wait for death.

At this time, in the Hell Hell bus, no new passengers had boarded the bus for more than ten minutes since Meow Master got on the bus. Chen Miao, who was already desperate, didn't know what he thought of at this time, and his whole person fell into a deep state of emotion. He was in an extremely excited state and was carefully guiding Master Meow.

He figured out how to complete the mission panel "Everyone is Like a Dragon"!

Maybe he doesn't have to die!

The world does not need to perish!

It's just that the possibility of completing it is almost slim, but without any solution, this slim possibility is already his only straw!

If you were faced with an absolutely unanswerable question on an exam, what would be the best answer?


give up?


Instead, he raised his hand and answered, "Teacher, I don't know how to answer. Can you please change the question?"

And wasn't the teacher who gave the question "Everyone is like a dragon" right in front of him? If you can guide Meow to change his regrets, might it be possible to complete it?

"Does it really feel good?"

At this time, Master Miao was already guided by Chen Miao, with a trace of longing in his eyes. He tilted his head to the side and said in a rather cute trance: "It's a pity that I'm dead, otherwise I also want to feel what it feels like to fall to the extreme." Yes.

"It's great!"

Chen Miao nodded seriously with a serious face: "You can stay up all night and watch a movie without thinking about anything. You don't have to think about the next day's work. You can give the middle finger to the elders you don't like without restraint. You can do it for seven days in a row. By staying at home and playing your favorite games, you can do what you want to do without any regard for the future development of the Secret Realm and the Federation."

"You can live your true self."

Through the conversation just now, he learned that Master Meow had lived a very regular life all his life. This word may be a bit inappropriate. If you use another word, he is a good old man.

Ever since he entered Chaofan University, he has always been an outstanding student.

After graduation, he led the way.

The most rebellious thing in my life is to call myself the master.

"Master Meow".

This is already the most domineering and rebellious thing that Miao Ye feels he has ever done.

Apart from that, Master Meow has never done anything like spitting.

Just when Chen Miao was still preparing to say something.

Mr. Meow, who was sitting by the window on the bus, suddenly looked up at Chen Miao and murmured: "I long for the things you said. When you reminded me, I suddenly realized that I seemed to have never done many things. "

"It would be nice if I didn't die and could have met you sooner."

"No one ever told me this."

The next second—

The handwriting on the task panel belonging to Master Meow in front of Chen Miao suddenly became blurry. When the handwriting became clear again, the task panel had completely changed.

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the hidden mission and degenerating your life."

"Task content: Complete Meow's Regrets, a total of 1293 items."

"1: Stay up all night and watch movies."

"2: In front of passers-by, spit hard into the green belt."

"3: Go eat hot pot early in the morning and drink a lot of wine!"

"4: Have a beautiful love."


"1293: Name your child 'Little Meow Master'."

"Mission reward: Get the fare from Meow, the S-class taboo 'Fallen Life', the fare belongs to the player."

Chen Miao looked calmly at the greatly changed task panel in front of him.

He made the right bet.

Good news: the mission panel has changed.

Bad news: The mission just got harder.

From an almost impossible task to an absolutely impossible task.

At this moment, Meow Meow is just a resentful spirit who has not gone completely crazy. Where can he find hot pot for her to eat, movies for her to watch, games for her to play, and let Meow Meow give birth to a child? Named 'Little Meow Master'?


Chen Miao knew that this was not impossible.

He actually wanted to try to guide Master Miao to change to a simpler regret, so as to make the task easier, but after he tried it, he found that it was simply impossible. In Master Miao's heart, the interests of family and country were too important.

(End of this chapter)

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