I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 200 "Therefore, I suggest starting the 'God's Choice Plan'!"

Chapter 200 "Therefore, I suggest starting the 'God's Choice Plan'!"

"Just relax, Brother Miao will definitely come out."


Zhou Shen looked at the hungry monkey with a complex expression. He really didn't know that the hungry monkey's confidence in Brother Miao had reached a blind level. He couldn't help but remind him: "According to the information from the federation, they tried to let more than 5000 people in." The fourth level of dreams.”

"No one woke up at the end."

"This group of people includes everyone. There are death row criminals who have done many evil things, ordinary people who want to get a large sum of money for experiments, old people who are dying, and extraordinary people who are very powerful."

"But no matter what kind of person he is, he never wakes up in the end."

"There are no exceptions so far."

"Are you so sure that Brother Miao can wake up?"


Hungry Monkey nodded firmly: "Didn't that hell bus also have a 100% mortality rate? But in the end, didn't Brother Miao come out easily? I believe Brother Miao can come out. Ever since I met Brother Miao, He changed my perception so much.”

"If it weren't for him."

"I never dared to think that I could be extraordinary."

"I can become a transcendent. Is there anything in this world that cannot happen? From the day I became a fighter, I began to believe that there are miracles in this world, and Brother Miao is the spokesperson of miracles."

"If our world is really a story, then Brother Miao must be the protagonist of this story."

"As for me, Hungry Hou, I am Brother Miao's most trustworthy confidant."

Having said this, Hungry Monkey couldn't help but raise his eyebrows proudly and said, "And those of you who question Brother Miao are the villains waiting to be slapped in the face."

Zhou Shen didn't speak anymore, just picked up the wine glass and took a sip, and then spoke after a while: "It is said that the fourth level of dreams is completely composed of a person's subconscious, without any subjective consciousness, and it is the deepest subconscious in the heart. "

"Actions are also based on the subconscious mind."

"Those tasks seem to require falling in love, right?"

"Has Brother Miao ever been in love?"

"Does he understand women?"


Hungry Monkey lost some confidence, and after a while he hesitated and said: "It will take decades to stay there. After decades of hard work, you should learn to fall in love, right?"

"I never worry about whether Brother Miao can come out."

"I'm just worried that Brother Miao will forget me after he comes out."

"After all, after living there for decades, seeing us again will be like we haven't seen each other for decades. Even if he remembers us by then, it's hard to say whether he is willing to take us with him to do things together."

"That's my main concern."

"The current progress is 82034/400000."

In view of the fact that the Federation has fully intervened, the progress of the second phase of Zhenba City is increasing very slowly. If this speed is maintained, there is no need to worry by then.

Just now.

The think tank in Kyoto City is discussing something else.

"Let's make an assumption about Chen Miao for the time being. Assuming that he really completed those tasks and prevented this disaster, then we need to consider other things, such as the second stage of this 'sea of ​​suffering in the world'. "

"You should all see the so-called blessings and effects."

"A regular existence."

"An extremely buggy existence."

"This is only when the fortune is 1. If the fortune is 10, 100, or even 1, it is very likely to create a terrifying monster, a monster with overwhelming luck and favored by God, no matter what No matter what secret realm you go to, or in any fatal event, you can easily find a way to pass the level."

"Such an existence will be of great help to us in exploring the new world." "Therefore, I suggest starting the 'God's Choice Project'!"

After everyone in the think tank looked at each other silently, they drafted a proposal and sent it to the mailbox of the supreme commander of the Federation, exchanging the lives of 10,000 ordinary people for such an existence.

This is a great deal.

It means that it cannot be seen in the light. Once it is exposed, it will arouse a lot of public opinion, so it must be done in secret.


The 'God's Choice Plan' was approved!

For a time, many ordinary people in Zhenba City were secretly controlled, and the Beijing-Kowloon Think Tank immediately contacted people from the former Incident Bureau of Zhenba City and asked them to recommend a few of the best people to serve as gods. Choose someone.

Whether it is a person chosen by God or a sacrifice.

They all must be survivors of the first stage of the 'Sea of ​​Misery on Earth', that is, people who were in Zhenba City before the fixed event of 'Sea of ​​Misery on Earth' began.

After all, the second phase goal will only be achieved if the progress reaches 40.

Just keep the progress within this range.

The Federation will not tolerate the situation getting out of control, let alone the people below killing each other, but it does not mind having a few more aces in its hands.

And now in the fourth level of dreamland.

Chen Miao, who was sitting alone in the living room, looked at the mess on the floor. He took off the jade pendant from his arms and played with it in his hands. He felt a sense of absurdity in his heart. He didn't know why he had become so angry just now. temper.

This is not his character.

It was like something was affecting him in some mysterious way.

After a long time.

He got up and walked out of the room, ready to go find Master Meow, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw Master Meow sitting in the fire escape at the door, crying softly.


Chen Miao didn't know what to say. She sat down carefully next to Master Meow and whispered: "I was wrong. I was a little excited just now. Well, I'll buy you a new game console right now, okay? Tomorrow we will Just play games together.”

Master Miao ignored Chen Miao, and just continued to sit on the steps of the fire escape, burying his head in his arms and crying softly. After a long time, he raised his head and looked at Chen Miao with red eyes, and his voice changed slightly: "Okay."


This time it was Chen Miao's turn to be stunned, and subconsciously said: "You agreed so quickly, I thought you would be angry for a while."

"Then, will it continue to freeze?"

"I can't live without you. If I continue to freeze, I will starve to death in the fire escape."

"I planned to knock on the door if you didn't come out within ten minutes."

over the next few years.

Everything seems to be going smoothly.

Chen Miao also resigned from the company and founded his own company. The company's performance increased every quarter. They also changed to a bigger house and got a dog and a cat.

The home looks a lot more cozy.


Chen Miao was sitting in the living room and looking at Master Meow on the sofa, her pupils full of anticipation: "How can I say, let's not do anything tonight, just play games all night!"


Sitting on the sofa, Mr. Meow's eyes suddenly shone with excitement, and he hurriedly picked up the two handles that were charging on the side: "Ready at any time!!!"

"I am your best partner."

(End of this chapter)

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