I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 201 "I'm used to you standing in front of me."

Chapter 201 "I'm used to you standing in front of me."

"You have been busy with work and have no time to play games. I have picked up a lot of materials for you. You can use these materials to build many houses tonight."


Chen Miao rushed over with a smile and took Master Meow into his arms: "Build a big house for you tonight!"

The giggles of the two fighting each other resounded in the living room.

The puppy lying on the carpet kept wagging its tail and jumping around as if it was very happy. Only the fat cat lying on the balcony basking in the sun lazily looked back at the two people playing on the sofa and took it back. sight.

Just like that, a few more years passed.

Chen Miao looked a little decadent and sat alone in the messy living room without turning on the lights. He curled up on the sofa, as if he could bury himself in the dark.

The company went bankrupt.

Because of one of his too bold decisions, he lost his fortune.

He had been hiding the news, he didn't want to tell Xiaomiao, and he didn't want Xiaomiao to feel too much pressure, but every time he saw Xiaomiao's smiling face when he went home, he always felt uncomfortable and felt that he was sorry for Xiaomiao.

Because of his failure, Xiaomiao returned to the past with him.

He chose to separate.

This time he was determined.

Xiao Miao left with the dog and the fat cat. The originally lively and warm home became empty overnight. Nothing was missing, and it felt like nothing was missing.

The floor was littered with empty beer cans.

The ashtray on the coffee table was overflowing, and the ashtray was surrounded by burnt cigarette butts and scattered ash. In a daze, he opened the survival building game he had played with Xiao Meow before.

This is a two player game.

Players need to control the character, continuously pick up various materials on a desert island, and then choose a place to build their own house to resist monster attacks.

He used to play this game with Xiao Miao all night long, and the two of them laughed constantly throughout the living room.

Only this time he played the role of a little meow.

The character's backpack is filled with a variety of materials, and three warehouses were even built to store unused materials.

Seeing these overflowing materials, he suddenly remembered that since the failure of his career, he seemed to have not played games with Xiao Miao for a long time. He had never seen Xiao Miao play, and originally thought Xiao Miao would stop playing.

Now it seems that Xiao Meow was still playing when he went out during the day, but he just didn't tell him about it.

Under a trance.

He picked up the handle and controlled the character to start picking up materials on this isolated island.




After only ten minutes of picking up materials, he was almost suffocating from boredom. Picking up materials was an uninteresting thing. It was like mechanical work, constantly cutting down trees to pick up wood and wild fruits.

He suddenly reacted.

It's such a boring thing.

Xiao Meow often stays at home, picking up materials all day long, just so that when he plays with him, he doesn't have to feel the boredom of picking up materials, and can enjoy the joy of building a house with materials to defend against monsters.

It slowly emerged in his mind that Xiao Miao lay on the sofa every day and enthusiastically picked up materials one after another like a hamster, waiting for him to come back from get off work so that they could play games together.

He remembers one time.

When Xiao Miao handed over the controller with great expectations, he smashed the game console and scolded Xiao Miao for not being so childish every day.


in the dark.

Chen Miao lit up her eyes and put it to her mouth. She lay on the sofa with her eyes closed tightly, but tears fell from the corners of her eyes unsatisfactorily.

After a long time.

He sighed softly.

Slowly stub out the cigarette butt in the palm of your hand.

He was going to find Xiaomiao. Although his career failed this time, he believed that he could still get up.

However, when he opened the door, he saw Xiao Miao sitting on the fire escape holding the dog and the fat cat, looking straight at him with red eyes. There were clear tears on Xiao Miao's face, and her voice was trembling. He forced a smile: "It took you a long time to come out this time. I've been waiting for a long time."

"I thought you really didn't want us this time."

"I am hungry."

"Can I go home?"

Chen Miao stood at the door and took a deep breath, then walked to Xiaomiao, bent down, buried her head in Xiaomiao's shoulder and whispered: "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

A long time passed.

Over time, Chen Miao has turned into a middle-aged man.

He is married to Xiaomiao and has their first baby, a girl who is very cute.

At the strong request of Master Miao.

They named the child Little Meow Master.

"Tell me why you must give your child this name."

Chen Miao, who was lying on the sofa with a controller and playing games with Xiao Meow, said helplessly: "It always feels weird to give a baby this name."

"Hmph, you don't understand."

Xiao Miao pouted and seemed to have no intention of explaining.

"That's right." Chen Miao suddenly remembered something, looked at the character of Xiao Meow on the screen and said, "I went to pick up materials last time. This process was so boring. How do you accumulate so many materials every day? Aren't you bored?"

"I don't mind."

Xiaomiao pointed to her character's backpack on the screen and said with a serious face: "Every time I see the backpack filled with materials, I feel very satisfied. And brother Miao, don't you like building houses?"

"When I think of your happy expression when you came back at night and saw so many materials for you to build a house, I feel even happier when I pick up the materials."

"You're so tired out there."

"You are only happy when you play games. I want to make you happy for a while."

Chen Miao was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look at Xiaomiao and suddenly laughed softly: "You are so kind and beautiful. I think I may really fall in love with you."

The voice just fell.

Xiao Meow jumped up from the sofa in an instant. Before Xiao Meow could get angry, Chen Miao immediately hugged Xiao Meow and begged for mercy: "It's wrong, it's wrong. I just had a brain twitch. I don't know why it suddenly jumped out." Such a word."


"I'll forgive you this time. Little Meow is the child's nickname, so let's call him Master Chen."

"Master Chen?"

This time Chen Miao was really confused. She turned to look at the girl lying in the stroller: "Do you really want to give our daughter such an arrogant name? Even if you add a word in the middle, it's okay, Mr. Chen." I always feel too arrogant, why not be as good as Chen Beibi?"

"No, I want Master Chen!"

Xiao Miao pursed her lips and said dissatisfiedly: "The name Chen Beibi is too unpleasant, I want Master Chen!"

"Okay, okay, follow you, follow you."

Day after day passed.

On this day——

It was Chen Miao's seventieth birthday, and he took Xiao Miao to the beach. Over the years, he and Xiao Miao had had many things happen, including noises, joys, and even countless times when they were about to separate.

But in the end, they kept the promise they made when they were young.

grow old together.

They had three children.

Except for the first child, who is a girl, the next two children are all boys. The second child's name is Chen Erye, and the third child's name is Chen Sanye.

Although Chen Miao made many protests, they were all rejected forcefully by Xiaomiao.

When it comes to naming rights, Xiaomiao doesn’t listen to anyone’s suggestions.

"Little meow."

Chen Miao was sitting in a wheelchair, with wrinkles on her face. She looked at the sea in front of her with drowsy eyes, and murmured in a daze: "I may be really old. I can't even see the sea clearly. I can only smell it." I can see the fishy smell of the sea breeze.”

"I've been having a dream lately."

"I dreamed that I once had some very good brothers. I can't remember their names, but there seemed to be one named Hungry Monkey."

"Do you think I have Alzheimer's disease? Why do I keep having a recurring dream?"

Xiaomiao stood behind Chen Miao, holding on to the handle of the wheelchair. She didn't say anything but gently stroked Chen Miao's wrinkled cheek. After a long time, she whispered: "I'm sorry."


After Chen Miao coughed hard for a few times, he tremblingly took out a cigarette from his arms, lit it and put it in his mouth: "Why do you suddenly say sorry?"

Xiao Miao shook her head and did not reply. She just whispered to herself: "Thank you, Brother Miao. I regret not meeting you earlier. In the decades I have been with you, I have found someone." The true meaning of life.”

"I suddenly realized that what I had been pursuing didn't make any sense."

"Thank you, Brother Miao, for taking me to experience this gorgeous life in the last stage of my life."

“Just sorry”

"Forgive me for being selfish and letting you stay here with me for so long. I really don't want to leave. I wasn't very afraid of death before I met you, but after meeting you, I suddenly became very afraid of death."

"I can't imagine my life without you in the future, how should I face it."

"I'm used to you standing in front of me."

"what are you saying?"

With a trace of panic in Chen Miao's eyes, he looked back with difficulty at Xiao Miao, who also had white hair standing behind him. His voice began to tremble with anxiety: "What happened? Don't let your mind wander!"

"We can afford to pay any amount of money. We have money. I have plenty of money."

"Don't commit suicide!"

Xiao Miao shook her head, looked up to the end of the sea, felt the refreshing sea breeze blowing against her face, and suddenly laughed: "Although I really don't want to say this, saying it means everything will be over, but I have to say."

"Because the bus is about to arrive."

"If you don't tell me, you'll never wake up."

"Everything you saw is not real. We are in a dream, the fourth level of dreams. Do you remember?"

"You brought me in, we were actually on a hell bus to hell, and you were my conductor and I was just a regular passenger of yours."

"What the hell are you talking about, you."

Chen Miao was a little frightened by these incomprehensible remarks. She stood up excitedly and was about to touch Xiaomiao's forehead, but her movements gradually slowed down. After a while.

He sat back on the wheelchair again, took out the mirror and looked at his old, unfamiliar and familiar face in the mirror, then slowly lit a cigarette and put it to his mouth again. After a long silence, he whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Thanks, I might have forgotten it without you."

"When did you wake up?"

(End of this chapter)

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