I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 204 "Your brother, can I still borrow this?"

Chapter 204 "Your brother, can I still borrow this?"

"In other words, the hell bus I drove not only passed through your world, but also passed through other worlds."

"Fixed events travel between different worlds, including a fixed event called Wilderness Train, which also travels between different worlds."

"And these worlds have a center point, and that center point is the convergence point of all worlds."

"Theoretically speaking, if you are strong enough and can be invincible in the world at that central point, there is still a chance of finding your woman. Although the hope is slim, it is still possible."


Chen Miao looked at the middle-aged man in front of him expressionlessly. This middle-aged man said a lot, but it was basically nonsense. Although there were some secrets that he didn't know, there was no actual news.

It can basically be summed up in one point.

As long as you have enough, there is still a chance.

“Where will you go when you retire?”

"I don't know. Anyway, I won't live like this before. As long as I can be a normal person, I can go anywhere."

"Have you died before?"


"That means it is possible for a person to be resurrected after death?"


The man reacted suddenly, holding his chin with one hand and lost in thought: "I only realized it after you reminded me like this. I seem to be resurrected. Hey, can people be resurrected?"

"It's been so long that I've forgotten how I died."

"Let me think."

at this time--

The world began to freeze and shatter. Chen Miao knew that it was time for him to go back. Before leaving, he looked at this man one last time, speechless. Such a simple message had been spoken by this man for so long.

It is enough to know that it is possible to be resurrected after death.

But just as the world in front of him was completely shattered, and he had already seen the scene of the eternal cemetery outside through the gap, a man's sudden realization suddenly sounded vaguely in his ears.

"I remembered that I was hit to death by a coconut."

"Hey, where is the person? Has he left already?"

"What a pity, still"

He could no longer hear the sounds behind him. He had completely returned to reality. The "Hell Bus" line was over.

Immediately afterwards——

A prompt panel pops up in front of you.

"Ding, congratulations to player Chen Miao for successfully passing the level. As a specially invited conductor, you completed your duties perfectly and collected tickets from every passenger. You also received a large number of ticket rewards."

"You have been selected as the best conductor in the history of the Hell Bus. As a reward, you can take any Hell Bus flight and know all the Hell Bus flights. You can bring up to 17 accompanying persons."

"Because you are a specially invited ticket seller this time, it does not count as a complete fixed event, so you cannot obtain fixed event clearance rewards."

"You receive the following rewards——"

"The D-level taboo 'An Honest Man's Life', the special E-level skill 'Shut Up', Star Coins*1000, the S-level taboo 'Fallen Life', etc."

There is no clearing reward. There is a fixed reward of 10 star coins among the clearing rewards.

The rewards obtained are passenger tickets.

He put the other rewards into his backpack for the time being. He glanced at it quickly without paying too much attention. He looked at the small windmill in his arms with a complicated expression. This windmill-like thing was the S-level taboo object 'Fallen Life'.

This is his first S-level item.

Before this, his highest-level props were only C-level. The reward for this task was indeed worthy of S-level. After all, no one except him could complete it.

"Name of Taboo": Fallen life.

"Taboo Level": S level.

"Taboo Effect":¥%%¥%

"Introduction to Taboos":¥%¥%%

"Formation conditions": %#¥%#

There is a string of garbled characters on the panel, nothing can be seen, and there is a sentence at the end of the panel, which is only for players above level 20. He is not level 20, and can't even see the effect of the forbidden object.

Instead, you can hand this taboo to an extraordinary person who is over level 20, and then ask him to share the panel, so that he can know the effect of this taboo in advance, but if he is not out of his mind, he should It won't be done.

At this time, there were countless unread messages on his watch.

After a casual glance, he didn't reply in full, but asked Hungry Monkey and the others to wait for him where they were.

Then he looked at the train schedule of the Hell Bus, and there happened to be one going from Fengtian City to Zhenba City in three minutes.

He did not go to Zhenba City with Hungry Monkey and others, but stayed in the Eternal Cemetery in Fengtian City. After getting off the Hell Bus, he returned to the Eternal Cemetery. As a special guest this time As a reward, he can take any hell bus freely.

After watching the Hell Bus schedule.

Only then did he realize that there were hundreds of thousands of Hell Buses shuttling through various cities in the Federation every day, but most of them were empty.

Chen Miao stood on the road at the entrance of the Eternal Cemetery. After waiting patiently for a moment, a hell bus quickly came and stopped slowly in front of him. With a creaking sound, the door slowly opened.

This train is not empty.

There are passengers, and there are players.

Looks like a hell bus triggering a fixed event.

Theoretically speaking, the Fixed Hell Bus is in an extremely special alien space. No one except the conductor can get in touch with the outside world, and no one from the outside world can enter, but he is an exception.

His special invitation reward is higher than this rule.

There were nine people sitting in the bus at this time. Seven of them are players and the remaining two are passengers.

And just as he was getting into the car with a cane, a young man walked over with shaky legs, and kept looking at him carefully up and down: "Do you have a story?"


Chen Miao looked at the young man in front of him expressionlessly. It was obvious that the young man was looking for the fatal wound on his body. If it was normal, he might reply, "Do you have any wine?"

But I really wasn’t in the mood at the moment.

After minding his own business, he sat at a seat by the window and stopped talking.

This young man should look like a conductor. He may be mistaking him for the undead and preparing to come up to activate the mission.

The door of the bus quickly closed and it continued to pick up. At the same time, an announcement sounded in the bus, and the next stop was "Zhenba City".

at this time--

All the players in the car seemed to have received some news. They all looked at Chen Miao in disbelief and horror. After looking at each other, the young man couldn't help but come back and said with a trembling voice full of shock.

"Brother, are you a player?"

"The panel just reminded us that a distinguished guest is taking this bus to Zhenba City?"

"Your brother, can I still borrow this?"

He actually wants to say dirty words!

This is the hell bus!

Fixed event number 128: The Hell Bus!

What did you take him for? Is it really a bus? Why can you really take a bus to Zhenba City?


Chen Miao nodded and closed his eyes, not in the mood to talk too much.

Ten minutes later.

The bus stopped again.

When Chen Miao got off the bus, he saw Hungry Monkey and his group sitting on the street eating barbecue, and strode over with a cane.

"Is that Brother Miao?"

Yuan Buping, who was eating barbecue, heard the sound of brakes behind him and subconsciously turned around. He saw Brother Miao getting off a bus parked on the roadside and striding towards them.

He couldn't help but glance at the time in the chat channel where Brother Miao said he was coming to Zhenba City.

He turned his head and looked at Hungry Monkey in confusion and said, "Can the bus go from Fengtian City to Zhenba City in ten minutes?"

He didn't know any bus could run so fast.

Does your bus have a rocket engine?


Chen Miao looked back at the Hell Bus that was retreating behind him. He had to say that this reward was very practical, much better than the special item "Infinite Merit" that was awarded for clearing the Hell Bus last time.

This means that from now on he can reach any city, even the farthest city, in just a few hours.


There are a large number of shifts, which is equivalent to having a driver on call.


There are absolutely no car accidents and there are absolutely no ambushes on the road.


It is an absolutely concealed way to avoid being followed, and it is also extremely useful when escaping.

"Brother Miao!"

After Hungry Monkey slapped Yuan Buping, he stood up excitedly and rushed over: "Brother Miao, I knew you could wake up. Zhou Shen and the others were worried that you couldn't come out, Brother Miao. I am the only one who has always believed in Brother Miao." You can come out!"

"Brother Miao, you have made a great contribution this time!"

"Saved the world!"

"The merits are immeasurable!"


Chen Miao shook his head and was about to say something, when he suddenly froze on the spot. What a merit? He suddenly remembered the special prop "Infinite Merits" he had obtained by clearing the Hell Bus last time. He just glanced at it and threw it into his backpack.

Useless props.

The effect is very simple. As long as you gain merit, you will receive corresponding rewards.

He tried donating money and so on, but it had no effect and he couldn't get any merit, so he threw this prop into the bottom floor of the idle space. At this time, he was reminded by the hungry monkey, and he suddenly remembered this matter, and he didn't know what to do this time. Don't you count the merits to him?

"Brother Miao."

Zhou Shen, who didn't notice that Brother Miao was distracted, came over with a respectful look and whispered: "Congratulations to Brother Miao for your safe return. The Federation is discussing how to reward Brother Miao. This time, Brother Miao, you have made great contributions. Not only Not only in Fengtian City, but also in Beijing-Kowloon City."

"Many big shots know your name, Brother Miao."

This time he was really impressed.

Even though he was almost in a desperate situation of certain death, Brother Miao was able to pull him back.

This can no longer be a miracle, but extinction.

Hungry Monkey continued to grin excitedly and said: "Actually, I think my contribution is also very big. If it weren't for the prop of D-level taboo sweetheart's madness that has always been on me, I guess Brother Miao wouldn't have finished so well this time. Task."

"After all, wearing this prop will make women subconsciously dislike you."

(End of this chapter)

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