I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 205 "The mayor is dying, which mayor are you talking about?"

Chapter 205 "The mayor is dying, which mayor are you talking about?"

Yuan Buping, who was standing aside and subconsciously prepared to speak, suddenly froze on the spot and couldn't react for a moment. It makes sense!

When they parted in Fengtian City, they never thought of this, if this prop was on Brother Miao at that time.

That’s straight up.

At the first sight of Master Meow, Master Meow began to hate Brother Miao under the influence of the taboo object. Even if Brother Miao threw away the taboo object immediately, it was too late. The first impression is crucial.

in human interactions.

The impact of first impressions is profound.

If you dislike you as a person at first impression, then no matter how you show kindness, you will be like a clown in the eyes of the other person, and it will be difficult to maintain a good relationship.

I have to say that this may be fate.

Somehow, they unintentionally chose the most correct path.

"More than that"

Zhou Shen on the side sighed with emotion: "If Brother Miao hadn't agreed to this invitation, no one else would have been able to complete this task, and if it weren't for the fact that you guys did that vote at that time, Hei Chi Hei snatched a batch of ai pills.”

"Brother Miao didn't have AI pills in his pocket at that time, so everything was over."

"You guys happened to not have sold out all the AI ​​pills at that time, and left some in Brother Miao's backpack."

"As long as I am inconspicuous at the time and I insist on being captured by Brother Miao, not to mention the destruction of the world, at least when the gate of hell opens, half of the cities in the Federation will be reduced to ruins."

"Too many ordinary things."

"No matter which link has gone wrong, it can't be completed so smoothly this time. It's just Brother Miao who has been wronged. Brother Miao has been in a dream for more than 20 years. When he wakes up, he should have a trance to reality. This kind of feeling is difficult for ordinary people. Withstand it.”


Chen Miao tilted his head and looked at the end of the street with a dazed expression. After the second stage of the 'Sea of ​​Misery in the World' was achieved, the door to hell and the world would open. However, the driver told him that there was no real hell at all.

Hell Bus is just a fixed event.

It’s not really a hearse that carries the dead to hell.

So what will happen after this gate is opened? Will there be countless monsters, or what?

What Zhou Shen said was correct. If he made a mistake, it would not come out so smoothly this time. When Hei Chihei snatched the batch of AI pills, no one thought that this matter would have such far-reaching consequences in the future. Impact.

At that time, he was obviously short of money, so he did not sell all the AI ​​pills, but kept a few in his pocket. His idea at the time was actually very simple. He simply thought that selling the remaining pills would give him tens of thousands more. It's of no use, no need to save some pills.

It was such a completely unintentional act that saved the world and him.

Otherwise, even if he came up with this idea on the bus, without the AI ​​​​pill, it would be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. The Hell Bus is in an absolutely independent different space, and other beings cannot enter this space.


There are hundreds of thousands of hell buses constantly shuttling in this independent different space, but from now on, these hell buses will become his private cars, and he can take the hell buses wherever he goes.

On the Jigoku Bus, you can choose where to get on and off.

As long as it's a road. This is a must.

The Hell Bus cannot stop on the rooftop. The line of contact between this alien space and the real space is the highway.

But Zhou Shen was wrong about one thing. Either he had been in a dream for twenty years, and the federation's prediction was wrong, or no one had ever woken up from the fourth-level dream, so the federation's information was just a prediction and not accurate.

The passage of time on the fourth level is far from 10000:1, and even slower, even reaching 30000:1.

He stayed in the dreamland for 50 years.

He even clearly remembered the appearance and personalities of his three children at this moment. These three children had become an indispensable part of his life, but as he woke up from the dream, these three children also turned into ashes and disappeared. not see.

Everything turned into nothingness.

Just when Chen Miao was about to say something to Hungry Monkey and the others, several military trucks suddenly drove up in the distance. With the sound of brakes, these trucks stopped on the road next to them.

Many soldiers with firearms jumped out. The patterns on their clothes were the army of Fengtian City. Then an old man got out of the car with Zhang Liu and strode up to Chen Miao. His hair was white and his voice was calm and hoarse. .

"Hello Chen Miao, I am Zhang Wanyi, the deputy mayor of Fengtian City,"

"I came here specifically to carry out the last order given by the mayor before he died. Before you woke up from the dream, the mayor seemed to know that you would definitely wake up, so he specially ordered Zhang Liulai to help you with psychological counseling."

"You have been in a dream for decades, and when you wake up, you must have a sense of illusion. In this case, you need a psychiatrist to guide you, otherwise this feeling will continue to accumulate until you can't distinguish between dreams and reality. Falling into the abyss.”

"We found Zhang Liu. According to the information, he has had a lot of contact with you. A psychiatrist you are familiar with should make you more relaxed and enter a state of counseling."

Zhang Liu, who was standing aside, nodded weakly. He looked extremely well-behaved. Before his injuries healed, he was forcibly taken here from Broken Jar City. What can he say? You are the mayor and you are awesome. chant.


Standing on the spot with a cane, Chen Miao frowned slightly, and then spoke after a moment: "The mayor is dying, which mayor are you talking about?"


The old man in front of him was silent for a long time with a complex expression before he whispered: "This is the mayor of Fengtian City who you have met. He is a very charming person. About ten minutes after you entered the dreamland, the mayor issued an order. This order is given, and it is also the last order."

"When you woke up from your dream, I went to find the mayor, but found that he had died in the shelter and had hanged himself."

"The shelter is located three thousand meters underground. It is almost absolutely safe. It is impossible for outsiders to enter. There are no signs of damage or fighting. The test result is that the mayor committed suicide. There were no wounds on the mayor's body and he died of suffocation."

"According to the forensic examination, the time when the mayor died was about three hours after you entered the dream state."

"The mayor did not leave any message before committing suicide. It is currently unclear why the mayor committed suicide suddenly, but it did happen. The Fengtian City Government will hold the funeral of the mayor in three days."

"The mayor has been in close contact with you recently. I wonder if the mayor left you any message before he died?"

The old man looked at Chen Miao sincerely, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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